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VALENTINO VLTN Le Rouge Kisses white red sequin lips embroidery oversized hoodie XXS-0
VALENTINO VLTN Le Rouge Kisses white red sequin lips embroidery oversized hoodie XXS-1
VALENTINO VLTN Le Rouge Kisses white red sequin lips embroidery oversized hoodie XXS-2
VALENTINO VLTN Le Rouge Kisses white red sequin lips embroidery oversized hoodie XXS-3
VALENTINO VLTN Le Rouge Kisses white red sequin lips embroidery oversized hoodie XXS-4
VALENTINO VLTN Le Rouge Kisses white red sequin lips embroidery oversized hoodie XXS-5
VALENTINO VLTN Le Rouge Kisses white red sequin lips embroidery oversized hoodie XXS-6
VALENTINO VLTN Le Rouge Kisses white red sequin lips embroidery oversized hoodie XXS-7
VALENTINO VLTN Le Rouge Kisses white red sequin lips embroidery oversized hoodie XXS-8


VALENTINO VLTN Le Rouge Kisses white red sequin lips embroidery oversized hoodie XXS

TWD 17,594
+499 專人檢查品質、正品鑑定
VALENTINO VLTN Le Rouge Kisses 白色紅色亮片嘴唇刺繡超大連帽衫XXS SKU:AAWC/A01135 品牌:Valentino 設計師::Pier Paolo Piccioli 系列:Le Rouge Kisses 材質:棉,混紡 顏色:白色、紅色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:套頭衫額外細節: Valentino 透過這款連帽衫提供了我們所需的所有證據,證明休閒裝屬於秀場。奢華柔軟的純棉設計與街頭服飾風格的VLTN 標誌相結合,讓您展現對標誌性時尚 品牌的忠誠,該標誌的靈感源自檔案字體,由創意總監Pierpaolo Piccioli 在2018 年推出,並帶有俏皮的親吻大膽風格中的浪漫演繹。 製造地:義大利 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。這件作品仍然保持著美麗的狀態,值得人們喜愛。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) 尺寸 Designer Size:XXS 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸說明:此商品為超大尺寸。 尺寸: 肩寬:63 公分/ 24.6 吋 胸圍:61 公分/ 23.8 吋 腰圍:60 公分/ 23.4 吋 長度:72 公分/ 28.1 吋 袖長:48.5 公分/ 18.9 吋 JHROP 與Valentino 無關。 VALENTINO VLTN Le Rouge Kisses white red sequin lips embroidery oversized hoodie XXS Reference: AAWC/A01135 Brand: Valentino Designer: Pier Paolo Piccioli Collection: Le Rouge Kisses Material: Cotton, Blend Color: White, Red Pattern: Solid Closure: Pullover Extra Details: Valentino provides all the confirmation we need that casualwear belongs on the runway via this hoodie. Allowing you to showcase your allegiance to the iconic fashion House, the luxuriously soft cotton-rich design marries the streetwear-inspired VLTN logo ‚Äì a motif inspired by an archival font and introduced by creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli in 2018 ‚Äì with playful kisses for a romantic take on bold style. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This piece is still in its beautiful condition, ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: XXS Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS Size note: This item has an oversized fit. MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 63cm / 24.6" Chest: 61cm / 23.8" Waist: 60cm / 23.4" Length: 72cm / 28.1" Sleeve length: 48.5cm / 18.9" JHROP is not affiliated with Valentino. This Valentino item is authentic.
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