1月送lipstick campaign
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BOTTEGA VENETA Speedster khaki green calf leather low top sneakers EU39.5-0
BOTTEGA VENETA Speedster khaki green calf leather low top sneakers EU39.5-1
BOTTEGA VENETA Speedster khaki green calf leather low top sneakers EU39.5-2
BOTTEGA VENETA Speedster khaki green calf leather low top sneakers EU39.5-3
BOTTEGA VENETA Speedster khaki green calf leather low top sneakers EU39.5-4
BOTTEGA VENETA Speedster khaki green calf leather low top sneakers EU39.5-5
BOTTEGA VENETA Speedster khaki green calf leather low top sneakers EU39.5-6
BOTTEGA VENETA Speedster khaki green calf leather low top sneakers EU39.5-7
BOTTEGA VENETA Speedster khaki green calf leather low top sneakers EU39.5-8
BOTTEGA VENETA Speedster khaki green calf leather low top sneakers EU39.5-9
BOTTEGA VENETA Speedster khaki green calf leather low top sneakers EU39.5-10

Bottega Veneta

BOTTEGA VENETA Speedster khaki green calf leather low top sneakers EU39.5

HKD 2,220
+399 專人檢查品質、正貨鑑定
BOTTEGA VENETA Speedster 卡其色綠色小牛皮低筒運動鞋 EU39.5 參考:CNLE/A00233 品牌:Bottega Veneta 設計師:丹尼爾李 型號: Speedster 材質:皮革 顏色: 綠色, 白色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式:繫帶 內襯: 白色皮革 額外細節:小牛皮運動鞋,搭配厚實撞色鞋底。柔軟小牛皮,帶有天然紋理。輕質橡膠鞋底。皮革襯裡鞋墊。義大利製造 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:未配戴過,完好無損,無標籤。 隨附: 款式代碼(通用) 兩個防塵袋。訂單不會附帶原包裝盒,但如果運費單獨支付,則可以使用原包裝盒。請直接聯絡我們以取得帶包裝盒的運送報價。 漿紗 設計師尺寸:EU39.5 尺寸參考:US6.5 / UK5.5 / EU39.5 測量值: 鞋床長度:26.5 公分/10.3 英寸 平台高度:2.5 公分/1 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Bottega Veneta。這款 Bottega Veneta 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! BOTTEGA VENETA Speedster khaki green calf leather low top sneakers EU39.5 Reference: CNLE/A00233 Brand: Bottega Veneta Designer: Daniel Lee Model: Speedster Material: Leather Color: Green, White Pattern: Solid Closure: Lace Up Lining: White Leather Extra Details: Calfskin sneakers with a chunky contrast sole. Soft calfskin with a natural grain. Lightweight rubber sole. Leather-lined insole . Made in Italy Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Unworn in mint condition, without tags. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Two dust bags. Order will NOT be shipped with original box, but the original box is available if shipping cost is paid separately. Please contact us directly to get a shipping quote with box. SIZING Designer size: EU39.5 Size reference: US6.5 / UK5.5 / EU39.5 MEASUREMENTS: Footbed length: 26.5cm / 10.3" Platform height: 2.5cm / 1" JHROP is not affiliated with Bottega Veneta. This Bottega Veneta item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!
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