

【LA LUNE】稀有中古二手Celine黑色銀環扣小凱莉皮革單肩側背斜孭揹包手袋 Vintage

【LA LUNE】稀有中古二手Celine黑色銀環扣小凱莉皮革單肩側背斜孭揹包手袋 Vintage

【LA LUNE】稀有中古二手Celine黑色銀環扣小凱莉皮革單肩側背斜孭揹包手袋 來自日本中古二手拍賣會直送香港 ❤️♥️❤️♥️ / 尺碼 (cm): 約寬 23.0 x 高 21.0 x 深 10.0 加配肩帶約105.0 - 120.0 材質:皮革 配件:加配肩帶、自家塵袋 等級:A (極美品) 備註: -超人氣凱莉兩用包✨ -超能裝!長夾、手機、化妝包一概能輕鬆放下♡ -加配黑皮革長肩帶可斜揹/側孭 -實用易配搭,上班族必備~ / 購買前注意: ・所有物品為真品 ・物品所在地為香港。香港以外的訂單貨件將負責支付關稅和稅款。 ・這些是該項目的實際照片。相片亦不能顯示所有細節,完美主義者請考慮清楚才購買, ・圖片在不同電子顯示器上或有些許色差,以實物為準 ・由於其復古性質,該商品有正常磨損的跡象,多少有歲月及使用痕跡,不介意再購買。 ・如有以上未說明到的部分,請提出釋疑詢問商品狀況;請務必詢問清楚再下單,感謝 ! ・收款後不設退換

LA LUNE VintageLA LUNE Vintage

【LA LUNE】稀有中古二手CELINE黑金色皮革翻蓋單肩側背小包手袋 Vintage

【LA LUNE】稀有中古二手CELINE黑金色皮革翻蓋單肩側背小包手袋 Vintage

【LA LUNE】稀有中古二手CELINE黑金色皮革翻蓋單肩側背小包手袋 / 尺碼 (cm): 約寬 25.0 x 高 19.0 x 深 6.0 肩帶 57.0 - 75.0 材質: 牛皮 配件: 自家塵袋 等級: A (超美品) 備註: -超能裝!手機錢包雨傘一概能輕鬆放下♡ -中古市場價格在台幣2萬5以上! / 購買前注意: ・所有物品為真品 ・物品所在地為香港。香港以外的訂單貨件將負責支付關稅和稅款。 ・這些是該項目的實際照片。相片亦不能顯示所有細節,完美主義者請考慮清楚才購買 ・圖片在不同電子顯示器上或有些許色差,以實物為準 ・由於其復古性質,該商品有正常磨損的跡象,多少有歲月及使用痕跡,不介意再購買。 ・如有以上未說明到的部分,請提出釋疑詢問商品狀況;請務必詢問清楚再下單,感謝 ! ・收款後不設退換,請注意!

LA LUNE VintageLA LUNE Vintage

【LA LUNE】稀有中古二手Celine咖啡金色皮革小後背包囊雙肩手袋 Vintage

【LA LUNE】稀有中古二手Celine咖啡金色皮革小後背包囊雙肩手袋 Vintage

【LA LUNE】稀有中古二手Celine咖啡金色皮革小後背包囊雙肩手袋 尺碼 (cm): 約寬 14.5 x 高 22.0 x 深 8.0 材質:牛皮 配件:自家塵袋 等級: AB (美品) 備註: -超能裝!手機錢包雨傘一概能輕鬆放下♡ -稀有款式,焦糖棕色十字旋轉扣的配搭十分罕有! 購買前注意: ・所有物品為真品 ・物品所在地為香港。香港以外的訂單貨件將負責支付關稅和稅款。 ・這些是該項目的實際照片。相片亦不能顯示所有細節,完美主義者請考慮清楚才購買 ・圖片在不同電子顯示器上或有些許色差,以實物為準 ・由於其復古性質,該商品有正常磨損的跡象,多少有歲月及使用痕跡,不介意再購買。 ・如有以上未說明到的部分,請提出釋疑詢問商品狀況;請務必詢問清楚再下單,感謝 ! ・收款後不設退換

LA LUNE VintageLA LUNE Vintage



●近新閒置A 級 保持極佳,無明顯磨損或瑕疵。 ●設計特色:這款小包的香蕉造型設計,不僅獨特可愛,還展現了 FENDI 獨有的創意和藝術感,讓每一次出門都能引人注目。 ●功能性:小巧卻不失實用,內部空間合理。 ●色彩搭配:鮮明的黃色調讓整體造型更加亮眼。 ●品牌保證:限定FENDI 特殊品,絕對值得收藏。


【LA LUNE】稀有中古二手Celine小號橄欖綠半月凱莉皮革單肩側背孭斜揹包手袋 Vintage

【LA LUNE】稀有中古二手Celine小號橄欖綠半月凱莉皮革單肩側背孭斜揹包手袋 Vintage

【LA LUNE】稀有中古二手Celine小號橄欖綠半月凱莉皮革單肩側背孭斜揹包手袋 來自日本中古二手拍賣會直送香港 ❤️♥️❤️♥️ / 尺碼 (cm): 約寬 21.0 x 高 23.0 x 深 7.0 肩帶 約 29.0 (原裝肩帶)110.0(加配肩帶) 材質:皮革 配件:自家塵袋 等級:A (超美品) ✦ 超稀有品!橄欖綠本來已經是少見的顏色,加上極罕有的半月翻蓋,滿滿的復古味道~ ✦ 尺寸是大家最喜歡的23CM,能放到大電話、化妝包、長銀包和其他物品,即使小個子都非常友好 ✦ 加配肩帶可以斜背,配簡單白T已經復古氣質滿滿! / 購買前注意: ・所有物品為真品 ・物品所在地為香港。香港以外的訂單貨件將負責支付關稅和稅款。 ・這些是該項目的實際照片。相片亦不能顯示所有細節,完美主義者請考慮清楚才購買, ・圖片在不同電子顯示器上或有些許色差,以實物為準 ・由於其復古性質,該商品有正常磨損的跡象,多少有歲月及使用痕跡,不介意再購買。 ・如有以上未說明到的部分,請提出釋疑詢問商品狀況;請務必詢問清楚再下單,感謝 ! ・收款後不設退換

LA LUNE VintageLA LUNE Vintage

💝女神節💝寵愛一週甜價至3/15‼️㊣✨Christian Dior✨迪奧 CD 菱格紋 Panarea Cannage tote 衍縫 帆布 香檳金 牛皮 戴妃 手提包 托特包/二手包/保證正品🌳二手樹屋🌳

💝女神節💝寵愛一週甜價至3/15‼️㊣✨Christian Dior✨迪奧 CD 菱格紋 Panarea Cannage tote 衍縫 帆布 香檳金 牛皮 戴妃 手提包 托特包/二手包/保證正品🌳二手樹屋🌳

------------------------------------------- 尺寸:長/31CM 寬/15CM 高/24CM 材質:牛皮/特殊帆布 商品介紹: ⬛設計⬛ 包內:拉鍊夾層×1 / 夾層×2 義大利製造,Dior 經典戴妃托特,菱格衍縫設計大方優雅,這款帆布非常耐髒又耐磨,有點像牛仔布的強韌特性,皮革為香檳金,有金屬光澤,很美很有質感~~❤️一眼就會愛上的美包 大小A4也可入,內裡扣環設計可變化包型,扣起來較柔美偏休閒,打開扣環大氣偏正式感,展現不同風格,上班休閒都適合,是入門Dior的首選包👍 整體約7成新,正常使用感,上方皮革有磨損,手把邊膠有脫漆,但不影響正常使用,內裡和四角都算乾淨,使用痕跡請放大檢查照片,照片都有拍出來,僅有一個,美包隨時售出,不要錯過了唷 二手程度:75%[B級] ‼️因每個人新舊判定皆不同,請以實際照片為主,故僅作參考‼️ 備註:無其他配件 ★此為二手包,一定會有使用痕跡,已盡力多照片拍出商品原貌,但還是可能會有小細節沒拍到,高標者請繞道,不能接受使用痕跡請勿購買!避免浪費彼此時間,謝謝🫸🫷 #Dior #戴妃包 #上班包 #通勤包


Chanel 化妝包/ Chael 皮包/ Chanel包/ Chanel 肩背包

Chanel 化妝包/ Chael 皮包/ Chanel包/ Chanel 肩背包

🎉🎉🎉好消息 : 🔴免運費 - 台灣,香港,日本 🎉🎉🎉 🔴甜甜價 💕 Chanel 化妝袋,送鏈條❤️❤️❤️ 即買即用🎉❤️100% authentic 🥳抵過自己喺日本買 🫡配件: serial sticker,身份咭 🌈原色 💕上身非常elegant,超sharp 🎈任何埸合都易襯 Size around : 16.5 x 15 x 14.5 cm(人手量) 💕中古必有些歲月痕跡,中古迷必定理解, 自行在外做個護理效果更佳 現貨 實物拍攝 誠意者歡迎查詢 🔺台灣,香港,日本 免運費 🎉🎉🎉


現省$2萬💸 Dior老花斜背/側背/手提三用包 (大全配)

現省$2萬💸 Dior老花斜背/側背/手提三用包 (大全配)

專櫃在售款❗️全網唯一 最低價‼️ 2023/12台灣高雄漢神專櫃購證 中款大小適中 非常實用 任何場合都可以背 極新閒置品 背帶可拆 老花真是好看到不行😍 配件:原廠盒/防塵套/紙袋/星星/緞帶(大全配) ⛔️價錢反應在物況上,高標魔人請靠櫃 ⛔️貨物售出概不退換貨,請考慮清楚再下標 #Dior #老花 #斜背包 #側背包 #手提


現省$3萬💸 LV限量水彩胸包/腰包

現省$3萬💸 LV限量水彩胸包/腰包
熱門胸/腰包Louis Vuitton售價$49800

‼️限量‼️水彩胸包 男女皆適合👍 錯過你就只能去二手店高價買了😏 極新閒置品 我自己都捨不得用 扣頭的膜還在😱 還沒在路上有看過有人背🫣 不易撞包 法國拉法葉百貨買的 有購證✅ 配件:原廠盒/防塵套/紙袋 ⛔️價錢反應在物況上,高標魔人請靠櫃 ⛔️貨物售出概不退換貨,請考慮清楚再下標 #LV #胸包 #腰包 #限量 #LouisVuitton


🩵減價 Chanel 香奈兒 肩背袋 / Chanel包/ Chanel 皮包/ lv

🩵減價 Chanel 香奈兒 肩背袋 / Chanel包/ Chanel 皮包/ lv

💕Chanel 灰黑色皮包,肩背袋 ,鏈條包 🩵兩個上身袋款式 🔹灰黑磨砂皮,復古感,非常耐用 🔺單肩▪️100% authentic 🩵即買即用 🫡配件: 有貼 🌈配上CC 花扣 扣及銀鏈 ✨超輕身,袋輕身 🎊Chanel 百搭長青款 🎈任何埸合都易襯 Size around : 32x 30.5 x 25cm (人手量) 現貨 實物拍攝 本店專業驗袋師 及 平台最後鍳定 現貨 誠意者歡迎查詢


GUCCI 紅色荔枝牛皮大雙G肩背SOHO包(七成新)

GUCCI 紅色荔枝牛皮大雙G肩背SOHO包(七成新)

GUCCI 紅色荔枝牛皮大雙G肩背SOHO包(六成新) 有使用痕跡 外表真皮部分無破損 背出去次數不到5次 有放置痕跡+內裡有使用痕跡 購入價約近7萬元(原價台灣櫃上購入) ⭐️尺寸:約34-17-28公分 ⭐️附件:只有 包包小說明書原廠 另外 當初有加價購流蘇吊飾喔!!! 優點 *好背好拿好裝 *方便使用 *容量大 *上班通勤使用 *逛街購物 *包身自重輕 #Gucci #肩背包 #soho #Red #大包

Sylvia YuSylvia Yu

🔹全新品🔹 FENDI Nano Baguette 迷你 法棍 鑰匙圈 小廢包 可拆 金鍊 老花 7AR844

🔹全新品🔹 FENDI Nano Baguette 迷你 法棍 鑰匙圈 小廢包 可拆 金鍊 老花 7AR844

狀況:100%成新 規格:H 6 x W 9 x D 2 cm 附件 : 原廠防塵套、原廠紙盒 #Fendi #Nano #Baguette #小廢包 #鑰匙圈 需要了解更多商品細節,歡迎私訊提問~ 實體店面同步販售中,下單前請先詢問是否現貨! 備註:圖片皆有可能因為設備不同造成色差,以實際商品顏色為準。


【LA LUNE】稀有中古二手Celine星球藍金色單肩手袋斜側揹背小包 Vintage

【LA LUNE】稀有中古二手Celine星球藍金色單肩手袋斜側揹背小包 Vintage

【LA LUNE】稀有中古二手Celine星球藍金色單肩手袋斜側揹背小包 來自日本中古二手拍賣會直送香港 ❤️♥️❤️♥️ / 尺碼 (cm): 約寬 23.5 x 高 17.0 x 厚 3.0 肩帶約 118.0 材質:皮革 配件:自家塵袋 等級:AB (美品) 備註: -超稀有款式,市場一包難求🤎 -是具收藏價值的星球包 -數十年的古董包,但狀態極佳~ 購買前注意: ・所有物品為真品 ・物品所在地為香港。香港以外的訂單貨件將負責支付關稅和稅款 ・這些是該項目的實際照片。相片亦不能顯示所有細節,完美主義者請考慮清楚才購買 ・圖片在不同電子顯示器上或有些許色差,以實物為準 ・由於其復古性質,該商品有正常磨損的跡象,多少有歲月及使用痕跡,不介意再購買 ・如有以上未說明到的部分,請提出釋疑詢問商品狀況;請務必詢問清楚再下單,感謝

LA LUNE VintageLA LUNE Vintage

【LA LUNE】中古二手Celine黑色皮革側背斜孭包單肩手提袋小包 Vintage

【LA LUNE】中古二手Celine黑色皮革側背斜孭包單肩手提袋小包 Vintage

【LA LUNE】中古二手Celine黑色皮革側背斜孭包單肩手提袋小包 來自日本中古二手拍賣會直送香港 ❤️♥️❤️♥️ / 尺碼 (cm): 約寬 26.0 x 高 17.5 x 深 2.5 配件: 自家塵袋 等級: A (超美品) 備註: ✦ 稀有黑色金扣+凱旋門暗花,獨特低調型格感🖤 ✦ 樹紋皮革,比光滑牛皮更耐磨耐用~ ✦ 兩用包款,加配105-120厘米肩帶,實用大容量🫶🏽 / 購買前注意: ・所有物品為真品 ・物品所在地為香港。香港以外的訂單貨件將負責支付關稅和稅款。 ・這些是該項目的實際照片。相片亦不能顯示所有細節,完美主義者請考慮清楚才購買, ・圖片在不同電子顯示器上或有些許色差,以實物為準 ・由於其復古性質,該商品有正常磨損的跡象,多少有歲月及使用痕跡,不介意再購買。 ・如有以上未說明到的部分,請提出釋疑詢問商品狀況;請務必詢問清楚再下單,感謝 ! ・收款後不設退換,請注意!

LA LUNE VintageLA LUNE Vintage

BALENCIAGA Wang black square pockets straight mid trousers FR38 M

BALENCIAGA Wang black square pockets straight mid trousers FR38 M

BALENCIAGA Wang 黑色方袋直筒中長褲 FR38 M 參考:MECG/A00121 品牌: 巴黎世家 材質: 布料 顏色:黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊門襟 額外細節:方形剪裁口袋。 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。這件作品保存得很好,隨時可以被愛。 備註:不存在成分標籤。 漿紗 設計師尺寸:FR38 尺寸參考:US4-6 / UK10 / IT42 / FR38 / S-M 測量值: 腰圍:39.5 公分/15.4 英寸 臀圍:43 公分/16.8 英寸 高度:23.5 厘米/9.2 英寸 腿長:77.5 公分/30.2 英寸 上領口到袖子:98.5 公分/38.4 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Balenciaga。這款 Balenciaga 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! BALENCIAGA Wang black square pockets straight mid trousers FR38 M Reference: MECG/A00121 Brand: Balenciaga Material: Fabric Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Fly Extra Details: Square cut pockets. CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This piece was being kept in great condition and is ready to be loved. Remarks: Composition label not present. SIZING Designer size: FR38 Size reference: US4-6 / UK10 / IT42 / FR38 / S-M MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 39.5cm / 15.4" Hip: 43cm / 16.8" Rise: 23.5cm / 9.2" In leg: 77.5cm / 30.2" Top neck to sleeve: 98.5cm / 38.4" JHROP is not affiliated with Balenciaga. This Balenciaga item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


STELLA MCCARTNEY 2016 100% wool blue flare cropped pants IT38 XS

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2016 100% wool blue flare cropped pants IT38 XS
熱門褲子Stella McCartney售價$1030

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2016 100% 羊毛藍色喇叭九分褲 IT38 XS 參考:MECG/A00119 品牌:斯特拉·麥卡尼 設計師:斯特拉·麥卡尼 收藏:2016 材質: 羊毛 顏色: 藍色, 綠色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊門襟 產地:匈牙利 狀態: 狀況:一般,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。後腰帶和右屁股可能有飛蛾叮咬。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸說明:此商品尺寸偏大。 測量值: 腰圍:37 公分/14.4 英寸 臀圍:47.5 公分/18.5 英寸 高度:25.5 厘米/9.9 英寸 腿長:61.5 厘米/24 英寸 長度:84.5 公分/33 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Stella McCartney。這款 Stella McCartney 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! STELLA MCCARTNEY 2016 100% wool blue flare cropped pants IT38 XS Reference: MECG/A00119 Brand: Stella McCartney Designer: Stella McCartney Collection: 2016 Material: Wool Color: Blue, Green Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Fly Made in: Hungary CONDITION: Condition: Fair, this item was pre-owned and is in fair condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Possible moth bites at back waistband and right butt. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS Size note: This item fits larger to size. MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 37cm / 14.4" Hip: 47.5cm / 18.5" Rise: 25.5cm / 9.9" In leg: 61.5cm / 24" Length: 84.5cm / 33" JHROP is not affiliated with Stella McCartney. This Stella McCartney item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


BALENCIAGA 2011 black corduroy mid waist straight leg pants FR36 S

BALENCIAGA 2011 black corduroy mid waist straight leg pants FR36 S

BALENCIAGA 2011 黑色燈芯絨中腰直筒褲 FR36 S 參考:MECG/A00116 品牌: 巴黎世家 收藏:2011 材質: 燈芯絨 顏色:黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊門襟 額外細節:背面單口袋。 產地:葡萄牙 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。這件作品保存得很好,隨時可以被愛。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR36 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 腰圍:40 公分/15.6 英寸 臀圍:49 公分/19.1 英寸 高度:24 公分/9.4 英寸 腿長:79.5 厘米/31 英寸 長度:99.5 厘米/38.8 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Balenciaga。這款 Balenciaga 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! BALENCIAGA 2011 black corduroy mid waist straight leg pants FR36 S Reference: MECG/A00116 Brand: Balenciaga Collection: 2011 Material: Corduroy Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Fly Extra Details: Single pocket back. Made in: Portugal CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This piece was being kept in great condition and is ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR36 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 40cm / 15.6" Hip: 49cm / 19.1" Rise: 24cm / 9.4" In leg: 79.5cm / 31" Length: 99.5cm / 38.8" JHROP is not affiliated with Balenciaga. This Balenciaga item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


BALENCIAGA Demna 2017 purple BB rubber logo tapered trousers FR34 XS

BALENCIAGA Demna 2017 purple BB rubber logo tapered trousers FR34 XS

BALENCIAGA Demna 2017 紫色 BB 橡膠標誌錐形長褲 FR34 XS 參考:MECG/A00113 品牌: 巴黎世家 設計師:德姆納 收藏時間:2017 材質:聚醯胺 顏色: 紫色,黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊門襟 額外細節:側面有灰色滾邊。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。這件作品保存得很好,隨時可以被愛。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR34 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 測量值: 腰圍:38 公分/14.8 英寸 臀圍:47 公分/18.3 英寸 高度:27.5 厘米/10.7 英寸 腿長:77.5 公分/30.2 英寸 長度:101.5 公分/39.6 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Balenciaga。這款 Balenciaga 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! BALENCIAGA Demna 2017 purple BB rubber logo tapered trousers FR34 XS Reference: MECG/A00113 Brand: Balenciaga Designer: Demna Collection: 2017 Material: Polyamide Color: Purple, Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Fly Extra Details: Grey pipings at sides. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This piece was being kept in great condition and is ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR34 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 38cm / 14.8" Hip: 47cm / 18.3" Rise: 27.5cm / 10.7" In leg: 77.5cm / 30.2" Length: 101.5cm / 39.6" JHROP is not affiliated with Balenciaga. This Balenciaga item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


BALENCIAGA Demna 2017 light blue BB rubber logo tapered trousers FR34 XS

BALENCIAGA Demna 2017 light blue BB rubber logo tapered trousers FR34 XS

BALENCIAGA Demna 2017 淺藍色 BB 橡膠標誌錐形長褲 FR34 XS 參考:MECG/A00112 品牌: 巴黎世家 設計師:德姆納 收藏時間:2017 材質:聚醯胺,混紡 顏色: 藍色, 黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊門襟 額外細節:側面有灰色滾邊細節。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。這件作品保存得很好,隨時可以被愛。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR34 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 測量值: 腰圍:37 公分/14.4 英寸 臀圍:46 公分/17.9 英寸 高度:28.5 厘米/11.1 英寸 腿長:75 公分/29.3 英寸 長度:99 公分/38.6 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Balenciaga。這款 Balenciaga 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! BALENCIAGA Demna 2017 light blue BB rubber logo tapered trousers FR34 XS Reference: MECG/A00112 Brand: Balenciaga Designer: Demna Collection: 2017 Material: Polyamide, Blend Color: Blue, Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Fly Extra Details: Grey piping detail at sides. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This piece was being kept in great condition and is ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR34 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 37cm / 14.4" Hip: 46cm / 17.9" Rise: 28.5cm / 11.1" In leg: 75cm / 29.3" Length: 99cm / 38.6" JHROP is not affiliated with Balenciaga. This Balenciaga item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


PRADA metallic blue green floral lurex brocade crop pants trousers IT38 XS

PRADA metallic blue green floral lurex brocade crop pants trousers IT38 XS

PRADA 金屬藍綠色花卉盧勒克斯錦緞九分褲長褲 IT38 XS 參考:MECG/A00111 品牌: 普拉達 設計師:繆西亞‧普拉達 材質: 聚酯纖維 顏色: 藍色, 綠色 圖案: 錦緞 閉合方式: 拉鍊 額外細節:側邊拉鍊。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:良好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。左縫起球,腰帶處有微勾結。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 測量值: 腰圍:36.5 公分/14.2 英寸 臀圍:44.5 公分/17.4 英寸 高度:27.5 厘米/10.7 英寸 腿長:68.5 公分/26.7 英寸 長度:93.5 公分/36.5 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Prada。這件普拉達 (Prada) 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! PRADA metallic blue green floral lurex brocade crop pants trousers IT38 XS Reference: MECG/A00111 Brand: Prada Designer: Miuccia Prada Material: Polyester Color: Blue, Green Pattern: Brocade Closure: Zip Extra Details: Side zip. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Good, this item was pre-owned and is in good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Pilling at left seam and micro snagging at waistband. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 36.5cm / 14.2" Hip: 44.5cm / 17.4" Rise: 27.5cm / 10.7" In leg: 68.5cm / 26.7" Length: 93.5cm / 36.5" JHROP is not affiliated with Prada. This Prada item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


STELLA MCCARTNEY 2014 red floral leopard applique patch jeans 25"

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2014 red floral leopard applique patch jeans 25"
熱門褲子Stella McCartney售價$1190

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2014 紅色花卉豹紋貼花貼花牛仔褲 25 英寸 參考:MECG/A00109 品牌:斯特拉·麥卡尼 設計師:斯特拉·麥卡尼 收藏時間:2014年 材質:棉、混紡 顏色: 藍色, 紅色 圖案: 豹紋 閉合方式: 拉鍊門襟 額外細節:背面有人造皮革標籤。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:良好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。背面的人造皮革標籤已解體。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計師尺寸:25 測量值: 腰圍:38.5 公分/15 英寸 臀圍:44.5 公分/17.4 英寸 高度:23 公分/9 英寸 腿長:73 公分/28.5 英寸 長度:94.5 公分/36.9 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Stella McCartney。這款 Stella McCartney 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! STELLA MCCARTNEY 2014 red floral leopard applique patch jeans 25" Reference: MECG/A00109 Brand: Stella McCartney Designer: Stella McCartney Collection: 2014 Material: Cotton, Blend Color: Blue, Red Pattern: Leopard Closure: Zip Fly Extra Details: Faux leather tag at back. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Good, this item was pre-owned and is in good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Faux leather tag at back has disintegrated. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: 25 MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 38.5cm / 15" Hip: 44.5cm / 17.4" Rise: 23cm / 9" In leg: 73cm / 28.5" Length: 94.5cm / 36.9" JHROP is not affiliated with Stella McCartney. This Stella McCartney item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


LOUIS VUITTON Inventeur toile denim grey logo bootcut jeans FR36 S

LOUIS VUITTON Inventeur toile denim grey logo bootcut jeans FR36 S
熱門褲子Louis Vuitton售價$2370

LOUIS VUITTON Inventeur 土布牛仔布灰色標誌微喇牛仔褲 FR36 S 參考:MECG/A00107 品牌: 路易威登 系列:Inventur 印花牛仔布 材質: 牛仔布 顏色: 藍色, 灰色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊門襟 額外細節:背面有 LV 棕色皮革貼片。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。 請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。襯裡有輕微髒污。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR36 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 腰圍:38 公分/14.8 英寸 臀圍:44 公分/17.2 英寸 高度:21.5 厘米/8.4 英寸 腿長:76 公分/29.6 英寸 長度:96 公分/37.4 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於路易威登。這件路易威登商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! LOUIS VUITTON Inventeur toile denim grey logo bootcut jeans FR36 S Reference: MECG/A00107 Brand: Louis Vuitton Collection: Inventeur toile denim Material: Denim Color: Blue, Grey Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Fly Extra Details: LV brown leather patch at back. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Minor dirty lining. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR36 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 38cm / 14.8" Hip: 44cm / 17.2" Rise: 21.5cm / 8.4" In leg: 76cm / 29.6" Length: 96cm / 37.4" JHROP is not affiliated with Louis Vuitton. This Louis Vuitton item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


STELLA MCCARTNEY 2014 yellow blue superhero patch cropped jeans 25"

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2014 yellow blue superhero patch cropped jeans 25"
人氣褲子Stella McCartney售價$1190

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2014 黃藍色超級英雄貼布九分牛仔褲 25 英寸 參考:MECG/A00105 品牌:斯特拉·麥卡尼 設計師:斯特拉·麥卡尼 收藏時間:2014年 材質:棉、混紡 顏色: 藍色, 多色 圖案:抽象 閉合方式: 拉鍊門襟 額外細節:背面有人造皮革標籤。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。這件作品保存得很好,隨時可以被愛。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計師尺寸:25 測量值: 腰圍:38.5 公分/15 英寸 臀圍:42.5 公分/16.6 英寸 高度:24 公分/9.4 英寸 腿長:74.5 公分/29.1 英寸 長度:95.5 公分/37.2 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Stella McCartney。這款 Stella McCartney 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! STELLA MCCARTNEY 2014 yellow blue superhero patch cropped jeans 25" Reference: MECG/A00105 Brand: Stella McCartney Designer: Stella McCartney Collection: 2014 Material: Cotton, Blend Color: Blue, Multicolour Pattern: Abstract Closure: Zip Fly Extra Details: Faux leather tag at back. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This piece was being kept in great condition and is ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: 25 MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 38.5cm / 15" Hip: 42.5cm / 16.6" Rise: 24cm / 9.4" In leg: 74.5cm / 29.1" Length: 95.5cm / 37.2" JHROP is not affiliated with Stella McCartney. This Stella McCartney item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


STELLA MCCARTNEY 2016 brown tiger embroidery blue flare jeans 26"

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2016 brown tiger embroidery blue flare jeans 26"
熱門褲子Stella McCartney售價$1190

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2016 棕色老虎刺繡藍色喇叭牛仔褲 26 英寸 參考:MECG/A00103 品牌:斯特拉·麥卡尼 設計師:斯特拉·麥卡尼 收藏:2016 材質:棉、混紡 顏色: 藍色, 棕色 圖案: 動物印花 閉合方式: 拉鍊門襟 額外細節:腿部開口附近有老虎刺繡。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:良好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。背面的人造皮革標籤已解體。左大腿有小污垢。硬體上有微刮痕。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計師尺寸:26 測量值: 腰圍:39 公分/15.2 英寸 臀圍:42 公分/16.4 英寸 高度:22 公分/8.6 英寸 腿長:70 公分/27.3 英寸 長度:88.5 公分/34.5 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Stella McCartney。這款 Stella McCartney 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! STELLA MCCARTNEY 2016 brown tiger embroidery blue flare jeans 26" Reference: MECG/A00103 Brand: Stella McCartney Designer: Stella McCartney Collection: 2016 Material: Cotton, Blend Color: Blue, Brown Pattern: Animal Print Closure: Zip Fly Extra Details: Tiger embroidery near leg opening. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Good, this item was pre-owned and is in good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Faux leather tag at back has disintegrated. Minor dirt at left thigh. Micro scratches at hardware. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: 26 MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 39cm / 15.2" Hip: 42cm / 16.4" Rise: 22cm / 8.6" In leg: 70cm / 27.3" Length: 88.5cm / 34.5" JHROP is not affiliated with Stella McCartney. This Stella McCartney item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


STELLA MCCARTNEY 2014 ethnic embroidery trim blue cropped jeans 28"

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2014 ethnic embroidery trim blue cropped jeans 28"
熱門褲子Stella McCartney售價$950

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2014 民族刺繡鑲邊藍色九分牛仔褲 28 英寸 參考:MECG/A00102 品牌:斯特拉·麥卡尼 設計師:斯特拉·麥卡尼 收藏時間:2014年 材質:棉、混紡 顏色: 藍色, 多色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊門襟 額外細節:背面有人造皮革標籤。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:良好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。背面的人造皮革標籤已解體。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計師尺寸:28 測量值: 腰圍:40.5 公分/15.8 英寸 臀圍:45 公分/17.6 英寸 高度:24 公分/9.4 英寸 腿長:64.5 公分/25.2 英寸 長度:84.5 公分/33 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Stella McCartney。這款 Stella McCartney 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! STELLA MCCARTNEY 2014 ethnic embroidery trim blue cropped jeans 28" Reference: MECG/A00102 Brand: Stella McCartney Designer: Stella McCartney Collection: 2014 Material: Cotton, Blend Color: Blue, Multicolour Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Fly Extra Details: Faux leather tag at back. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Good, this item was pre-owned and is in good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Faux leather tag at back has disintegrated. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: 28 MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 40.5cm / 15.8" Hip: 45cm / 17.6" Rise: 24cm / 9.4" In leg: 64.5cm / 25.2" Length: 84.5cm / 33" JHROP is not affiliated with Stella McCartney. This Stella McCartney item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


PRADA 2006 black pleat front corseted strapless dress IT38 XS

PRADA 2006 black pleat front corseted strapless dress IT38 XS

PRADA 2006 黑色前褶緊身胸衣無肩帶洋裝 IT38 XS 參考:MECG/A00076 品牌: 普拉達 設計師:繆西亞‧普拉達 收藏:2006年 材質: 三醋酸纖維 顏色:黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊 襯裡:黑色織物 額外細節:插入有骨緊身胸衣胸圍。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。商品狀況良好,值得喜愛。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 測量值: 胸圍:35.5 公分/13.8 英寸 腰圍:40 公分/15.6 英寸 臀圍:59 公分/23 英寸 長度:69 公分/26.9 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Prada。這件普拉達 (Prada) 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! PRADA 2006 black pleat front corseted strapless dress IT38 XS Reference: MECG/A00076 Brand: Prada Designer: Miuccia Prada Collection: 2006 Material: Triacetate Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Lining: Black Fabric Extra Details: Inserted boned corset bust. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition and ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Chest: 35.5cm / 13.8" Waist: 40cm / 15.6" Hip: 59cm / 23" Length: 69cm / 26.9" JHROP is not affiliated with Prada. This Prada item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


LANVIN 2015 deep purple linen one shoulder ruffle dress FR38 M

LANVIN 2015 deep purple linen one shoulder ruffle dress FR38 M

LANVIN 2015深紫色亞麻一字肩荷葉邊洋裝 FR38 M 參考:MECG/A00074 品牌:浪凡 設計師:阿爾伯艾爾巴茲 收藏:2015 材質:亞麻、混紡 顏色: 紫色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊 額外細節:平織。側邊拉鍊開合。 “薰衣草色”顏色。肩膀有一些獨特的縫線。 產地:法國 狀態: 狀況:未配戴過,完好,有標籤。 附帶:設計師標籤。 漿紗 設計師尺寸:FR38 尺寸參考:US4-6 / UK10 / IT42 / FR38 / S-M 測量值: 胸圍:42 公分/16.4 英寸 腰圍:45 公分/17.6 英寸 臀圍:47 公分/18.3 英寸 長度:85.5 公分/33.3 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Lanvin。此 Lanvin 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! LANVIN 2015 deep purple linen one shoulder ruffle dress FR38 M Reference: MECG/A00074 Brand: Lanvin Designer: Alber Elbaz Collection: 2015 Material: Linen, Blend Color: Purple Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Extra Details: Plain weave. Side zip closure. ‚ÄúLavender‚Äù color. The shoulder has some unique stitching. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Unworn in mint condition, with tags. Comes with: Designer tags. SIZING Designer size: FR38 Size reference: US4-6 / UK10 / IT42 / FR38 / S-M MEASUREMENTS: Chest: 42cm / 16.4" Waist: 45cm / 17.6" Hip: 47cm / 18.3" Length: 85.5cm / 33.3" JHROP is not affiliated with Lanvin. This Lanvin item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


ALEXANDER MCQUEEN 2003 black virgin wool contour pleated dart blazer IT38 XS

ALEXANDER MCQUEEN 2003 black virgin wool contour pleated dart blazer IT38 XS
熱門外套Alexander McQueen售價$7110

ALEXANDER MCQUEEN 2003 黑色初剪羊毛輪廓褶襉省道西裝外套 IT38 XS 參考:MECG/A00057 品牌: 亞歷山大‧麥昆 設計師:李亞歷山大麥昆 收藏:2003年 材質:初剪羊毛 顏色:黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 掛鉤和桿 襯裡:黑色織物 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:未配戴過,完好無損,無標籤。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 測量值: 肩到肩:39.5 公分/15.4 英寸 胸圍:42 公分/16.4 英寸 腰圍:37 公分/14.4 英寸 長度:54 公分/21.1 英寸 袖長:48 公分/18.7 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Alexander McQueen。這款 Alexander McQueen 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! ALEXANDER MCQUEEN 2003 black virgin wool contour pleated dart blazer IT38 XS Reference: MECG/A00057 Brand: Alexander McQueen Designer: Lee Alexander McQueen Collection: 2003 Material: Virgin Wool Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Hook & Bar Lining: Black Fabric Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Unworn in mint condition, without tags. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 39.5cm / 15.4" Chest: 42cm / 16.4" Waist: 37cm / 14.4" Length: 54cm / 21.1" Sleeve length: 48cm / 18.7" JHROP is not affiliated with Alexander McQueen. This Alexander McQueen item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


MIU MIU 2012 red brown virgin wool blend floral brocade crop blazer IT40 S

MIU MIU 2012 red brown virgin wool blend floral brocade crop blazer IT40 S
人氣外套Miu Miu售價$2770

MIU MIU 2012 紅棕色初剪羊毛混紡花卉錦緞短款西裝外套 IT40 S 參考:MECG/A00056 品牌: 繆繆 設計師:繆西亞‧普拉達 收藏:2012 材質:初剪羊毛、混紡 顏色: 紅色, 棕色 圖案: 錦緞 閉合方式: 紐扣 襯裡:棕色織物 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。商品狀況良好,值得喜愛。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計師尺寸:IT40 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 肩寬:36 公分/14 英寸 胸圍:40 公分/15.6 英寸 腰圍:39 公分/15.2 英寸 長度:53 公分/20.7 英寸 袖長:48.5 公分/18.9 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Miu Miu。這款 Miu Miu 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! MIU MIU 2012 red brown virgin wool blend floral brocade crop blazer IT40 S Reference: MECG/A00056 Brand: Miu Miu Designer: Miuccia Prada Collection: 2012 Material: Virgin Wool, Blend Color: Red, Brown Pattern: Brocade Closure: Button Lining: Brown Fabric Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition and ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT40 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 36cm / 14" Chest: 40cm / 15.6" Waist: 39cm / 15.2" Length: 53cm / 20.7" Sleeve length: 48.5cm / 18.9" JHROP is not affiliated with Miu Miu. This Miu Miu item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


GUCCI L'Aveugle Par Amour blue embroidered denim patch denim jacket IT38 XS

GUCCI L'Aveugle Par Amour blue embroidered denim patch denim jacket IT38 XS

GUCCI L'Aveugle Par Amour 藍色刺繡牛仔貼花牛仔夾克 IT38 XS 參考:MECG/A00053 品牌: 古馳 設計師:亞歷山德羅·米歇爾 系列:2016 早秋系列 材質: 牛仔布 顏色: 多色, 藍色 圖案: 水洗 閉合方式: 紐扣 額外細節:2016 早秋系列。淺水藍色 Gucci 休閒牛仔夾克,全身繡有補丁,雙口袋,尖領,正面紐帶開合。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。水洗設計。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 測量值: 肩膀到肩膀:37 公分/14.4 英寸 胸圍:44 公分/17.2 英寸 腰圍:42 公分/16.4 英寸 長度:55 公分/21.5 英寸 袖長:55 公分/21.5 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Gucci。這款 Gucci 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! GUCCI L'Aveugle Par Amour blue embroidered denim patch denim jacket IT38 XS Reference: MECG/A00053 Brand: Gucci Designer: Alessandro Michele Collection: Pre Fall 2016 Material: Denim Color: Multicolour, Blue Pattern: Washed Closure: Button Extra Details: From the Pre-Fall 2016 Collection. Light wash blue Gucci casual denim jacket with embroidered patches throughout, dual pockets, pointed collar and button closures at front. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Washed design. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 37cm / 14.4" Chest: 44cm / 17.2" Waist: 42cm / 16.4" Length: 55cm / 21.5" Sleeve length: 55cm / 21.5" JHROP is not affiliated with Gucci. This Gucci item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


LANVIN 2008 grey silky trimmed ruffle collar V neck knee dress FR34 XS

LANVIN 2008 grey silky trimmed ruffle collar V neck knee dress FR34 XS

LANVIN 2008灰色絲質邊飾荷葉邊領V領及膝洋裝 FR34 XS 參考:MECG/A00048 品牌:浪凡 設計師:阿爾伯艾爾巴茲 收藏:2008 材質: 聚酯纖維 顏色: 灰色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊 額外細節:前拉鍊。隱藏式挺括薄紗飾邊荷葉邊。 產地:法國 狀態: 狀況:良好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。左後腰部和下擺附近有微塵。拉鍊輕微生鏽。 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR34 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 測量值: 肩到肩:27 公分/10.5 英寸 胸圍:44 公分/17.2 英寸 腰圍:44 公分/17.2 英寸 臀圍:47 公分/18.3 英寸 長度:96 公分/37.4 英寸 袖長:19 公分/7.4 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Lanvin。此 Lanvin 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! LANVIN 2008 grey silky trimmed ruffle collar V neck knee dress FR34 XS Reference: MECG/A00048 Brand: Lanvin Designer: Alber Elbaz Collection: 2008 Material: Polyester Color: Grey Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Extra Details: Front zip. Hidden stiff tulle trimmed ruffles. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Good, this item was pre-owned and is in good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro dirt at left back waist and near hem. Minor rusty zipper. SIZING Designer size: FR34 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 27cm / 10.5" Chest: 44cm / 17.2" Waist: 44cm / 17.2" Hip: 47cm / 18.3" Length: 96cm / 37.4" Sleeve length: 19cm / 7.4" JHROP is not affiliated with Lanvin. This Lanvin item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


LANVIN BLANCHE beige cream heavily embellished bridal shift dress FR36 S

LANVIN BLANCHE beige cream heavily embellished bridal shift dress FR36 S

LANVIN BLANCHE 米色奶油色重裝飾新娘直筒洋裝 FR36 S 參考:MECG/A00047 品牌:浪凡 設計師:阿爾伯艾爾巴茲 收藏: 布蘭奇 材質:聚醯胺,混紡 顏色: 米色、奶油色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊 襯裡:灰色織物 額外細節:後拉鍊。 產地:法國 狀態: 狀況:一般,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。背面有微污漬。右胸有紅點斑點。正面中央和兩側的亮片泛黃。 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR36 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 肩膀到肩膀:33.5 公分/13.1 英寸 胸圍:43 公分/16.8 英寸 腰圍:44.5 公分/17.4 英寸 臀圍:46.5 公分/18.1 英寸 長度:88 公分/34.3 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Lanvin。此 Lanvin 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! LANVIN BLANCHE beige cream heavily embellished bridal shift dress FR36 S Reference: MECG/A00047 Brand: Lanvin Designer: Alber Elbaz Collection: Blanche Material: Polyamide, Blend Color: Beige, Cream Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Lining: Grey Fabric Extra Details: Back zip. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Fair, this item was pre-owned and is in fair condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro stains at back. Red dot stain at right chest. Yellowing of sequins at center front and sides. SIZING Designer size: FR36 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 33.5cm / 13.1" Chest: 43cm / 16.8" Waist: 44.5cm / 17.4" Hip: 46.5cm / 18.1" Length: 88cm / 34.3" JHROP is not affiliated with Lanvin. This Lanvin item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


BALENCIAGA 2008 Ghesquiere Black Dress cotton silk crepe A-line belted FR36 S

BALENCIAGA 2008  Ghesquiere Black Dress cotton silk crepe A-line belted FR36 S

BALENCIAGA 2008 Ghesquiere 黑色洋裝棉絲縐紗 A 字腰帶 FR36 S 參考:MECG/A00045 品牌: 巴黎世家 設計師:尼可拉斯蓋斯奎爾 型號: 黑色連身裙 收藏:2008 材質:棉、絲 顏色:黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 腰帶 額外細節:Nicholas Ghesqui√®re 的 Balenciaga 黑色洋裝束喇叭洋裝。約 2008 年收藏。黑色縐紗和絲綢 A 字連身裙。可拆式休閒皮帶和喇叭輪廓。後部飄逸褶皺鑲片和四分之一袖。後部隱藏式掛鉤和拉鍊閉合。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:一般,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。背部中央有磨損痕跡。皮帶有磨損痕跡、污垢和顏色轉移。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR36 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 肩到肩:38 公分/14.8 英寸 胸圍:41 公分/16 英寸 腰圍:37 公分/14.4 英寸 臀圍:47.5 公分/18.5 英寸 長度:90.5 公分/35.3 英寸 袖長:34 公分/13.3 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Balenciaga。這款 Balenciaga 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! BALENCIAGA 2008 Ghesquiere Black Dress cotton silk crepe A-line belted FR36 S Reference: MECG/A00045 Brand: Balenciaga Designer: Nicolas Ghesquiere Model: Black Dress Collection: 2008 Material: Cotton, Silk Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Belt Extra Details: Balenciaga Black Dress by Nicholas Ghesqui√®re Belted Flared Dress. Circa 2008 Collection. Black cr√™pe and silk a-line dress. Removable relaxed leather belt & flared silhouette. Rear flowing pleated panels and quarter sleeves. Rear hidden hook & zipper closing. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Fair, this item was pre-owned and is in fair condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Scuffed marks along center back. Leather belt is distressed with scuff marks, dirts and color transfers. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR36 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 38cm / 14.8" Chest: 41cm / 16" Waist: 37cm / 14.4" Hip: 47.5cm / 18.5" Length: 90.5cm / 35.3" Sleeve length: 34cm / 13.3" JHROP is not affiliated with Balenciaga. This Balenciaga item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


LANVIN 2010 black wool asymmetric zip drape mini dress FR36 S

LANVIN 2010 black wool asymmetric zip drape mini dress FR36 S

LANVIN 2010 黑色羊毛不對稱拉鍊垂墜迷你洋裝 FR36 S 參考:MECG/A00044 品牌:浪凡 設計師:阿爾伯艾爾巴茲 收藏:2010 材質:羊毛、混紡 顏色:黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊 額外細節:披肩。 產地:法國 狀態: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。 請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。生鏽的拉鍊五金。左袖窿處有白色污垢。由於原始設計,邊緣磨損。 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR36 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 肩到肩:38 公分/14.8 英寸 胸圍:44 公分/17.2 英寸 腰圍:44 公分/17.2 英寸 臀圍:46 公分/17.9 英寸 長度:93 公分/36.3 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Lanvin。此 Lanvin 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! LANVIN 2010 black wool asymmetric zip drape mini dress FR36 S Reference: MECG/A00044 Brand: Lanvin Designer: Alber Elbaz Collection: 2010 Material: Wool, Blend Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Extra Details: Draped back. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Rusted zipper hardware. White dirt at left armhole. Frayed edge due to original design. SIZING Designer size: FR36 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 38cm / 14.8" Chest: 44cm / 17.2" Waist: 44cm / 17.2" Hip: 46cm / 17.9" Length: 93cm / 36.3" JHROP is not affiliated with Lanvin. This Lanvin item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


LANVIN 2011 black ramie metal blend one shoulder bow mini dress FR36 S

LANVIN 2011 black ramie metal blend one shoulder bow mini dress FR36 S

LANVIN 2011 黑色莧麻金屬混紡一肩蝴蝶結迷你洋裝 FR36 S 參考:MECG/A00042 品牌:浪凡 設計師:阿爾伯艾爾巴茲 收藏:2011 材質:苧麻、金屬、混合物 顏色:黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式:套穿 產地:法國 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。商品狀況良好,值得喜愛。 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR36 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 肩寬:36 公分/14 英寸 胸圍:41 公分/16 英寸 腰圍:46 公分/17.9 英寸 臀圍:46 公分/17.9 英寸 長度:86 公分/33.5 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Lanvin。此 Lanvin 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! LANVIN 2011 black ramie metal blend one shoulder bow mini dress FR36 S Reference: MECG/A00042 Brand: Lanvin Designer: Alber Elbaz Collection: 2011 Material: Ramie, Metal, Blend Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Slip On Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition and ready to be loved. SIZING Designer size: FR36 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 36cm / 14" Chest: 41cm / 16" Waist: 46cm / 17.9" Hip: 46cm / 17.9" Length: 86cm / 33.5" JHROP is not affiliated with Lanvin. This Lanvin item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


LANVIN 2009 grey asymmetric draped gathered belted dress FR34 XS

LANVIN 2009 grey asymmetric draped gathered belted dress FR34 XS

LANVIN 2009 灰色不對稱垂墜縮褶束帶洋裝 FR34 XS 參考:MECG/A00041 品牌:浪凡 設計師:阿爾伯艾爾巴茲 收藏:2009 材質: 棉 顏色: 灰色, 黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊 額外細節:後拉鍊。 產地:法國 狀態: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。 請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。左袖口有輕微污垢。 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR34 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 測量值: 肩到肩:38 公分/14.8 英寸 胸圍:43 公分/16.8 英寸 腰圍:33.5 公分/13.1 英寸 臀圍:50 公分/19.5 英寸 長度:90 厘米/35.1 英寸 袖長:35 公分/13.7 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Lanvin。此 Lanvin 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! LANVIN 2009 grey asymmetric draped gathered belted dress FR34 XS Reference: MECG/A00041 Brand: Lanvin Designer: Alber Elbaz Collection: 2009 Material: Cotton Color: Grey, Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Extra Details: Back zip. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Minor dirts at left cuff. SIZING Designer size: FR34 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 38cm / 14.8" Chest: 43cm / 16.8" Waist: 33.5cm / 13.1" Hip: 50cm / 19.5" Length: 90cm / 35.1" Sleeve length: 35cm / 13.7" JHROP is not affiliated with Lanvin. This Lanvin item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


LOUIS VUITTON navy Paris City print embellished neckline dress FR36 S

LOUIS VUITTON navy Paris City print embellished neckline dress FR36 S
熱門洋裝Louis Vuitton售價$4740

LOUIS VUITTON 海軍藍 Paris City 印花裝飾領口洋裝 FR36 S 參考:MECG/A00040 品牌: 路易威登 設計師:馬克雅各布斯 材質:黏膠纖維、絲綢 顏色: 海軍藍、奶油色 圖案:抽象 閉合方式: 拉鍊 額外細節:路易威登中長洋裝。海軍藍短袖連身裙,衣身褶皺。滿版印刷。肩膀飾有亮片。連身裙背面有拉鍊。法國製造。 產地:法國 狀態: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。 請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。亮片上的微色轉印。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR36 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 肩到肩:40 公分/15.6 英寸 胸圍:41.5 公分/16.2 英寸 腰圍:36.5 公分/14.2 英寸 臀圍:52 公分/20.3 英寸 長度:87.5 厘米/34.1 英寸 袖長:11.5 公分/4.5 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於路易威登。這件路易威登商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! LOUIS VUITTON navy Paris City print embellished neckline dress FR36 S Reference: MECG/A00040 Brand: Louis Vuitton Designer: Marc Jacobs Material: Viscose, Silk Color: Navy, Cream Pattern: Abstract Closure: Zip Extra Details: Louis Vuitton mid-length dress. Navy short-sleeved dress with a pleated bodice. All over print. Sequin embellishment to the shoulders. Zip closure to the back of the dress. Made in France. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro color transfers on pailettes. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR36 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 40cm / 15.6" Chest: 41.5cm / 16.2" Waist: 36.5cm / 14.2" Hip: 52cm / 20.3" Length: 87.5cm / 34.1" Sleeve length: 11.5cm / 4.5" JHROP is not affiliated with Louis Vuitton. This Louis Vuitton item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


LANVIN 2009 100% silk blue asymmetric bow knot hook drape dress FR36 S

LANVIN 2009 100% silk blue asymmetric bow knot hook drape dress FR36 S

LANVIN 2009 100%絲藍色不對稱蝴蝶結鉤扣垂墜洋裝 FR36 S 參考:MECG/A00036 品牌:浪凡 設計師:阿爾伯艾爾巴茲 收藏:2009 材質: 絲綢 顏色: 藍色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊 襯裡:藍色織物 額外細節:後拉鍊。 產地:法國 狀態: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。 請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。正面中央有淡黃色污點。 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR36 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 肩到肩:38 公分/14.8 英寸 胸圍:42 公分/16.4 英寸 腰圍:32 公分/12.5 英寸 臀圍:49 公分/19.1 英寸 長度:92 公分/35.9 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Lanvin。此 Lanvin 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! LANVIN 2009 100% silk blue asymmetric bow knot hook drape dress FR36 S Reference: MECG/A00036 Brand: Lanvin Designer: Alber Elbaz Collection: 2009 Material: Silk Color: Blue Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Lining: Blue Fabric Extra Details: Back zip. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Faint yellow stain at center front. SIZING Designer size: FR36 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 38cm / 14.8" Chest: 42cm / 16.4" Waist: 32cm / 12.5" Hip: 49cm / 19.1" Length: 92cm / 35.9" JHROP is not affiliated with Lanvin. This Lanvin item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


HERMES cobalt blue cotton blend pleated boxy shift dress FR34 XS

HERMES cobalt blue cotton blend pleated boxy shift dress FR34 XS

HERMES 鈷藍色棉混紡褶襉直筒洋裝 FR34 XS 參考:MECG/A00035 品牌: 愛馬仕 材質: 棉 顏色: 藍色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式:套穿 襯裡: 藍色棉質 產地:法國 狀態: 狀況:良好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。右腋下和腰部有白色污漬。 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR34 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 測量值: 肩到肩:38 公分/14.8 英寸 胸圍:41.5 公分/16.2 英寸 腰圍:40 公分/15.6 英寸 臀圍:45 公分/17.6 英寸 長度:85.5 公分/33.3 英寸 袖長:4.5 公分/1.8 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Hermes。這款愛馬仕商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! HERMES cobalt blue cotton blend pleated boxy shift dress FR34 XS Reference: MECG/A00035 Brand: Hermes Material: Cotton Color: Blue Pattern: Solid Closure: Slip On Lining: Blue Cotton Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Good, this item was pre-owned and is in good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. White stains at right armpit and waist. SIZING Designer size: FR34 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 38cm / 14.8" Chest: 41.5cm / 16.2" Waist: 40cm / 15.6" Hip: 45cm / 17.6" Length: 85.5cm / 33.3" Sleeve length: 4.5cm / 1.8" JHROP is not affiliated with Hermes. This Hermes item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


ALBERTA FERRETTI 100% silk navy bow detail cap sleeve V neck dress IT38 XS

ALBERTA FERRETTI 100% silk navy bow detail cap sleeve V neck dress IT38 XS
熱門洋裝Alberta Ferretti售價$1190

ALBERTA FERRETTI 100% 絲質海軍藍蝴蝶結細部蓋袖 V 領連身裙 IT38 XS 參考:MECG/A00034 品牌:阿爾伯塔費雷蒂 材質: 絲綢 顏色: 海軍藍 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊 襯裡:海軍藍人造絲 額外細節:側邊拉鍊。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。商品狀況良好,值得喜愛。 備註:成分標籤上有污點。 漿紗 設計尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 測量值: 肩到肩:35 公分/13.7 英寸 胸圍:43 公分/16.8 英寸 腰圍:44 公分/17.2 英寸 臀圍:47 公分/18.3 英寸 長度:96 公分/37.4 英寸 袖長:6 公分/2.3 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Alberta Ferretti。這款 Alberta Ferretti 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! ALBERTA FERRETTI 100% silk navy bow detail cap sleeve V neck dress IT38 XS Reference: MECG/A00034 Brand: Alberta Ferretti Material: Silk Color: Navy Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Lining: Navy Rayon Extra Details: Side zip. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition and ready to be loved. Remarks: Stain on composition label. SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 35cm / 13.7" Chest: 43cm / 16.8" Waist: 44cm / 17.2" Hip: 47cm / 18.3" Length: 96cm / 37.4" Sleeve length: 6cm / 2.3" JHROP is not affiliated with Alberta Ferretti. This Alberta Ferretti item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


rare LOUIS VUITTON pink brown colorblock sequins embroidery anglais dress FR34 XS

rare LOUIS VUITTON pink brown colorblock sequins embroidery anglais dress FR34 XS
人氣洋裝Louis Vuitton售價$6320

稀有 LOUIS VUITTON 粉棕色拼色亮片刺繡英式洋裝 FR34 XS 參考:MECG/A00033 品牌: 路易威登 設計師:馬克雅各布斯 上圖所示:Chiara Ferragni 材質: 棉 顏色: 粉紅色, 棕色 圖案: 亮片 閉合方式: 紐扣 額外細節:英式刺繡棉上飾有亮片。 產地:法國 狀態: 狀況:未配戴過,完好,有標籤。 附帶:樣式程式碼存在(通用)設計師標籤。 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR34 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸說明:此商品尺寸偏大。 測量值: 肩膀到肩膀:39 公分/15.2 英寸 胸圍:44.5 公分/17.4 英寸 腰圍:45 公分/17.6 英寸 臀圍:45 公分/17.6 英寸 長度:90.5 公分/35.3 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於路易威登。這件路易威登商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! rare LOUIS VUITTON pink brown colorblock sequins embroidery anglais dress FR34 XS Reference: MECG/A00033 Brand: Louis Vuitton Designer: Marc Jacobs As seen on: Chiara Ferragni Material: Cotton Color: Pink, Brown Pattern: Sequins Closure: Button Extra Details: Sequins embellishment on embroidery anglais cotton. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Unworn in mint condition, with tags. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Designer tags. SIZING Designer size: FR34 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS Size note: This item fits larger to size. MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 39cm / 15.2" Chest: 44.5cm / 17.4" Waist: 45cm / 17.6" Hip: 45cm / 17.6" Length: 90.5cm / 35.3" JHROP is not affiliated with Louis Vuitton. This Louis Vuitton item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


LANVIN 2013 Runway grey butterfly panelled cocktail dress FR36 S Jeon Jihyun

LANVIN 2013 Runway grey butterfly panelled cocktail dress FR36 S Jeon Jihyun

LANVIN 2013 Runway 灰蝴蝶拼接雞尾酒洋裝 FR36 S Jeon Jihyun 參考:MECG/A00030 品牌:浪凡 設計師:阿爾伯艾爾巴茲 系列:2013 - 時裝秀 參見:全智賢 材質: 聚酯纖維 顏色: 灰色, 黑色 圖案: 動物印花 閉合方式: 拉鍊 襯裡: 黑色絲綢 額外細節:後拉鍊。全襯裡。 產地:法國 狀態: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。 請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。前面靠近衣領處有淡淡的污漬。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR36 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 肩寬:36 公分/14 英寸 胸圍:42.5 公分/16.6 英寸 腰圍:35.5 公分/13.8 英寸 臀圍:56 公分/21.8 英寸 長度:102.5 厘米/40 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Lanvin。此 Lanvin 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! LANVIN 2013 Runway grey butterfly panelled cocktail dress FR36 S Jeon Jihyun Reference: MECG/A00030 Brand: Lanvin Designer: Alber Elbaz Collection: 2013 - Runway As seen on: Jeon Jihyun Material: Polyester Color: Grey, Black Pattern: Animal Print Closure: Zip Lining: Black Silk Extra Details: Back zip. Fully lined. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Faint stains at front near collar. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR36 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 36cm / 14" Chest: 42.5cm / 16.6" Waist: 35.5cm / 13.8" Hip: 56cm / 21.8" Length: 102.5cm / 40" JHROP is not affiliated with Lanvin. This Lanvin item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


OLD CELINE Phoebe Philo khaki black leather silk stripe dress FR36 S

OLD CELINE Phoebe Philo khaki black leather silk stripe dress FR36 S

OLD CELINE Phoebe Philo 卡其色黑色皮革絲質條紋連身裙 FR36 S 參考:MECG/A00029 品牌: 賽琳 設計師:菲比·菲洛 材質:皮革、絲綢 顏色: 黑色,卡其色 圖案: 條紋 閉合方式: 拉鍊 額外細節:背面有 Celine 標誌。整個底部均採用皮革鑲板。 產地:法國 狀態: 狀況:未磨損,有缺陷。帶扣處有微小刮痕。右背面絲綢上有微小磨損痕跡。 附帶:樣式程式碼存在(通用)設計師標籤。 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR36 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 肩到肩:35.5 公分/13.8 英寸 胸圍:44.6 公分/17.4 英寸 腰圍:45.5 公分/17.7 英寸 臀圍:47.5 公分/18.5 英寸 長度:88 公分/34.3 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Celine。這款 Celine 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! OLD CELINE Phoebe Philo khaki black leather silk stripe dress FR36 S Reference: MECG/A00029 Brand: Celine Designer: Phoebe Philo Material: Leather, Silk Color: Black, Khaki Pattern: Striped Closure: Zip Extra Details: Celine logo at back. Leather panels throughout whole bottom. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Unworn with defects. Micro scratches at buckle. Micro scuff mark on silk at right back. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Designer tags. SIZING Designer size: FR36 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 35.5cm / 13.8" Chest: 44.6cm / 17.4" Waist: 45.5cm / 17.7" Hip: 47.5cm / 18.5" Length: 88cm / 34.3" JHROP is not affiliated with Celine. This Celine item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


MARNI brown black wool silk abstract print fit flare dress IT38 XS

MARNI brown black wool silk abstract print fit flare dress IT38 XS

MARNI 棕黑色羊毛真絲抽像印花合身喇叭洋裝 IT38 XS 參考:MECG/A00028 品牌: 瑪尼 材質:羊毛、絲綢 顏色: 棕色, 黑色 圖案:抽象 閉合方式: 拉鍊 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。商品狀況良好,值得喜愛。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸說明:此商品尺寸偏大。 測量值: 肩膀到肩膀:33 公分/12.9 英寸 胸圍:41 公分/16 英寸 腰圍:35 公分/13.7 英寸 臀圍:56.5 公分/22 英寸 長度:92.5 厘米/36.1 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Marni。這款 Marni 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! MARNI brown black wool silk abstract print fit flare dress IT38 XS Reference: MECG/A00028 Brand: Marni Material: Wool, Silk Color: Brown, Black Pattern: Abstract Closure: Zip Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition and ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS Size note: This item fits larger to size. MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 33cm / 12.9" Chest: 41cm / 16" Waist: 35cm / 13.7" Hip: 56.5cm / 22" Length: 92.5cm / 36.1" JHROP is not affiliated with Marni. This Marni item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


LANVIN black cotton silk trimmed asymmetric draped midi dress XXS

LANVIN black cotton silk trimmed asymmetric draped midi dress XXS

LANVIN 黑色棉絲邊飾不對稱垂墜中長洋裝 XXS 參考:MECG/A00027 品牌:浪凡 設計師:阿爾伯艾爾巴茲 材質:棉、絲 顏色:黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式:套穿 額外細節:絲綢鑲邊。 製造地:印度 狀態: 狀況:一般,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。前面胯下有污漬,後面有衣架痕跡。 漿紗 設計師尺寸:XXS 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸說明:此商品尺寸偏大。 測量值: 肩到肩:38 公分/14.8 英寸 胸圍:47 公分/18.3 英寸 腰圍:43 公分/16.8 英寸 臀圍:44 公分/17.2 英寸 長度:101 厘米/39.4 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Lanvin。此 Lanvin 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! LANVIN black cotton silk trimmed asymmetric draped midi dress XXS Reference: MECG/A00027 Brand: Lanvin Designer: Alber Elbaz Material: Cotton, Silk Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Slip On Extra Details: Silk trimmed. Made in: India CONDITION: Condition: Fair, this item was pre-owned and is in fair condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Stains at front under crotch and hanger mark at back. SIZING Designer size: XXS Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS Size note: This item fits larger to size. MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 38cm / 14.8" Chest: 47cm / 18.3" Waist: 43cm / 16.8" Hip: 44cm / 17.2" Length: 101cm / 39.4" JHROP is not affiliated with Lanvin. This Lanvin item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


STELLA MCCARTNEY 2008 navy 100% silk bow neck shift dress IT38 XS

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2008 navy 100% silk bow neck shift dress IT38 XS
熱門洋裝Stella McCartney售價$1350

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2008 海軍藍 100% 絲質蝴蝶結直筒洋裝 IT38 XS 參考:MECG/A00026 品牌:斯特拉·麥卡尼 設計師:斯特拉·麥卡尼 收藏:2008 材質: 絲綢 顏色: 海軍藍 圖案: 純色 閉合方式:鎖孔紐扣 額外細節:背面有鑰匙孔紐扣。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:未配戴過,完好,有標籤。 附帶:樣式程式碼存在(通用)設計師標籤。 漿紗 設計尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸說明:此商品尺寸偏大。 測量值: 肩到肩:35 公分/13.7 英寸 胸圍:46 公分/17.9 英寸 腰圍:47 公分/18.3 英寸 臀圍:49 公分/19.1 英寸 長度:92 公分/35.9 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Stella McCartney。這款 Stella McCartney 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! STELLA MCCARTNEY 2008 navy 100% silk bow neck shift dress IT38 XS Reference: MECG/A00026 Brand: Stella McCartney Designer: Stella McCartney Collection: 2008 Material: Silk Color: Navy Pattern: Solid Closure: Keyhole Button Extra Details: Keyhole buttons back. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Unworn in mint condition, with tags. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Designer tags. SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS Size note: This item fits larger to size. MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 35cm / 13.7" Chest: 46cm / 17.9" Waist: 47cm / 18.3" Hip: 49cm / 19.1" Length: 92cm / 35.9" JHROP is not affiliated with Stella McCartney. This Stella McCartney item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


STELLA MCCARTNEY 2005 black backless cutout crew neck dress IT40 S

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2005 black backless cutout crew neck dress IT40 S
人氣洋裝Stella McCartney售價$1350

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2005 黑色露背鏤空圓領洋裝 IT40 S 參考:MECG/A00025 品牌:斯特拉·麥卡尼 設計師:斯特拉·麥卡尼 收藏:2005年 材質:人造絲、羊毛 顏色:黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊 襯裡: 黑色絲綢 額外細節:頸部有鉤眼扣,底部有拉鍊。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。 請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。右後頂部有小衣架標記。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計師尺寸:IT40 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 肩膀到肩膀:30 公分/11.7 英寸 腰圍:34.5 公分/13.5 英寸 臀圍:55 公分/21.5 英寸 長度:96 公分/37.4 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Stella McCartney。這款 Stella McCartney 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! STELLA MCCARTNEY 2005 black backless cutout crew neck dress IT40 S Reference: MECG/A00025 Brand: Stella McCartney Designer: Stella McCartney Collection: 2005 Material: Rayon, Wool Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Lining: Black Silk Extra Details: Hook and eye at neck and zip at bottom. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Minor hanger mark at right back top. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT40 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 30cm / 11.7" Waist: 34.5cm / 13.5" Hip: 55cm / 21.5" Length: 96cm / 37.4" JHROP is not affiliated with Stella McCartney. This Stella McCartney item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


LANVIN 2010 navy ramie cotton drape black belted mini dress FR36 S

LANVIN 2010 navy ramie cotton drape black belted mini dress FR36 S

LANVIN 2010 海軍藍苧麻棉垂墜黑色束帶迷你連身裙 FR36 S 參考:MECG/A00024 品牌:浪凡 設計師:阿爾伯艾爾巴茲 收藏:2010 材質:苧麻、棉 顏色: 海軍藍、黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊 產地:法國 狀態: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。 請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。微生鏽的拉鍊。 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR36 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 長度:3 公分/1.2 英寸 肩膀到肩膀:30 公分/11.7 英寸 胸圍:39 公分/15.2 英寸 腰圍:33 公分/12.9 英寸 臀圍:45 公分/17.6 英寸 長度:90 厘米/35.1 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Lanvin。此 Lanvin 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! LANVIN 2010 navy ramie cotton drape black belted mini dress FR36 S Reference: MECG/A00024 Brand: Lanvin Designer: Alber Elbaz Collection: 2010 Material: Ramie, Cotton Color: Navy, Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro rusty zipper. SIZING Designer size: FR36 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Length: 3cm / 1.2" Shoulder to shoulder: 30cm / 11.7" Chest: 39cm / 15.2" Waist: 33cm / 12.9" Hip: 45cm / 17.6" Length: 90cm / 35.1" JHROP is not affiliated with Lanvin. This Lanvin item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


MARNI 2011 khaki utility cutout vest green tulle hem mini dress IT36 XXS

MARNI 2011 khaki utility cutout vest green tulle hem mini dress IT36 XXS

MARNI 2011 卡其色實用挖剪背心綠色薄紗下擺迷你洋裝 IT36 XXS 參考:MECG/A00022 品牌: 瑪尼 收藏:2011 材質:聚醯胺 顏色: 卡其色, 綠色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式:按扣 襯裡:黑色織物 產地:葡萄牙 狀態: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。 請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。硬體上有微刮痕。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計師尺寸:IT36 尺寸參考:US00 / UK4 / IT36 / FR32 / XXS 尺寸說明:此商品尺寸偏大。 測量值: 肩到肩:30.5 公分/11.9 英寸 胸圍:43.5 厘米/17 英寸 腰圍:42.5 公分/16.6 英寸 臀圍:56 公分/21.8 英寸 長度:86 公分/33.5 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Marni。這款 Marni 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! MARNI 2011 khaki utility cutout vest green tulle hem mini dress IT36 XXS Reference: MECG/A00022 Brand: Marni Collection: 2011 Material: Polyamide Color: Khaki, Green Pattern: Solid Closure: Snap Buttons Lining: Black Fabric Made in: Portugal CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro scratches on hardware. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT36 Size reference: US00 / UK4 / IT36 / FR32 / XXS Size note: This item fits larger to size. MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 30.5cm / 11.9" Chest: 43.5cm / 17" Waist: 42.5cm / 16.6" Hip: 56cm / 21.8" Length: 86cm / 33.5" JHROP is not affiliated with Marni. This Marni item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


PRADA 2011 black cotton floral applique lace silk lined dress IT38 XS

PRADA 2011 black cotton floral applique lace silk lined dress IT38 XS

PRADA 2011 黑色棉質花卉貼花蕾絲真絲襯裡洋裝 IT38 XS 參考:MECG/A00020 品牌: 普拉達 設計師:繆西亞‧普拉達 收藏:2011 材質:棉、混紡 顏色: 黑色,裸色 圖案: 花卉 閉合方式:套穿 裡料: 裸色絲綢 額外細節:絲綢襯裡。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。 請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。右胸有微小的白色污漬。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 測量值: 肩到肩:37.5 公分/14.6 英寸 胸圍:42 公分/16.4 英寸 腰圍:46.5 公分/18.1 英寸 臀圍:47.5 公分/18.5 英寸 長度:92 公分/35.9 英寸 袖長:10 公分/3.9 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Prada。這件普拉達 (Prada) 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! PRADA 2011 black cotton floral applique lace silk lined dress IT38 XS Reference: MECG/A00020 Brand: Prada Designer: Miuccia Prada Collection: 2011 Material: Cotton, Blend Color: Black, Nude Pattern: Floral Closure: Slip On Lining: Nude Silk Extra Details: Silk lined. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro white stains at right chest. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 37.5cm / 14.6" Chest: 42cm / 16.4" Waist: 46.5cm / 18.1" Hip: 47.5cm / 18.5" Length: 92cm / 35.9" Sleeve length: 10cm / 3.9" JHROP is not affiliated with Prada. This Prada item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


LANVIN Les 10 Ans yellow black cotton silk floral print dress FR36 S Emma Stone

LANVIN Les 10 Ans yellow black cotton silk floral print dress FR36 S Emma Stone

LANVIN Les 10 Ans 黃黑棉絲花卉印花洋裝 FR36 S Emma Stone 參考:MECG/A00017 品牌:浪凡 設計師:阿爾伯艾爾巴茲 收藏:Les 10 Ans 如上圖所示:艾瑪·斯通 材質:棉、絲 顏色: 黃色,黑色 圖案: 花卉 閉合方式: 拉鍊 額外細節:Albert Elbaz 為 Lanvin 十週年紀念系列設計的洋裝。這款無袖單品採用獨特的黑色棉布與灰色和黃色絲綢混紡面料,並飾有花卉圖案。這款洋裝採用貼身圓領設計,正面收緊腰部,打造迷人輪廓。為了方便穿著,它配備了全長後拉鍊。服裝裝飾有優雅的黑色和金色標籤,彰顯其設計師出身。 產地:法國 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。商品狀況良好,值得喜愛。 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR36 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 肩寬:36 公分/14 英寸 胸圍:42 公分/16.4 英寸 腰圍:35.5 公分/13.8 英寸 臀圍:47 公分/18.3 英寸 長度:93 公分/36.3 英寸 袖長:5 公分/2 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Lanvin。此 Lanvin 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! LANVIN Les 10 Ans yellow black cotton silk floral print dress FR36 S Emma Stone Reference: MECG/A00017 Brand: Lanvin Designer: Alber Elbaz Collection: Les 10 Ans As seen on: Emma Stone Material: Cotton, Silk Color: Yellow, Black Pattern: Floral Closure: Zip Extra Details: Lanvin dress designed for the 10th anniversary collection by Albert Elbaz. This sleeveless piece features a unique blend of black cotton with gray and yellow silk adorned with a floral print. The dress has a close-fitting crew neck and a cinched waist at the front for a flattering silhouette. For ease of wear, it's equipped with a full-length back zipper. The garment is finished with an elegant black and gold label, signifying its designer origins. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition and ready to be loved. SIZING Designer size: FR36 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 36cm / 14" Chest: 42cm / 16.4" Waist: 35.5cm / 13.8" Hip: 47cm / 18.3" Length: 93cm / 36.3" Sleeve length: 5cm / 2" JHROP is not affiliated with Lanvin. This Lanvin item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


STELLA MCCARTNEY black cotton blend kick flare hem fitted dress IT38 XS

STELLA MCCARTNEY black cotton blend kick flare hem fitted dress IT38 XS
熱門洋裝Stella McCartney售價$1980

STELLA MCCARTNEY 黑色棉混紡踢腳喇叭下擺合身洋裝 IT38 XS 參考:MECG/A00012 品牌:斯特拉·麥卡尼 設計師:斯特拉·麥卡尼 材質:棉、混紡 顏色:黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊 額外細節:後拉鍊。 產地:葡萄牙 狀態: 狀況:未配戴過,完好,有標籤。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用)設計師標籤和百貨公司標籤。 漿紗 設計尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 測量值: 肩膀到肩膀:33 公分/12.9 英寸 胸圍:37 公分/14.4 英寸 腰圍:30.5 公分/11.9 英寸 臀圍:41 公分/16 英寸 長度:96 公分/37.4 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Stella McCartney。這款 Stella McCartney 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! STELLA MCCARTNEY black cotton blend kick flare hem fitted dress IT38 XS Reference: MECG/A00012 Brand: Stella McCartney Designer: Stella McCartney Material: Cotton, Blend Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Extra Details: Back zip. Made in: Portugal CONDITION: Condition: Unworn in mint condition, with tags. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Designer tags and department store tags. SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 33cm / 12.9" Chest: 37cm / 14.4" Waist: 30.5cm / 11.9" Hip: 41cm / 16" Length: 96cm / 37.4" JHROP is not affiliated with Stella McCartney. This Stella McCartney item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


LANVIN 2015 navy cotton rhinestone embellished ribbon shift dress FR36 S

LANVIN 2015 navy cotton rhinestone embellished ribbon shift dress FR36 S

LANVIN 2015 海軍藍棉水鑽綴飾絲帶直筒洋裝 FR36 S 參考:MECG/A00011 品牌:浪凡 設計師:阿爾伯艾爾巴茲 系列:2015 度假系列 - 跑道 材質:棉、混紡 顏色: 海軍藍, 多色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊 襯裡:黑色織物 額外細節: 這款令人難以置信的 Lanvin 無袖午夜海軍藍彈力棉質刺繡連身裙的衣身正面飾有淡粉色水鑽和亮片。刺繡亮片細節沿著洋裝兩側和船形領口呈鋸齒狀。有兩個實用的側縫口袋,飾有綠色和藍色的珠子和水鑽。連身裙的下擺有生菜邊緣細節,後背中心接縫處有一個金屬拉鍊用於閉合。 產地:法國 狀態: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。 請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。背面拉鍊頂部附近有微磨損布料。由於原始設計,邊緣磨損。 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR36 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 肩到肩:29.5 公分/11.5 英寸 胸圍:44 公分/17.2 英寸 腰圍:44.5 公分/17.4 英寸 臀圍:51 公分/19.9 英寸 長度:87 公分/33.9 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Lanvin。此 Lanvin 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! LANVIN 2015 navy cotton rhinestone embellished ribbon shift dress FR36 S Reference: MECG/A00011 Brand: Lanvin Designer: Alber Elbaz Collection: 2015 Resort - Runway Material: Cotton, Blend Color: Navy, Multicolour Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Lining: Black Fabric Extra Details: This incredible sleeveless Lanvin midnight navy stretch cotton embroidered dress has pale pink rhinestones and sequins along the front of the bodice. The embroidered sequin detail zig zags along the sides of the dress and along the boat style neckline. There are two functional side slit pockets that are adorned with green and blue beads and rhinestones. The hem of the dress has a lettuce edge detail and there is a metal zipper down the center back seam for closure. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro scuffed fabric at near zipper top at back. Frayed edge due to original design. SIZING Designer size: FR36 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 29.5cm / 11.5" Chest: 44cm / 17.2" Waist: 44.5cm / 17.4" Hip: 51cm / 19.9" Length: 87cm / 33.9" JHROP is not affiliated with Lanvin. This Lanvin item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


MIU MIU 2014 black blue clear rhinestone embellished shift dress IT38 XS

MIU MIU 2014 black blue clear rhinestone embellished shift dress IT38 XS
熱門洋裝Miu Miu售價$3560

MIU MIU 2014 黑藍色透明水鑽鑲嵌直筒洋裝 IT38 XS 參考:MECG/A00010 品牌: 繆繆 設計師:繆西亞‧普拉達 收藏時間:2014年 材質: 黏膠 顏色: 黑色, 藍色 圖案: 裝飾 閉合方式: 拉鍊 襯裡:黑色織物 額外細節:後拉鍊。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。商品狀況良好,值得喜愛。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 測量值: 肩膀到肩膀:34 公分/13.3 英寸 胸圍:42 公分/16.4 英寸 腰圍:46 公分/17.9 英寸 臀圍:46 公分/17.9 英寸 長度:84.5 公分/33 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Miu Miu。這款 Miu Miu 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! MIU MIU 2014 black blue clear rhinestone embellished shift dress IT38 XS Reference: MECG/A00010 Brand: Miu Miu Designer: Miuccia Prada Collection: 2014 Material: Viscose Color: Black, Blue Pattern: Embellishments Closure: Zip Lining: Black Fabric Extra Details: Back zip. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition and ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 34cm / 13.3" Chest: 42cm / 16.4" Waist: 46cm / 17.9" Hip: 46cm / 17.9" Length: 84.5cm / 33" JHROP is not affiliated with Miu Miu. This Miu Miu item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


MARNI navy copper fringe bead embellished hem tunic dress IT38 XS

MARNI navy copper fringe bead embellished hem tunic dress IT38 XS

MARNI 海軍藍銅色流蘇珠飾下擺束腰洋裝 IT38 XS 參考:MECG/A00009 品牌: 瑪尼 材質: 布料 顏色: 海軍藍、黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊 襯裡:海軍藍布料 額外細節:後拉鍊。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。 請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。有些邊緣可能會被拉扯。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 備註:在成分標籤上剪切。 漿紗 設計尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 測量值: 肩膀到肩膀:33.5 公分/13.1 英寸 胸圍:41 公分/16 英寸 腰圍:40 公分/15.6 英寸 臀圍:46 公分/17.9 英寸 長度:76 公分/29.6 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Marni。這款 Marni 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! MARNI navy copper fringe bead embellished hem tunic dress IT38 XS Reference: MECG/A00009 Brand: Marni Material: Fabric Color: Navy, Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Lining: Navy Fabric Extra Details: Back zip. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Some of the fringes maybe pulled. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Remarks: Cut on composition label. SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 33.5cm / 13.1" Chest: 41cm / 16" Waist: 40cm / 15.6" Hip: 46cm / 17.9" Length: 76cm / 29.6" JHROP is not affiliated with Marni. This Marni item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


BURBERRY 100% lambs wool red black beige striped mitten glove on string

BURBERRY 100% lambs wool red black beige striped mitten glove on string

BURBERRY 100% 羔羊羊毛紅黑米色條紋連指手套 SKU:MAWG/A00078 品牌:Burberry 設計師:Christopher Bailey 材質:羊毛 顏色:米色、多色 圖案:條紋 製造地:蘇格蘭 狀況:極佳,該商品是預售的-擁有且狀況良好。 備註:品牌標籤上有標記,表示該商品是私人銷售購買的。尺寸: 長度:24 公分/9.4 英吋寬度:10 公分/3.9 英吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Burberry。這款 Burberry 商品是正品。 BURBERRY 100% lambs wool red black beige striped mitten glove on string Reference: MAWG/A00078 Brand: Burberry Designer: Christopher Bailey Material: Wool Color: Beige, Multicolour Pattern: Striped Made in: Scotland CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Remarks: There is a marking on the brand label, indicating the item was purchased from a private sale. MEASUREMENTS: Length: 24cm / 9.4" Width: 10cm / 3.9" JHROP is not affiliated with Burberry. This Burberry item is authentic.


MAX MARA 100% cashmere brown purple woven tassel fringe scarf

MAX MARA 100% cashmere brown purple woven tassel fringe scarf
熱門圍巾/絲巾/披肩Max Mara售價$1400

MAX MARA 100% 羊絨棕色紫色編織流蘇流蘇圍巾 SKU:MAWG/A00074 品牌:Max Mara 材質:羊絨 顏色:紫色、棕色 圖案:方格 製造地:義大利 狀況:極佳,該商品為二手商品,現為二手貨良好的狀況。尺寸:寬度:31 公分/12.1 英吋 長度:180 公分/70.2 英吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Max Mara。這款 Max Mara 商品是正品。 MAX MARA 100% cashmere brown purple woven tassel fringe scarf Reference: MAWG/A00074 Brand: Max Mara Material: Cashmere Color: Purple, Brown Pattern: Checkered Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. MEASUREMENTS: Width: 31cm / 12.1" Length: 180cm / 70.2" JHROP is not affiliated with Max Mara. This Max Mara item is authentic.


EMPORIO ARMANI black lace jewel cut buttons fitted blazer IT40 S

EMPORIO ARMANI black lace jewel cut buttons fitted blazer IT40 S
人氣外套Emporio Armani售價$1890

EMPORIO ARMANI 黑色蕾絲寶石剪裁紐帶:聚酯纖維、黏膠纖維 顏色:黑色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:紐扣 額外細節:花卉蕾絲罩層。黑色天鵝絨滾邊。墊肩搭配公主袖。寶石切割紐扣。縫邊開衩口袋。 製造地:義大利 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 設計師尺寸:IT40 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 尺寸: 肩寬:35 公分/ 13.7 英吋 胸圍:39 公分/ 15.2 英吋 腰圍:35 公分/ 13.7 英吋 長度:72 公分/ 28.1 英吋袖長:72 公分/ 28.1 英吋 長度:66 公分 / 25.7 英吋 JHROP 與 Emporio Armani 無關。這款 Emporio Armani 商品是正品。 EMPORIO ARMANI black lace jewel cut buttons fitted blazer IT40 S Reference: MAWG/A00069 Brand: Emporio Armani Material: Polyester, Viscose Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Button Extra Details: Floral lace overlay. Black velvet piping. Padded shoulder with princess sleeves. Jewel cut buttons. Slit pockets on-seam. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. SIZING Designer size: IT40 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 35cm / 13.7" Chest: 39cm / 15.2" Waist: 35cm / 13.7" Length: 72cm / 28.1" Sleeve length: 66cm / 25.7" JHROP is not affiliated with Emporio Armani. This Emporio Armani item is authentic.


SAINT LAURENT Babylone black smooth leather top handle flap crossbody bag

SAINT LAURENT Babylone black smooth leather top handle  flap crossbody bag
熱門手提包Saint Laurent售價$8190

SAINT LAURENT Babylone 黑色光滑皮革頂部手柄翻蓋斜挎包 SKU:MAWG/A00065 品牌:Saint Laurent 設計師:Anthony Vaccarello 型號:Babylone 材質:皮革 顏色:黑色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:推扣 襯裡:皮革其他細節:Babylone 包皮色包。黑色光滑皮革。銀色五金配件。帶有標誌浮雕的推扣。銀色五金配件。頂部手柄。可調式肩帶不可拆卸。內部有雙隔層。 製造地:義大利 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。光滑皮革上有非常微弱的微刮痕和凹痕。 隨附:提供真品代碼(唯一)防塵袋。尺寸:寬度(底座寬度):26 厘米/10.1 英寸高度(底座到開口):17.5 厘米/6.8 英寸深度(側面深度):5 厘米/2 英寸手柄長:4 厘米/1.6 英寸肩帶長:51 厘米/19.9 吋 JHROP與 Saint Laurent 無關。這款 Saint Laurent 商品是正品。 SAINT LAURENT Babylone black smooth leather top handle flap crossbody bag Reference: MAWG/A00065 Brand: Saint Laurent Designer: Anthony Vaccarello Model: Babylone Material: Leather Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Push Clasp Lining: Leather Extra Details: Babylone bag. Black smooth leather. Silver-tone hardware. Push-clasp with logo emboss. Silver hardware. Top handle. Adjustable shoulder strap is not detachable. Dual compartment at interior. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Very faint micro scratches and dents on smooth leather. Comes with: Authenticity code present (Unique) One dust bag. MEASUREMENTS: Width (width across base): 26cm / 10.1" Height (base to opening): 17.5cm / 6.8" Depth (side depth): 5cm / 2" Handle drop: 4cm / 1.6" Strap drop: 51cm / 19.9" JHROP is not affiliated with Saint Laurent. This Saint Laurent item is authentic.


ALEXANDER MCQUEEN SS2011 Runway yellow gold embellished kaftan dress IT38 XS

ALEXANDER MCQUEEN SS2011 Runway yellow gold embellished kaftan dress IT38 XS
熱門洋裝Alexander McQueen售價$55300

ALEXANDER MCQUEEN SS2011 Runway 黃金綴飾長袍洋裝 IT38 XS 參考號碼:MAEA/A00010 品牌: 亞歷山大‧麥昆 設計師:莎拉伯頓 系列:2011 春夏 - 時裝秀 材質: 絲綢 顏色: 黃色,金色 圖案:抽象 閉合方式: 拉鍊 襯裡: 黃色絲綢 額外細節:Alexander McQueen 長罩衫裙由 Sarah Burton 設計,首次亮相 2011 年春夏系列。帝國風格,採用真絲雪紡製成,帶有火熱的柔和金色色調,帶有可愛的印花。高腰帶上有一簇不規則的鵝卵石形狀的裝飾,模仿閃閃發光的珠寶。大號波浪袖,紐帶開合。背面拉鍊開合,並以未完成的底邊完成。 預計零售價:17,360 美元 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:未配戴過,完好,有標籤。由於原始設計,邊緣細節出現磨損。 附帶:樣式程式碼存在(通用)設計師標籤。 漿紗 設計尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸說明:此商品尺寸偏大。 測量值: 肩寬:41 公分/16 英寸 胸圍:34 公分/13.3 英寸 腰圍:32 公分/12.5 英寸 臀圍:70 公分/27.3 英寸 長度:141 公分/55 英寸 袖長:67 公分/26.1 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Alexander McQueen。這款 Alexander McQueen 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! ALEXANDER MCQUEEN SS2011 Runway yellow gold embellished kaftan dress IT38 XS Reference: MAEA/A00010 Brand: Alexander McQueen Designer: Sarah Burton Collection: SS 2011 - Runway Material: Silk Color: Yellow, Gold Pattern: Abstract Closure: Zip Lining: Yellow Silk Extra Details: Alexander McQueen kaftan dress designed by Sarah Burton in her debut s/s 2011 collection. Empire style fashioned of silk chiffon in fiery shades of muted gold with fond-like print. High waisted band has clusters of irregular pebble shaped embellishment mimicking sparkling jewels. Large billowy sleeves with button closures. Back zipper closure and finished throughout with unfinished hemline. Estimated Retail Price: USD 17360 Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Unworn in mint condition, with tags. Fray edge detail due to original design. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Designer tags. SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS Size note: This item fits larger to size. MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 41cm / 16" Chest: 34cm / 13.3" Waist: 32cm / 12.5" Hip: 70cm / 27.3" Length: 141cm / 55" Sleeve length: 67cm / 26.1" JHROP is not affiliated with Alexander McQueen. This Alexander McQueen item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


rare ALEXANDER MCQUEEN 2011 Runway Skeleton Foliage floral print raw ruffle dress IT40 S

rare ALEXANDER MCQUEEN 2011 Runway Skeleton Foliage floral print raw ruffle dress IT40 S
人氣洋裝Alexander McQueen售價$134300

稀有 ALEXANDER MCQUEEN 2011 Runway Skeleton Foliage 花卉印花毛邊荷葉邊連身裙 IT40 S 參考:MAEA/A00007 品牌: 亞歷山大‧麥昆 設計師:莎拉伯頓 系列:2011 春夏 - 時裝秀 材質: 絲綢 顏色: 黑色,金色 圖案: 巴洛克 閉合方式: 拉鍊 額外細節:絲綢上的磨損邊緣和拉扯是生絲設計的有意之處。胸部褶邊下方有精緻的扣環支架。 預計零售價:13500 美元 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:未配戴過,完好,有標籤。標籤完好無損。 附帶:樣式程式碼存在(通用)設計師標籤。 漿紗 設計師尺寸:IT40 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 肩到肩:28 公分/10.9 英寸 胸圍:40 公分/15.6 英寸 腰圍:34 公分/13.3 英寸 臀圍:41.5 公分/16.2 英寸 長度:90.5 公分/35.3 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Alexander McQueen。這款 Alexander McQueen 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! rare ALEXANDER MCQUEEN 2011 Runway Skeleton Foliage floral print raw ruffle dress IT40 S Reference: MAEA/A00007 Brand: Alexander McQueen Designer: Sarah Burton Collection: Spring Summer 2011 - Runway Material: Silk Color: Black, Gold Pattern: Barocco Closure: Zip Extra Details: Fray edge and pulls on silk are intentional of raw silk design. Intricate button stand under ruffles at chest. Estimated Retail Price: USD 13500 Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Unworn in mint condition, with tags. Tags intact. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Designer tags. SIZING Designer size: IT40 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 28cm / 10.9" Chest: 40cm / 15.6" Waist: 34cm / 13.3" Hip: 41.5cm / 16.2" Length: 90.5cm / 35.3" JHROP is not affiliated with Alexander McQueen. This Alexander McQueen item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


rare ALEXANDER MCQUEEN 2011 Runway black floral laser cut cropped leather jacket IT40 S

rare ALEXANDER MCQUEEN 2011 Runway black floral laser cut cropped leather jacket IT40 S
熱門外套Alexander McQueen售價$158000

稀有 ALEXANDER MCQUEEN 2011 Runway 黑色花卉雷射切割短皮夾克 IT40 S 參考:MAEA/A00006 品牌: 亞歷山大‧麥昆 設計師:莎拉伯頓 系列:2011 年春夏造型 15 - 時裝秀 如上所見:林賽·胡佛 材質:皮革 顏色: 黑色,金色 圖案: 花卉 閉合方式: 掛鉤和桿 額外細節:極為複雜的皮革製品,每片樹葉設計均經過雷射切割,並刻有逼真的葉脈。每片葉子都是手工製作的,創造出不規則的荷葉邊效果。 。衣領和腰帶細節袖口處有可調節、可拆卸的金色 Barocco 金屬扣環。 預計零售價:21730 美元 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:未配戴過,完好,有標籤。標籤完好無損。硬體上有微刮痕。袖子和背部的皮革有些凹痕,可能是由於存放的原因。看起來沒有磨損,沒有明顯的瑕疵。 附帶:樣式程式碼存在(通用)設計師標籤。 漿紗 設計師尺寸:IT40 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 肩到肩:35 公分/13.7 英寸 胸圍:40 公分/15.6 英寸 腰圍:36 公分/14 英寸 長度:40.5 厘米/15.8 英寸 袖長:66 公分/25.7 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Alexander McQueen。這款 Alexander McQueen 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! rare ALEXANDER MCQUEEN 2011 Runway black floral laser cut cropped leather jacket IT40 S Reference: MAEA/A00006 Brand: Alexander McQueen Designer: Sarah Burton Collection: Spring Summer 2011 Look 15 - Runway As seen on: Lindsey Hoover Material: Leather Color: Black, Gold Pattern: Floral Closure: Hook & Bar Extra Details: Extremely intricate leather work, each foliage leaf design has been laser cut and intricately embossed with realistic leaf veins. Each leaf is hand tact to create an irregular ruffled effect. . Adjustable and detachable gold-tone Barocco metal buckles at collar and belt detail cuff. Estimated Retail Price: USD 21730 Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Unworn in mint condition, with tags. Tags intact. Micro scratches on hardware. Some dented leather at sleeves and back, maybe due to storage. Appears unworn and no obvious flaws. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Designer tags. SIZING Designer size: IT40 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 35cm / 13.7" Chest: 40cm / 15.6" Waist: 36cm / 14" Length: 40.5cm / 15.8" Sleeve length: 66cm / 25.7" JHROP is not affiliated with Alexander McQueen. This Alexander McQueen item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


ALEXANDER MCQUEEN 2010 Angels Demons Runway gold medieval jacquard dress IT40 S

ALEXANDER MCQUEEN 2010 Angels Demons Runway gold medieval jacquard dress IT40 S
熱門洋裝Alexander McQueen售價$63200

ALEXANDER MCQUEEN 2010 Angels Demons Runway 金色中世紀提花洋裝 IT40 S 參考:MAEA/A00002 品牌: 亞歷山大‧麥昆 設計師:李亞歷山大麥昆 系列:2010 秋冬 Angels Demons - 時裝秀 材質:聚酯纖維、混紡 顏色: 金色 圖案: 巴洛克 閉合方式: 拉鍊 襯裡: 金絲 額外細節:Lee McQueens 2010 秋冬天使惡魔系列的收藏連身裙。金色和黑色網版印刷提花,採用中世紀巴洛克風格設計。側拉鍊。腰部飾有金色羈扣。立體褶皺喇叭款式。維多利亞時代的泡泡袖。全襯裡為絲綢。 狀態: 狀況:未配戴過,完好,有標籤。 漿紗 設計師尺寸:IT40 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 肩膀到肩膀:37 公分/14.4 英寸 胸圍:40 公分/15.6 英寸 腰圍:34 公分/13.3 英寸 臀圍:36 公分/14 英寸 長度:89 公分/34.7 英寸 袖長:23 公分/9 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Alexander McQueen。這款 Alexander McQueen 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! ALEXANDER MCQUEEN 2010 Angels Demons Runway gold medieval jacquard dress IT40 S Reference: MAEA/A00002 Brand: Alexander McQueen Designer: Lee Alexander McQueen Collection: Fall Winter 2010 Angels Demons - Runway Material: Polyester, Blend Color: Gold Pattern: Barocco Closure: Zip Lining: Gold Silk Extra Details: Collector's dress from Lee McQueens AW2010 Angels Demons collection. Gold and black screen print jacquard with medieval baroque inspired design. Side zip. Gold embellished button at waist. Sculpted gathered flared fit. Victorian puff sleeves. Fully lined with silk. CONDITION: Condition: Unworn in mint condition, with tags. SIZING Designer size: IT40 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 37cm / 14.4" Chest: 40cm / 15.6" Waist: 34cm / 13.3" Hip: 36cm / 14" Length: 89cm / 34.7" Sleeve length: 23cm / 9" JHROP is not affiliated with Alexander McQueen. This Alexander McQueen item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


GUCCI Epilogue blue washed organic denim GG monogram vintage coat IT38 XS

GUCCI Epilogue blue washed organic denim GG monogram vintage coat IT38 XS

GUCCI Epilogue 藍色水洗有機牛仔布 GG 字母復古外套 IT38 XS 參考:LNKO/A02489 品牌: 古馳 設計師:亞歷山德羅·米歇爾 材質:棉、皮革 顏色: 藍色, 棕色 圖案: 字母組合 閉合方式: 紐扣 額外細節:生態水洗有機牛仔布。這款來自 Gucci Epilogue 系列的靛藍色設計不同於普通的牛仔夾克,擁有許多有趣的設計細節。 Gucci GG 皮革邊飾牛仔夾克。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。這件作品似乎沒有磨損,狀況良好。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸說明:此商品尺寸偏大。 測量值: 肩到肩:44.5 公分/17.4 英寸 胸圍:50.5 公分/19.7 英寸 腰圍:53 公分/20.7 英寸 長度:63.5 公分/24.8 英寸 袖長:56 公分/21.8 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Gucci。這款 Gucci 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! GUCCI Epilogue blue washed organic denim GG monogram vintage coat IT38 XS Reference: LNKO/A02489 Brand: Gucci Designer: Alessandro Michele Material: Cotton, Leather Color: Blue, Brown Pattern: Monogram Closure: Button Extra Details: Eco washed organic denim. Not your ordinary denim jacket, this indigo blue design from Gucci's Epilogue collection has a number of intriguing design details. Gucci GG leather-trimmed denim jacket. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This piece appears to be unworn and is in great condition. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS Size note: This item fits larger to size. MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 44.5cm / 17.4" Chest: 50.5cm / 19.7" Waist: 53cm / 20.7" Length: 63.5cm / 24.8" Sleeve length: 56cm / 21.8" JHROP is not affiliated with Gucci. This Gucci item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


1017 ALYX 9SM black ribbed silver S plate halter midi bodycon dress XS

1017 ALYX 9SM black ribbed silver S plate halter midi bodycon dress XS

1017 ALYX 9SM 黑色羅紋銀色 S 板掛脖中長緊身洋裝 XS 參考:LNKO/A02487 品牌: 愛麗克斯 設計師:馬修威廉斯 材質:黏膠、混紡 顏色: 黑色, 銀色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 紐扣 額外細節:後領處有羈扣。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。金屬硬體上的微小刮痕。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計師尺寸:XS 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 測量值: 胸圍:25 公分/9.8 英寸 腰圍:23 公分/9 英寸 臀圍:30 公分/11.7 英寸 長度:97 公分/37.8 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Alyx。這款 Alyx 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! 1017 ALYX 9SM black ribbed silver S plate halter midi bodycon dress XS Reference: LNKO/A02487 Brand: Alyx Designer: Matthew Williams Material: Viscose, Blend Color: Black, Silver Pattern: Solid Closure: Button Extra Details: Button closure at back neck. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Micro scratches on metal hardware. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: XS Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Chest: 25cm / 9.8" Waist: 23cm / 9" Hip: 30cm / 11.7" Length: 97cm / 37.8" JHROP is not affiliated with Alyx. This Alyx item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


JACQUEMUS Le Splash Saudade pink satin ruched asymmetric strappy dress FR34 XS

JACQUEMUS Le Splash Saudade pink satin ruched asymmetric strappy dress FR34 XS

JACQUEMUS Le Splash Saudade 粉紅緞面褶飾不對稱吊帶洋裝 FR34 XS 參考:LNKO/A02478 品牌: 雅克慕斯 型號: 紹達德 收藏: Le Splash 如上所見:麗莎·霍克斯坦 材質:黏膠、混紡 顏色: 粉紅色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 拉鍊 襯裡: 粉紅色布料 額外細節:Jacquemus 粉紅色 Le Splash 連身裙,可調整細肩帶,側邊褶皺細節,側邊隱形拉鍊開合,露背設計,搭扣開合。 產地:羅馬尼亞 狀態: 狀況:良好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。到處都有微小的障礙和污漬,但由於反光紋理而不明顯。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR34 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 測量值: 肩到肩:27.5 公分/10.7 英寸 胸圍:35 公分/13.7 英寸 腰圍:28 公分/10.9 英寸 臀圍:40 公分/15.6 英寸 長度:90 厘米/35.1 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Jacquemus。這件 Jacquemus 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! JACQUEMUS Le Splash Saudade pink satin ruched asymmetric strappy dress FR34 XS Reference: LNKO/A02478 Brand: Jacquemus Model: Saudade Collection: Le Splash As seen on: Lisa Hochstein Material: Viscose, Blend Color: Pink Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Lining: Pink Fabric Extra Details: Jacquemus pink Le Splash dress featuring adjustable spaghetti straps, gathered detail at side, concealed zip closure at side, and backless design with buckle fastening. Made in: Romania CONDITION: Condition: Good, this item was pre-owned and is in good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro snags and stains here and there, but not noticeable due to reflective texture. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR34 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 27.5cm / 10.7" Chest: 35cm / 13.7" Waist: 28cm / 10.9" Hip: 40cm / 15.6" Length: 90cm / 35.1" JHROP is not affiliated with Jacquemus. This Jacquemus item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


PRADA white leather gold studded padded Alice headband

PRADA white leather gold studded padded Alice headband

PRADA 白色皮革金色鉚釘軟墊 Alice 髮帶 參考:LNKO/A02475 品牌: 普拉達 設計師:繆西亞‧普拉達 材質:皮革 顏色: 白色,金色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式:套穿 襯裡: 白色織物 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:未磨損,有缺陷。襯裡末端微黃。 附帶:樣式程式碼存在(通用)設計師標籤。訂單不會附帶原包裝盒,但如果運費單獨支付,則可以使用原包裝盒。請直接聯絡我們以取得帶包裝盒的運送報價。 測量值: 帽子高度:16 公分/6.2 英寸 帽簷寬度:14 公分/5.5 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Prada。這件普拉達 (Prada) 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! PRADA white leather gold studded padded Alice headband Reference: LNKO/A02475 Brand: Prada Designer: Miuccia Prada Material: Leather Color: White, Gold Pattern: Solid Closure: Slip On Lining: White Fabric Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Unworn with defects. Micro yellowing at ends of lining. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Designer tags. Order will NOT be shipped with original box, but the original box is available if shipping cost is paid separately. Please contact us directly to get a shipping quote with box. MEASUREMENTS: Hat height: 16cm / 6.2" Brim width: 14cm / 5.5" JHROP is not affiliated with Prada. This Prada item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


DIOR KAWS 201k pink bee XX black leather cardholder

DIOR KAWS 201k pink bee XX black leather cardholder

DIOR KAWS 201k 粉紅蜜蜂 XX 黑色皮革卡夾 參考:LNKO/A02473 品牌: 迪奧 設計師:金瓊斯 系列:Kaws 2018 材質:皮革 顏色: 黑色,粉紅色 圖案: 動物印花 襯裡: 粉紅色皮革 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:良好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。 DIOR 標誌附近有微小刮痕。蜜蜂白色部分變色。標誌附近反面有小磨損痕跡。卡片放置處有輕微凹痕。 隨附:存在樣式代碼(通用) 訂單不會附帶原包裝盒,但如果運費單獨支付,則可以使用原包裝盒。請直接聯絡我們以取得帶包裝盒的運送報價。 測量值: 長度:11.5 厘米/4.5 英寸 寬度:0.5 公分/0.2 英寸 高度:8.7 公分/3.4 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Dior。這件迪奧商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! DIOR KAWS 201k pink bee XX black leather cardholder Reference: LNKO/A02473 Brand: Dior Designer: Kim Jones Collection: Kaws 2018 Material: Leather Color: Black, Pink Pattern: Animal Print Lining: Pink Leather Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Good, this item was pre-owned and is in good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Tiny scratch near DIOR logo. Discoloration at white parts at bees. Small scuff mark at wrong side near logo. Slight dents at card placements. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Order will NOT be shipped with original box, but the original box is available if shipping cost is paid separately. Please contact us directly to get a shipping quote with box. MEASUREMENTS: Length: 11.5cm / 4.5" Width: 0.5cm / 0.2" Height: 8.7cm / 3.4" JHROP is not affiliated with Dior. This Dior item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


BALENCIAGA Demna Hourglass XS black strass crystal leather crossbody bag

BALENCIAGA Demna Hourglass XS black strass crystal leather crossbody bag

BALENCIAGA Demna Hourglass XS 黑色水晶水晶皮革斜背包 參考:LNKO/A02467 品牌: 巴黎世家 設計師:德姆納 型號: 沙漏 XS 如所見:金卡戴珊 (Kim Kardashian) 材質:皮革 顏色:黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式:磁鐵 內襯: 黑色皮革 額外細節:小牛皮和水鑽水晶。曲線底座。單頂部手柄。可調節、可拆斜背帶。鑲釘磁性閉合。 B 標誌五金件鑲嵌水晶。 1 個後袋。納帕小羊皮襯裡。 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。正面微溢膠。內翻蓋被水晶磨損。內部有微小磨損痕跡。 隨附: 款式代碼(通用) 防塵袋。 測量值: 寬度(底座寬度):19.5 公分/7.6 英寸 高度(底座到開口):12 公分/4.7 英寸 深度(側面深度):11.5 公分/4.5 英寸 手柄高度:8.5 公分/3.3 英寸 錶帶長:56 公分/21.8 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Balenciaga。這款 Balenciaga 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! BALENCIAGA Demna Hourglass XS black strass crystal leather crossbody bag Reference: LNKO/A02467 Brand: Balenciaga Designer: Demna Model: Hourglass XS As seen on: Kim Kardashian Material: Leather Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Magnet Lining: Black Leather Extra Details: Calfskin leather and rhinestone crystals. Curvilinear base. Single top handle. Adjustable and removable crossbody strap. Studded magnetic closure. B logo hardware with crystals encrusted. 1 back pocket. Nappa lambskin lining. CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Micro overflowing glue at front. Scuffed inside flap by crystals. Micro scuff marks inside. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) One dust bag. MEASUREMENTS: Width (width across base): 19.5cm / 7.6" Height (base to opening): 12cm / 4.7" Depth (side depth): 11.5cm / 4.5" Handle drop: 8.5cm / 3.3" Strap drop: 56cm / 21.8" JHROP is not affiliated with Balenciaga. This Balenciaga item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


LOEWE Mini Puffer Goya khaki soft nappa padded pillow crossbody bag

LOEWE Mini Puffer Goya khaki soft nappa padded pillow crossbody bag

LOEWE Mini Puffer Goya 卡其色柔軟納帕軟墊枕頭斜挎包 參考:LNKO/A02434 品牌: 羅意威 型號: 迷你河豚Goya 材質:皮革 顏色: 卡其色,金色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式:磁鐵 襯裡:卡其色皮革 額外細節:顏色:深卡其綠色。受戈雅美學的啟發,Goya Puffer 憑藉鵝毛填充物強調的閃亮納帕小羊皮,帶來了全新的感官和觸覺維度。這款迷你版本採用閃亮納帕小羊皮製成,配有可拆卸、可調節肩帶。肩背或斜背。磁性閉合。 1 個隔層和 1 個拉鍊口袋。納帕小羊皮襯裡。 產地:西班牙 狀態: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。 請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。背面有微刮痕。錶帶上有收納凹痕。內部皮革和五金件磨損。 隨附: 款式代碼(通用) 防塵袋。 測量值: 寬度(底座寬度):19 公分/7.4 英寸 高度(底座到開口):11 公分/4.3 英寸 深度(側面深度):55 公分/21.5 英寸 錶帶長:55 公分/21.5 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Loewe。這款 Loewe 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! LOEWE Mini Puffer Goya khaki soft nappa padded pillow crossbody bag Reference: LNKO/A02434 Brand: Loewe Model: Mini Puffer Goya Material: Leather Color: Khaki, Gold Pattern: Solid Closure: Magnet Lining: Khaki Leather Extra Details: Colour : Dark Khaki Green. Inspired by the Goya aesthetic, the Goya Puffer is bringing a new sensorial and tactile dimension, thanks to the shiny nappa lambskin emphasized by the goose feathers padding. This mini version is crafted in shiny nappa lambskin and has a detachable and adjustable strap. Shoulder or crossbody carry. Magnetic closure. One compartment and one zipped pocket. Lined in nappa lambskin. Made in: Spain CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro scratches at back. Storage dents at strap. Scuffed leather and hardware inside. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) One dust bag. MEASUREMENTS: Width (width across base): 19cm / 7.4" Height (base to opening): 11cm / 4.3" Depth (side depth): 55cm / 21.5" Strap drop: 55cm / 21.5" JHROP is not affiliated with Loewe. This Loewe item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


MICHAEL KORS COLLECTION black lace overlay top crop sleeve long gown US2 S

MICHAEL KORS COLLECTION black lace overlay top crop sleeve long gown US2 S
熱門裙子Michael Kors售價$6000

MICHAEL KORS COLLECTION 黑色蕾絲罩短袖長洋裝US2 S 編號:LNKO/A02398 品牌:Michael Kors 設計師:Michael Kors 系列:Collection 材質:人造絲、混紡 br>顏色:黑色、裸色 圖案:蕾絲 閉合方式:拉鍊 襯裡:裸色絲綢 額外細節:後拉鍊。袖口有拉鍊。 附帶:樣式程式碼存在(通用)設計師標籤。 尺寸 設計師尺寸:US2 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 尺寸: 肩寬:35cm / 13.7 吋 胸圍:37 公分/ 14.4 吋 腰圍:30 公分/ 11.7 吋 衣長:157 公分/ 61.2 吋 袖長:51 公分/19.9 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於Michael Kors。 !的目標是為客戶提供壓力。 MICHAEL KORS COLLECTION black lace overlay top crop sleeve long gown US2 S Reference: LNKO/A02398 Brand: Michael Kors Designer: Michael Kors Collection: Collection Material: Rayon, Blend Color: Black, Nude Pattern: Lace Closure: Zip Lining: Nude Silk Extra Details: Back zip. Zips at cuffs. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Unworn in mint condition, with tags. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Designer tags. SIZING Designer size: US2 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 35cm / 13.7" Chest: 37cm / 14.4" Waist: 30cm / 11.7" Length: 157cm / 61.2" Sleeve length: 51cm / 19.9" JHROP is not affiliated with Michael Kors. This Michael Kors item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


OLD CELINE Mustang Vintage Car print black leather gold foil wristlet clutch bag

OLD CELINE Mustang Vintage Car print black leather gold foil wristlet clutch bag

舊CELINE野馬復古汽車印花黑色皮革金箔腕帶手拿包 編號:LNKO/A02394 品牌:Celine 設計師:Phoebe Philo 材質:皮革 顏色:黑色、金色 >圖案:抽象 閉合:拉鍊 襯裡:黑色皮革 額外細節:Celine Mustang 手拿包。來自 Phoebe Philo 2011 春夏系列。皮革和皮革襯裡。野馬金色印花。義大利製。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。造型略有凹陷。污點位於前方中心靠近頂部的位置。後底和右側有輕微刮痕。硬體上有微刮痕。 14 公分/ 5.5 吋 深度(側邊深度):20 公分 / 7.8 吋 JHROP 與 Celine 無關。挑選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備單品,每件商品都經過我們訓練有素的鑑定員團隊的內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品都準確呈現在我們的產品中! OLD CELINE Mustang Vintage Car print black leather gold foil wristlet clutch bag Reference: LNKO/A02394 Brand: Celine Designer: Phoebe Philo Material: Leather Color: Black, Gold Pattern: Abstract Closure: Zip Lining: Black Leather Extra Details: Celine Mustang clutch. From the Spring/Summer 2011 Collection by Phoebe Philo. Leather and leather lined. Mustang gold print. Made in Italy. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Fair, this item was pre-owned and is in fair condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Slightly dented shape. Stain at front center near top. Minor scratches at back bottom and right. Micro scratches at hardware. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) MEASUREMENTS: Width (width across base): 4cm / 1.6" Height (base to opening): 14cm / 5.5" Depth (side depth): 20cm / 7.8" JHROP is not affiliated with Celine. This Celine item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


HERMES Kelly 28 Cumin Swift PHW turnlock crossbody top handle bag

HERMES Kelly 28 Cumin Swift PHW turnlock crossbody top handle bag

HERMES Kelly 28 Cumin Swift PHW 旋鎖斜背包頂部手柄 參考:LNKO/A02393 品牌: 愛馬仕 型號:凱莉28 材質:皮革、金屬 顏色: 黃色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式:旋鎖 襯裡:黃色皮革 額外細節:2009 年的 Square M 郵票。鈀銀五金配件。 產地:法國 狀態: 狀況:良好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。翻蓋中間、正面頂部和正面中間有微刮痕。兩側和背面有自然凹痕。背面頂部和底部有微刮痕。背面邊緣、4 個角落和左側底部皮革變色。左下底座有磨損痕跡。翻蓋內側有微刮痕。硬體上有微刮痕。 隨附: 款式代碼(通用) 防塵袋。 JHROP 不隸屬於 Hermes。這款愛馬仕商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! HERMES Kelly 28 Cumin Swift PHW turnlock crossbody top handle bag Reference: LNKO/A02393 Brand: Hermes Model: Kelly 28 Material: Leather, Metal Color: Yellow Pattern: Solid Closure: Turnlock Lining: Yellow Leather Extra Details: Square M stamp from 2009. Hermes Kelly 28cm bag with detachable shoulder. Palladium silver hardware. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Good, this item was pre-owned and is in good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro scratches at middle of flap, top front and middle front. Natural dents at two sides and back. Micro scratches at top and bottom of back. Discolroation of leather at back side edges, 4 corners and left side bottom. Scuff marks at left bottom base. Micro scratches at inside of flap. Micro scratches at hardware. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) One dust bag. JHROP is not affiliated with Hermes. This Hermes item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


HERMES Kelly 35 Bleu Gacier Clemence sports canvas strap satchel bag

HERMES Kelly 35 Bleu Gacier Clemence sports canvas strap satchel bag

HERMES Kelly 35 Bleu Gacier Clemence 運動帆布肩帶挎包 參考:LNKO/A02392 品牌: 愛馬仕 型號: 凱莉35 材質:皮革、金屬 顏色: 藍色, 銀色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式:旋鎖 襯裡:藍色皮革 額外細節:2011 年方形 O 郵票。克萊芒斯皮革。鈀銀五金配件。 產地:法國 狀態: 狀況:良好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。兩側有天然使用過的凹痕。底座 4 個角落有輕微變色。織物帶末端開始磨損。金屬硬體上有微小刮痕。裡面看起來有點用過。 隨附: 款式代碼(通用) 防塵袋。 測量值: 寬度(底座寬度):12 公分/4.7 英寸 高度(底座到開口):25 公分/9.8 英寸 深度(側面深度):35 公分/13.7 英寸 手柄落差:10 公分/3.9 英寸 錶帶長:35 公分/13.7 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Hermes。這款愛馬仕商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! HERMES Kelly 35 Bleu Gacier Clemence sports canvas strap satchel bag Reference: LNKO/A02392 Brand: Hermes Model: Kelly 35 Material: Leather, Metal Color: Blue, Silver Pattern: Solid Closure: Turnlock Lining: Blue Leather Extra Details: Square O stamp from 2011. Glacier Blue color. Clemance leather. Palladium silver hardware. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Good, this item was pre-owned and is in good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Natural used dents at both sides. Minor discoloration at base 4 corners. End of fabric straps are starting to fray. Micro scratches at metal hardware. Inside looks slightly used. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) One dust bag. MEASUREMENTS: Width (width across base): 12cm / 4.7" Height (base to opening): 25cm / 9.8" Depth (side depth): 35cm / 13.7" Handle drop: 10cm / 3.9" Strap drop: 35cm / 13.7" JHROP is not affiliated with Hermes. This Hermes item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


rare MAISON MARTIN MARGIELA Incognito brown tortoise shield visor sunglasses

rare MAISON MARTIN MARGIELA Incognito brown tortoise shield visor sunglasses
熱門眼鏡Maison Margiela售價$9420

稀有MAISON MARTIN MARGIELA Incognito 棕色玳瑁盾遮陽鏡 編號:LNKO/A02385 品牌:Maison Margiela 設計師:Martin Margiela 型號:Incognito 系列:Runway 材質:材質:醋酸纖維 顏色:棕色 圖案:動物印花 襯裡:棕色醋酸纖維 製造地:意大利 狀況: 狀況:非常好,該商品是二手的,並且狀況非常好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。右側框架底部有微刮痕。請直接聯絡我們以取得帶包裝盒的運送報價。 尺寸: 眼睛尺寸:15公分/5.9吋 鏡腳長度:15.5公分/6吋 鏡框寬度:14公分/5.5吋 鏡框高度:6公分/2.3吋< br> JHROP 不隸屬於 Maison Margiela。這款 Maison Margiela 商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! rare MAISON MARTIN MARGIELA Incognito brown tortoise shield visor sunglasses Reference: LNKO/A02385 Brand: Maison Margiela Designer: Martin Margiela Model: Incognito Collection: Runway Material: Acetate Color: Brown Pattern: Animal Print Lining: Brown Acetate Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro scratch at right frame bottom. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Order will NOT be shipped with original box, but the original box is available if shipping cost is paid separately. Please contact us directly to get a shipping quote with box. MEASUREMENTS: Eye size: 15cm / 5.9" Temple length: 15.5cm / 6" Frame width: 14cm / 5.5" Frame height: 6cm / 2.3" JHROP is not affiliated with Maison Margiela. This Maison Margiela item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


STELLA MCCARTNEY SM3011 silver nude frame brown ombre lens sunglasses

STELLA MCCARTNEY SM3011 silver nude frame brown ombre lens sunglasses
人氣眼鏡Stella McCartney售價$820

STELLA MCCARTNEY SM3011 銀色裸框棕色漸變鏡片太陽眼鏡 編號:LNKO/A02383 品牌:Stella McCartney 設計師:Stella McCartney 型號:SM3011 材質:醋酸纖維、金屬<br >顏色:裸色,銀色 圖案:純色 襯裡:裸色醋酸纖維 額外細節:標誌側面。 :極好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。商品狀況良好,值得喜愛。請直接聯絡我們以取得帶包裝盒的運送報價。 尺寸: 眼睛尺寸:6 公分/2.3 吋 鼻樑架尺寸:2 公分/0.8 吋 鏡腳長度:14 公分/5.5 吋 鏡框寬度:14厘米/5.5 英寸<br >框架高度:5 厘米/ 2 英寸 JHROP 與Stella McCartney 無關。精選的原始和二手奢華設計師商品,從稀有收藏檔案到當季必備單品,每件商品都經過我們訓練有素的鑑定員團隊的內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品都準確地呈現在我們的清單中。 STELLA MCCARTNEY SM3011 silver nude frame brown ombre lens sunglasses Reference: LNKO/A02383 Brand: Stella McCartney Designer: Stella McCartney Model: SM3011 Material: Acetate, Metal Color: Nude, Silver Pattern: Solid Lining: Nude Acetate Extra Details: Logo sides. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition and ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Order will NOT be shipped with original box, but the original box is available if shipping cost is paid separately. Please contact us directly to get a shipping quote with box. MEASUREMENTS: Eye size: 6cm / 2.3" Bridge size: 2cm / 0.8" Temple length: 14cm / 5.5" Frame width: 14cm / 5.5" Frame height: 5cm / 2" JHROP is not affiliated with Stella McCartney. This Stella McCartney item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


rare GIVENCHY Riccardo Tisci antique gold spike black leather headband

rare GIVENCHY Riccardo Tisci antique gold spike black leather headband

稀有GIVENCHY Riccardo Tisci 古董金釘黑皮革髮帶 編號:LNKO/A02378 品牌:Givenchy 設計師:Riccardo Tisci 材質:皮革、金屬 顏色:黑色、金色< br>圖案:純色 閉合:套穿 襯裡:黑色皮革 狀況: 狀況:差,商品為二手貨,狀況不佳。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。原創設計帶來仿舊金色金屬效果。黑色皮革已分解並剝落。訂單不會附帶原包裝盒,但如果運費單獨支付,則可以使用原包裝盒。請直接聯絡我們以取得帶包裝盒的運送報價。 尺寸: 長度:14.5 公分/5.7 英吋 寬度:3 公分/1.2 英吋 高度:16 公分/6.2 英吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Givenchy。紀梵希(Givenchy) 商品是正品。檢查 -由我們訓練有素的認證團隊負責檢查真偽,並確保所有產品都準確地出現在我們的列表中,憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們的目標是為客戶提供無壓力、可持續、在 JHROP 購買最新的 Designer Drop 商品! rare GIVENCHY Riccardo Tisci antique gold spike black leather headband Reference: LNKO/A02378 Brand: Givenchy Designer: Riccardo Tisci Material: Leather, Metal Color: Black, Gold Pattern: Solid Closure: Slip On Lining: Black Leather CONDITION: Condition: Poor, this item was pre-owned and is in poor condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Distressed gold metal effect due to original design. Black leather is disintegrated and peeling off. Comes with: One dust bag. Order will NOT be shipped with original box, but the original box is available if shipping cost is paid separately. Please contact us directly to get a shipping quote with box. MEASUREMENTS: Length: 14.5cm / 5.7" Width: 3cm / 1.2" Height: 16cm / 6.2" JHROP is not affiliated with Givenchy. This Givenchy item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


BOTTEGA VENETA Lido Maxi Intrecciato woven leather spool heel mules EU36

BOTTEGA VENETA Lido Maxi Intrecciato woven leather spool heel mules EU36
熱門其他Bottega Veneta售價$3260

BOTTEGA VENETA Lido Maxi Intrecciato 編織皮革線軸跟穆勒鞋EU36 編號:LNKO/A02370 品牌:Bottega Veneta 型號:Lido 材質:皮革 顏色:藍色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:套穿 襯裡:藍色皮革 製造地:義大利 狀況: 狀況:優秀,該商品為二手貨,狀況良好。商品狀況良好,值得喜愛。 尺寸 設計師尺寸:EU36 尺寸參考:EU36 / US6 / UK3 / JP23.5 JHROP 不隸屬於 Bottega Veneta。這款 Bottega Veneta 商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! BOTTEGA VENETA Lido Maxi Intrecciato woven leather spool heel mules EU36 Reference: LNKO/A02370 Brand: Bottega Veneta Model: Lido Material: Leather Color: Blue Pattern: Solid Closure: Slip On Lining: Blue Leather Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition and ready to be loved. Comes with: Two dust bags. SIZING Designer size: EU36 Size reference: EU36 / US6 / UK3 / JP23.5 JHROP is not affiliated with Bottega Veneta. This Bottega Veneta item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


FENDI Micro Peekaboo purple leather turnlock mini crossbody satchel bag

FENDI Micro Peekaboo purple leather turnlock mini crossbody satchel bag

FENDI Micro Peekaboo 紫色皮革旋鎖迷你斜背包 編號:LNKO/A02356 品牌:Fendi 型號:Peekaboo Micro 材質:皮革 顏色:紫色、銀色 圖案:實心 閉合:旋鎖 襯裡:灰色皮革 額外細節:紫色皮革。銀色硬件。扁平把手和單條可調式肩帶。鏈環口音。超細纖維襯裡。頂部有旋鎖和按扣。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。包包背面中央有輕微顏色轉移。錶帶處有微凹痕。金屬硬體上有微刮痕。現有款式代碼(通用) 一個防塵袋。訂單不會附帶原包裝盒,但如果運費單獨支付,則可以使用原包裝盒。請直接聯絡我們以取得帶包裝盒的運送報價。 尺寸: 寬度(底座寬度):5 公分/2 英吋 高度(底座到開口):11 公分/4.3 英吋 深度(側面深度):15 公分/5.9吋< br>手柄長:6 公分/2.3 吋 肩帶長:62 公分/24.2 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於Fendi。是一家時尚ReCommerce 公司。偽並確保所有產品都是準確的! FENDI Micro Peekaboo purple leather turnlock mini crossbody satchel bag Reference: LNKO/A02356 Brand: Fendi Model: Peekaboo Micro Material: Leather Color: Purple, Silver Pattern: Solid Closure: Turnlock Lining: Grey Leather Extra Details: Purple Leather. Silver-Tone Hardware. Flat Handle & Single Adjustable Shoulder Strap. Chain-Link Accents. Microfiber Lining. Turn-Lock & Snap Closures at Top. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Good, this item was pre-owned and is in good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Minor color transfer on back center of bag. Micro dents at strap. Micro scratches on metal hardware. Comes with: Authenticity card. Style code present (Generic) One dust bag. Order will NOT be shipped with original box, but the original box is available if shipping cost is paid separately. Please contact us directly to get a shipping quote with box. MEASUREMENTS: Width (width across base): 5cm / 2" Height (base to opening): 11cm / 4.3" Depth (side depth): 15cm / 5.9" Handle drop: 6cm / 2.3" Strap drop: 62cm / 24.2" JHROP is not affiliated with Fendi. This Fendi item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


VALENTINO 100% silk cream V logo black trim pajama pants IT36 XXS

VALENTINO 100% silk cream V logo black trim pajama pants IT36 XXS

VALENTINO 100% 絲奶油色V 標誌黑色鑲邊睡褲IT36 XXS 編號:LNKO/A02322 品牌:Valentino 設計師:Pier Paolo Piccioli 材質:絲綢 顏色:奶油色、黑色< br>圖案:Logomania 閉合方式:鬆緊 製造地:義大利 狀況: 狀況:優秀,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。這件作品保存狀況良好,值得喜愛。 XXS 尺寸: 腰圍:30 公分/ 11.7 吋 臀圍:47 公分/ 18.3 吋 腰圍:26 公分/ 10.1 吋 腿長:74 公分/ 28.9 「 長度:97 公分/ 37.8 英吋 褲管開口:25 公分/ 9.8 英吋 JHROP 不隸屬於Valentino。這款 Valentino 商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! VALENTINO 100% silk cream V logo black trim pajama pants IT36 XXS Reference: LNKO/A02322 Brand: Valentino Designer: Pier Paolo Piccioli Material: Silk Color: Cream, Black Pattern: Logomania Closure: Elasticated Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This piece was being kept in great condition and is ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT36 Size reference: US00 / UK4 / IT36 / FR32 / XXS MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 30cm / 11.7" Hip: 47cm / 18.3" Rise: 26cm / 10.1" In leg: 74cm / 28.9" Length: 97cm / 37.8" Leg opening: 25cm / 9.8" JHROP is not affiliated with Valentino. This Valentino item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


VALENTINO 100% silk fuchsia pink keyhole side pleats shift dress IT38 XS

VALENTINO 100% silk fuchsia pink keyhole side pleats shift dress IT38 XS

VALENTINO 100% 真絲紫紅色粉紅色鑰匙孔側褶直筒洋裝IT38 XS SKU:LNKO/A02313 品牌:Valentino 設計師::Pier Paolo Piccioli 材質:絲質 顏色:粉紅色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:鑰匙孔紐扣 襯裡:粉紅色布料額外細節:側褶。背面鑰匙孔。 製造地:義大利 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。前方靠近胯部的地方有微磨損痕跡。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) Designer Size:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸: 肩寬:35 公分/ 13.7 英吋 胸圍:40 公分/ 15.6 英吋 腰圍:40 公分/ 15.6 吋 臀圍:43 公分 / 16.8 吋 長度:86 公分 / 33.5 吋 袖長:54 公分 / 21.1 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Valentino。這件華倫天奴 (Valentino) 商品是正品。 VALENTINO 100% silk fuchsia pink keyhole side pleats shift dress IT38 XS Reference: LNKO/A02313 Brand: Valentino Designer: Pier Paolo Piccioli Material: Silk Color: Pink Pattern: Solid Closure: Keyhole Button Lining: Pink Fabric Extra Details: Side pleats. Back keyhole. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro scuff mark at front near crotch. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 35cm / 13.7" Chest: 40cm / 15.6" Waist: 40cm / 15.6" Hip: 43cm / 16.8" Length: 86cm / 33.5" Sleeve length: 54cm / 21.1" JHROP is not affiliated with Valentino. This Valentino item is authentic.


CELINE Vertical Cabas brown Tromphe logo beige monogram mini crossbody tote bag

CELINE Vertical Cabas brown Tromphe logo beige monogram mini crossbody tote bag

CELINE Vertical Cabas 棕色 Tromphe 標誌米色交織字母迷你斜背手提包 參考:LNKO/A02289 品牌: 賽琳 設計師:艾迪‧斯理曼 型號: 立式 Cabas 材質:帆布、皮革 顏色: 棕色, 米色 圖案: 字母組合 襯裡:棕色織物 額外細節:Triomphe 塗層帆布,皮革飾邊和織物襯裡。打開頂部。一個主隔間。可拆卸、可調式肩帶。 狀態: 狀況:未配戴過,完好,有標籤。 附帶:樣式程式碼存在(通用)設計師標籤。防塵袋一個。 測量值: 寬度(底座寬度):16.5 公分/6.4 英寸 高度(底座到開口):20 公分/7.8 英寸 深度(側面深度):5 厘米/2 英寸 手柄高度:8.5 公分/3.3 英寸 錶帶長:50 公分/19.5 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Celine。這款 Celine 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! CELINE Vertical Cabas brown Tromphe logo beige monogram mini crossbody tote bag Reference: LNKO/A02289 Brand: Celine Designer: Hedi Slimane Model: Vertical Cabas Material: Canvas, Leather Color: Brown, Beige Pattern: Monogram Lining: Brown Fabric Extra Details: Triomphe coated canvas with leather trim and textile lining. Open top. One main compartment. Detachable and adjustable shoulder strap. CONDITION: Condition: Unworn in mint condition, with tags. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Designer tags. One dust bag. MEASUREMENTS: Width (width across base): 16.5cm / 6.4" Height (base to opening): 20cm / 7.8" Depth (side depth): 5cm / 2" Handle drop: 8.5cm / 3.3" Strap drop: 50cm / 19.5" JHROP is not affiliated with Celine. This Celine item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


BALENCIAGA GUCCI 2021 Hacker Jackie BB monogram web mini hobo bag

BALENCIAGA GUCCI 2021 Hacker Jackie BB monogram web mini hobo bag

BALENCIAGA GUCCI 2021 Hacker Jackie BB 交織字母織帶迷你流浪包 SKU:LNKO/A02288 品牌:Balenciaga 設計師::Demna 型號:Jackie 系列:GUCCI 2021 材質:帆布、皮革 顏色:棕色、米色 圖案:Monogram 閉合方式:推扣 襯裡:棕色布料額外細節:背面還有 BB 標誌字母組合和綠紅色織帶。 製造地:義大利 狀況:未配戴,完好,有標籤。 隨附:真品卡。樣式代碼存在(通用)設計器標籤。防塵袋一個。訂單不會附帶原包裝盒,但如果運費單獨支付,則可以使用原包裝盒。請直接聯絡我們以取得帶包裝盒的運送報價。 尺寸:寬度(底座寬度):19 公分/7.4 英吋 高度(底座到開口):13 公分/5.1 英吋 深度(側面深度):3 公分/1.2 英吋 手柄長:8 公分/3.1 英吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Balenciaga。這款 Balenciaga 商品是正品。 BALENCIAGA GUCCI 2021 Hacker Jackie BB monogram web mini hobo bag Reference: LNKO/A02288 Brand: Balenciaga Designer: Demna Model: Jackie Collection: GUCCI 2021 Material: Canvas, Leather Color: Brown, Beige Pattern: Monogram Closure: Push Clasp Lining: Brown Fabric Extra Details: BB logo monogram and green red webbing also at back. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Unworn in mint condition, with tags. Comes with: Authenticity card. Style code present (Generic) Designer tags. One dust bag. Order will NOT be shipped with original box, but the original box is available if shipping cost is paid separately. Please contact us directly to get a shipping quote with box. MEASUREMENTS: Width (width across base): 19cm / 7.4" Height (base to opening): 13cm / 5.1" Depth (side depth): 3cm / 1.2" Handle drop: 8cm / 3.1" JHROP is not affiliated with Balenciaga. This Balenciaga item is authentic.


BOTTEGA VENETA red 100% double face cashmere shawl collar belted coat IT38 XS

BOTTEGA VENETA red 100% double face cashmere shawl collar belted coat IT38 XS
熱門外套Bottega Veneta售價$20630

BOTTEGA VENETA 紅色100% 雙面羊絨披肩領束帶大衣IT38 XS SKU:LNKO/A02287 品牌:Bottega Veneta 材質:羊絨 顏色:紅色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:皮帶 製造地:義大利 狀況:極佳,商品為預售的擁有且狀況良好。這件作品保存得很好,隨時可以被愛。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) Designer Size:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸:頸部至袖:71 公分/ 27.7 英吋 胸圍:60 公分/ 23.4 英吋 腰圍:62 公分/ 24.2 英吋 臀圍:66 公分/25.7 英吋 長度:98 公分/38.2 英吋 JHROP 與 Bottega Veneta 無關。 BOTTEGA VENETA red 100% double face cashmere shawl collar belted coat IT38 XS Reference: LNKO/A02287 Brand: Bottega Veneta Material: Cashmere Color: Red Pattern: Solid Closure: Belt Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This piece was being kept in great condition and is ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Neck to sleeve: 71cm / 27.7" Chest: 60cm / 23.4" Waist: 62cm / 24.2" Hip: 66cm / 25.7" Length: 98cm / 38.2" JHROP is not affiliated with Bottega Veneta. This Bottega Veneta item is authentic.


CHRISTIAN DIOR pink navy kaleidoscope animal print cotton wide pants FR36 S

CHRISTIAN DIOR pink navy kaleidoscope animal print cotton wide pants FR36 S

CHRISTIAN DIOR 粉紅海軍藍萬花筒動物印花棉質闊腿褲FR36 S SKU:LNKO/A02280 品牌:Dior 設計師::Maria Grazia Chiuri 材質:棉色:粉紅、海軍藍 圖案:動物印花 閉合方式:拉鍊 其他細節:腰帶襯裡內側有DIOR 標誌。 製造地:義大利 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。這件作品保存得很好,隨時可以被愛。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) Designer Size:FR36 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 尺寸: 腰圍:30.5 公分/ 11.9 英吋 臀圍:46 公分/ 17.9 英吋 腰圍:30公分/ 11.7腿長:71 公分/27.7 吋 長度:98 公分/38.2 吋 腿圍:30 公分/11.7 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Dior。這件迪奧商品是正品。 CHRISTIAN DIOR pink navy kaleidoscope animal print cotton wide pants FR36 S Reference: LNKO/A02280 Brand: Dior Designer: Maria Grazia Chiuri Material: Cotton Color: Pink, Navy Pattern: Animal Print Closure: Zip Extra Details: DIOR logo at inside of waistband lining. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This piece was being kept in great condition and is ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR36 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 30.5cm / 11.9" Hip: 46cm / 17.9" Rise: 30cm / 11.7" In leg: 71cm / 27.7" Length: 98cm / 38.2" Leg opening: 30cm / 11.7" JHROP is not affiliated with Dior. This Dior item is authentic.


JIL SANDER black cotton silk cape back cut out V-neck Aline midi dress FR32 XXS

JIL SANDER black cotton silk cape back cut out V-neck Aline midi dress FR32 XXS
熱門洋裝JIL SANDER售價$5140

JIL SANDER 黑色棉絲斗篷後背鏤空 V 領 Aline 中長洋裝 FR32 XXS 編號:LNKO/A02278 品牌:Jil Sander 材質:棉、絲 顏色:黑色 圖案:實心 閉合方式:拉鍊 額外細節:側拉鍊。良好的條件。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。左肩有微鉤。版型。 /19.9 英吋 長度:123 公分/ 48 英吋 JHROP 與Jil Sander 無關。的原始商品和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有收藏品到當季必備品,每件商品都經過我們訓練有素的鑑定員團隊的內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品都準確地出現在我們的商品中。 JIL SANDER black cotton silk cape back cut out V-neck Aline midi dress FR32 XXS Reference: LNKO/A02278 Brand: Jil Sander Material: Cotton, Silk Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Extra Details: Side zip. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro snags at left shoulder. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR32 Size reference: Feels like XS Size note: This item has an oversized fit. MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 37cm / 14.4" Chest: 39cm / 15.2" Waist: 32cm / 12.5" Hip: 51cm / 19.9" Length: 123cm / 48" JHROP is not affiliated with Jil Sander. This Jil Sander item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


CHANEL 08P black 100% silk ruched front boned waist shift dress FR34 XS

CHANEL 08P black 100% silk ruched front boned waist shift dress FR34 XS

CHANEL 08P 黑色100% 真絲褶皺前骨骨腰直筒洋裝FR34 XS SKU:LNKO/A02271 品牌:香奈兒 設計師::Karl Lagerfeld 系列:08P 材質:真絲 顏色:黑色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:拉鍊 襯裡:黑色真絲額外細節:鏤空背面有CC標誌拉鍊頭。 製造地:法國 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。背部中央臀部下方有小障礙。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) Designer Size:FR34 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸: 肩寬:41 公分/ 16 英吋 胸圍:41 公分/ 16 英吋 腰圍:34 公分/ 13.3 英吋 臀圍:42 公分/16.4 英吋 長度:109 公分/42.5 英吋 JHROP 與 Chanel 無關。 CHANEL 08P black 100% silk ruched front boned waist shift dress FR34 XS Reference: LNKO/A02271 Brand: Chanel Designer: Karl Lagerfeld Collection: 08P Material: Silk Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Lining: Black Silk Extra Details: Cut out back with CC logo zipper head. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Minor snag at back under center hip. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR34 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 41cm / 16" Chest: 41cm / 16" Waist: 34cm / 13.3" Hip: 42cm / 16.4" Length: 109cm / 42.5" JHROP is not affiliated with Chanel. This Chanel item is authentic.


JIL SANDER cream cotton silk cape back cut out V-neck Aline midi dress FR32 XXS

JIL SANDER cream cotton silk cape back cut out V-neck Aline midi dress FR32 XXS
人氣洋裝JIL SANDER售價$4130

JIL SANDER 奶油色棉絲斗篷背面鏤空 V 領 Aline 中長連身裙 FR32 XXS SKU:LNKO/A02269 品牌:Jil Sander 材質:棉、絲綢 顏色:奶油色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:拉鍊 額外細節:側拉鍊。 製造地:義大利 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) Designer Size:US2 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 尺寸: 肩寬:37 公分/ 14.4 英吋 胸圍:38 公分/ 14.8 英吋 腰圍:33公分 / 12.9 英吋 臀圍:49 公分 / 19.1 英吋 長度:133 公分 / 51.9 英吋 JHROP 與 Jil Sander 無關。 JIL SANDER cream cotton silk cape back cut out V-neck Aline midi dress FR32 XXS Reference: LNKO/A02269 Brand: Jil Sander Material: Cotton, Silk Color: Cream Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Extra Details: Side zip. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: US2 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 37cm / 14.4" Chest: 38cm / 14.8" Waist: 33cm / 12.9" Hip: 49cm / 19.1" Length: 133cm / 51.9" JHROP is not affiliated with Jil Sander. This Jil Sander item is authentic.


HERMES Birkin 40 Epsom brown leather gold hardware leather tote bag

HERMES Birkin 40 Epsom brown leather gold hardware leather tote bag

HERMES Birkin 40 Epsom 棕色皮革金色五金皮革手提包 SKU:LNKO/A02252 品牌:Hermes 型號:Birkin 40 Epsom 材質:皮革 顏色:棕色 圖案:純色 襯裡:棕色皮革 額外細節:Herm√® 頂部提手包。優質的。 Marron Epsom 皮革。鍍金硬件。雙捲式手把。皮革襯裡和雙內部口袋。前面有旋鎖閉合。底座有保護腳。包括鎖和鑰匙。 製造地:法國 狀況:一般,此商品為二手貨,狀況一般。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。皮革鞋面有天然使用過的凹痕和使用痕跡。主扣下方有黑色轉印,頂部翻蓋上有轉印。金色五金件上有刮痕和微小顏色變化。前面板有輕微刮痕,主要是底部和左頂部附近。四角的皮革均變色。包袋的翻蓋和小部件有磨損痕跡和刮痕。內部有磨損痕跡,有磨損痕跡和輕微污垢,但沒有明顯損壞。 隨附: 款式代碼(通用) 防塵袋。 尺寸:寬度(底座寬度):39 公分/15.2 英吋 高度(底座到開口):31 公分/12.1 英吋 深度(側邊深度):20 公分/7.8 英吋 手柄高度:10 公分/3.9 英吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Hermes。這款愛馬仕商品是正品。 HERMES Birkin 40 Epsom brown leather gold hardware leather tote bag Reference: LNKO/A02252 Brand: Hermes Model: Birkin 40 Epsom Material: Leather Color: Brown Pattern: Solid Lining: Brown Leather Extra Details: Herm√®s Top Handle Bag. Vintage. Marron Epsom Leather. Gold-Plated Hardware. Dual Rolled Handles. Leather Lining & Dual Interior Pockets. Turn-Lock Closure at Front. Protective Feet at Base. Includes Lock & Keys. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Fair, this item was pre-owned and is in fair condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Natural used dents and signs of use on leather upper. Black color transfer below main buckle and transfer on top flap. Scratches and micro color change on gold hardwares. Minor scratches on front panel, mainly near bottom and left top. Discoloration of leather on all 4 corners. Scuff marks and scratches at flap and minor parts of bags. Interior has signs of wear with scuff marks and minor dirts but with no obvious damage. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) One dust bag. MEASUREMENTS: Width (width across base): 39cm / 15.2" Height (base to opening): 31cm / 12.1" Depth (side depth): 20cm / 7.8" Handle drop: 10cm / 3.9" JHROP is not affiliated with Hermes. This Hermes item is authentic.


AMINA MUADDI Lupita blue clear PVC spool lucite heel sandal EU37.5

AMINA MUADDI Lupita blue clear PVC spool lucite heel sandal EU37.5
熱門其他Amina Muaddi售價$4110

AMINA MUADDI Lupita 藍色透明PVC 線軸有機玻璃鞋跟涼鞋EU37.5 編號:LNKO/A02250 品牌:Amina Muaddi 型號:Lupita 材質:PVC 顏色:藍色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:套穿 襯裡:裸色皮革 額外細節:Amina Muaddi Lupita 玻璃滑梯。黑色聚氯乙烯。線軸有機玻璃鞋跟。 附:一個防塵袋。 尺寸 設計師尺寸:EU37.5 尺寸參考:EU37.5 / US7.5 / UK4.5 / JP25 尺寸: 鞋床長度:23 公分/ 9 吋 鞋床寬度:7.5 公分/ 2.9 吋 鞋跟高度:10 公分/ 3.9 吋 JHROP 與Amina Muaddi 無關。 <br >JHROP 是一家時尚ReCommerce 公司。的內部檢查。 AMINA MUADDI Lupita blue clear PVC spool lucite heel sandal EU37.5 Reference: LNKO/A02250 Brand: Amina Muaddi Model: Lupita Material: PVC Color: Blue Pattern: Solid Closure: Slip On Lining: Nude Leather Extra Details: Amina Muaddi Lupita Glass Slides. Black PVC. Spool Lucite heel. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: One dust bag. SIZING Designer size: EU37.5 Size reference: EU37.5 / US7.5 / UK4.5 / JP25 MEASUREMENTS: Footbed length: 23cm / 9" Footbed width: 7.5cm / 2.9" Heel height: 10cm / 3.9" JHROP is not affiliated with Amina Muaddi. This Amina Muaddi item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


VALENTINO 100% silk scallop print logo print navy red flared pants IT36 XXS

VALENTINO 100% silk  scallop print logo print navy red flared pants IT36 XXS

VALENTINO 100% 真絲扇貝印花標誌印花海軍紅色喇叭褲IT36 XXS SKU:LNKO/A02245 品牌:Valentino 設計師:Pier Paolo Piccioli 材質:絲綢 顏色:紅色、海軍藍 圖案:Monogram 閉合方式:拉鍊門襟其他細節:腰帶處有淺切襯裡。 製造地:義大利 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) 設計師尺寸:IT36 尺寸:US00 / UK4 / IT36 / FR32 / XXS 尺寸: 腰圍:34 公分/ 13.3 吋 臀圍:40 公分/ 15.6 吋 腰圍:29 公分/ 11.3 吋/ 公分腿長:76 公分/ 29.6 吋 長度:102 公分 / 39.8 吋 腿圍:26 公分 / 10.1 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Valentino。這件華倫天奴 (Valentino) 商品是正品。 VALENTINO 100% silk scallop print logo print navy red flared pants IT36 XXS Reference: LNKO/A02245 Brand: Valentino Designer: Pier Paolo Piccioli Material: Silk Color: Red, Navy Pattern: Monogram Closure: Zip Fly Extra Details: Bas cut lining at waistband. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT36 Size reference: US00 / UK4 / IT36 / FR32 / XXS MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 34cm / 13.3" Hip: 40cm / 15.6" Rise: 29cm / 11.3" In leg: 76cm / 29.6" Length: 102cm / 39.8" Leg opening: 26cm / 10.1" JHROP is not affiliated with Valentino. This Valentino item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


STELLA MCCARTNEY cream cotton blend stretchy cropped skinny pants IT38 XS

STELLA MCCARTNEY cream cotton blend stretchy cropped skinny pants IT38 XS
熱門褲子Stella McCartney售價$690

STELLA MCCARTNEY 奶油色棉混紡彈性九分緊身褲IT38 XS 編號:LNKO/A02242 品牌:Stella McCartney 設計師:Stella McCartney 材質:棉、混紡 顏色:奶油色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:拉鍊門襟 製造地:匈牙利 狀況: 狀況:一般,此商品為二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。兩個口袋背面都有污垢,也許可以清潔。 FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸: 腰圍:34 公分/13.3 吋 臀圍:42 公分/16.4 吋 腰圍:21 公分/8.2 吋 腿長: 68 公分/26.5 吋<br >長度:89 公分/34.7 吋 褲管開口:13 公分/5.1 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Stella McCartney。這款 Stella McCartney 商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! STELLA MCCARTNEY cream cotton blend stretchy cropped skinny pants IT38 XS Reference: LNKO/A02242 Brand: Stella McCartney Designer: Stella McCartney Material: Cotton, Blend Color: Cream Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Fly Made in: Hungary CONDITION: Condition: Fair, this item was pre-owned and is in fair condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Dirt at back at both pockets, maybe cleanable. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 34cm / 13.3" Hip: 42cm / 16.4" Rise: 21cm / 8.2" In leg: 68cm / 26.5" Length: 89cm / 34.7" Leg opening: 13cm / 5.1" JHROP is not affiliated with Stella McCartney. This Stella McCartney item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


STELLA MCCARTNEY tan brown cotton blend stretchy cropped pants IT38 XS

STELLA MCCARTNEY tan brown cotton blend stretchy cropped pants IT38 XS
熱門褲子Stella McCartney售價$910

STELLA MCCARTNEY 棕褐色棉混紡彈性九分褲IT38 XS SKU:LNKO/A02241 品牌:Stella McCartney 設計師:Stella McCartney 材質:棉,混紡 顏色:棕褐色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:拉鍊門襟 製造地:匈牙利 狀況:極佳,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) 設計師尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸: 腰圍:33 公分/ 12.9 英吋 臀圍:40 公分/ 15.6 英吋 腰圍:20 公分/ 7.8 吋腿長:20 公分/ 7.8 吋:63 公分/24.6 吋 長度:84 公分/32.8 吋 腿圍:14 公分/5.5 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Stella McCartney。這款 Stella McCartney 商品是正品。 STELLA MCCARTNEY tan brown cotton blend stretchy cropped pants IT38 XS Reference: LNKO/A02241 Brand: Stella McCartney Designer: Stella McCartney Material: Cotton, Blend Color: Tan Brown Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Fly Made in: Hungary CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 33cm / 12.9" Hip: 40cm / 15.6" Rise: 20cm / 7.8" In leg: 63cm / 24.6" Length: 84cm / 32.8" Leg opening: 14cm / 5.5" JHROP is not affiliated with Stella McCartney. This Stella McCartney item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


STELLA MCCARTNEY cream cotton blend stretchy cropped skinny pants IT38 XS

STELLA MCCARTNEY cream cotton blend stretchy cropped skinny pants IT38 XS
人氣褲子Stella McCartney售價$750

STELLA MCCARTNEY 奶油色棉混紡彈性九分緊身褲IT38 XS SKU:LNKO/A02240 品牌:Stella McCartney 設計師::Stella McCartney 材質:棉,混紡 顏色:奶油色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:拉鍊門襟 製造地:匈牙利 狀況:一般,這個該物品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。兩條大腿前方有污垢。污垢從後上到下散落。所有污垢都相當微弱,可能不太明顯。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) Designer Size:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸: 腰圍:35 公分/ 13.7 吋 臀圍:41 公分/ 16 吋 腰圍:21 公分/ 8.2 吋腿長:21 公分/ 8.2 吋:73 公分/28.5 吋 長度:94 公分/36.7 吋 腿圍:12 公分/4.7 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Stella McCartney。這款 Stella McCartney 商品是正品。 STELLA MCCARTNEY cream cotton blend stretchy cropped skinny pants IT38 XS Reference: LNKO/A02240 Brand: Stella McCartney Designer: Stella McCartney Material: Cotton, Blend Color: Cream Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Fly Made in: Hungary CONDITION: Condition: Fair, this item was pre-owned and is in fair condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Dirt at front both thighs. Dirts scatter at back top to bottom. All dirts are fairly faint and may not be very noticeable. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 35cm / 13.7" Hip: 41cm / 16" Rise: 21cm / 8.2" In leg: 73cm / 28.5" Length: 94cm / 36.7" Leg opening: 12cm / 4.7" JHROP is not affiliated with Stella McCartney. This Stella McCartney item is authentic.


BALENCIAGA T'S 2008 black lace shoulder insert black tshirt top FR38 M

BALENCIAGA T'S 2008 black lace shoulder insert black tshirt top FR38 M

BALENCIAGA T'S 2008 黑色蕾絲肩插黑色T卹上衣 FR38 M 參考:LNKO/A02230 品牌: 巴黎世家 設計師:尼可拉斯蓋斯奎爾 收藏:T'S 材質: 棉 顏色:黑色 圖案: 蕾絲 閉合方式: 套頭衫 產地:葡萄牙 狀態: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。 請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。胸部塗層上有刮痕,左袖上有一點刮痕。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計師尺寸:FR38 尺寸參考:US4-6 / UK10 / IT42 / FR38 / S-M 測量值: 肩膀到肩膀:37 公分/14.4 英寸 胸圍:42 公分/16.4 英寸 腰圍:38 公分/14.8 英寸 長度:64 公分/25 英寸 袖長:13 公分/5.1 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Balenciaga。這款 Balenciaga 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! BALENCIAGA T'S 2008 black lace shoulder insert black tshirt top FR38 M Reference: LNKO/A02230 Brand: Balenciaga Designer: Nicolas Ghesquiere Collection: T'S Material: Cotton Color: Black Pattern: Lace Closure: Pullover Made in: Portugal CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Scratch mark on coating at chest area and a bit on left sleeve. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR38 Size reference: US4-6 / UK10 / IT42 / FR38 / S-M MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 37cm / 14.4" Chest: 42cm / 16.4" Waist: 38cm / 14.8" Length: 64cm / 25" Sleeve length: 13cm / 5.1" JHROP is not affiliated with Balenciaga. This Balenciaga item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


THOM BROWNE navy blue signature stripe webbing pique polo dress IT36 XXS

THOM BROWNE navy blue signature stripe webbing pique polo dress IT36 XXS
熱門洋裝Thom Browne售價$2710

THOM BROWNE 海軍藍色標誌性條紋織帶珠地佈Polo 洋裝IT36 XXS SKU:LNKO/A02214 品牌:Thom Browne 設計師:Thom Browne 材質:棉色:海軍藍 圖案:純色 閉合方式:羈扣額外細節:背面有TB織帶細節。 製造地:義大利 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。下擺附近的 TB 標籤上有淡淡的污漬。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) 設計師尺寸:IT36 尺寸參考:US00 / UK4 / IT36 / FR32 / XXS 尺寸: 肩寬:36 公分/ 14 吋 胸圍:38 公分/ 14.8 吋 腰圍:38 公分/ 14.8 吋 臀圍: 46 公分 / 17.9 吋 長度:91 公分 / 35.5 吋 袖長:19 公分 / 7.4 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Thom Browne。這款 Thom Browne 商品就是正品。 THOM BROWNE navy blue signature stripe webbing pique polo dress IT36 XXS Reference: LNKO/A02214 Brand: Thom Browne Designer: Thom Browne Material: Cotton Color: Navy Pattern: Solid Closure: Button Extra Details: TB webbing detail at back. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Faint stain on TB tag near hem. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT36 Size reference: US00 / UK4 / IT36 / FR32 / XXS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 36cm / 14" Chest: 38cm / 14.8" Waist: 38cm / 14.8" Hip: 46cm / 17.9" Length: 91cm / 35.5" Sleeve length: 19cm / 7.4" JHROP is not affiliated with Thom Browne. This Thom Browne item is authentic.


CHANEL 2019 pink cotton 4 pockets CC buttons collarless oversized trucker jacket FR34 XS

CHANEL 2019 pink cotton 4 pockets CC buttons collarless oversized trucker jacket FR34 XS

CHANEL 2019 粉紅色棉4 個口袋CC 紐帶無領超大卡車司機夾克FR34 XS SKU:LNKO/A02211 品牌:香奈兒設計師:Virginie Viard 系列:SS 2019 材質:棉色:粉紅色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:紐帶 襯裡:粉紅色絲綢額外細節:CC CHANEL 標誌紐扣 製造地:義大利 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。左後袖有輕微污垢,右後袖處有輕微障礙。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) 設計師尺寸:FR34 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸說明:此商品為超大尺寸。尺寸: 肩寬:46 公分/ 17.9 吋 胸圍:46 公分/ 17.9 吋 腰圍:40 公分/ 15.6 吋 臀圍:48 公分/ 18.7 吋 長度:68 公分/ 26.5 吋袖長:55 公分/ 21.5 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於Chanel。這件香奈兒商品是正品。 CHANEL 2019 pink cotton 4 pockets CC buttons collarless oversized trucker jacket FR34 XS Reference: LNKO/A02211 Brand: Chanel Designer: Virginie Viard Collection: SS 2019 Material: Cotton Color: Pink Pattern: Solid Closure: Button Lining: Pink Silk Extra Details: CC CHANEL logo buttons Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Slight dirt at left back sleeve and slight snag at right back sleeve. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR34 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS Size note: This item has an oversized fit. MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 46cm / 17.9" Chest: 46cm / 17.9" Waist: 40cm / 15.6" Hip: 48cm / 18.7" Length: 68cm / 26.5" Sleeve length: 55cm / 21.5" JHROP is not affiliated with Chanel. This Chanel item is authentic.


MARNI white shearling gold buckles double strap black lined flat sandals EU38

MARNI white shearling gold buckles double strap black lined flat sandals EU38

MARNI 白色羊毛皮金扣雙帶黑色襯裡平底涼鞋EU38 編號:LNKO/A02202 品牌:Marni 材質:羊毛皮、皮革、金屬 顏色:白色、金色 圖案:純色 閉合:扣環 襯裡:黑色皮革 額外細節:可調式扣環。該商品為二手貨且狀況良好。 附:兩個防塵袋。 尺寸 設計師尺寸:EU38 尺寸參考:EU38 / US8 / UK5 / JP25.5 JHROP 不隸屬於 Marni。這款 Marni 商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! MARNI white shearling gold buckles double strap black lined flat sandals EU38 Reference: LNKO/A02202 Brand: Marni Material: Shearling, Leather, Metal Color: White, Gold Pattern: Solid Closure: Buckle Lining: Black Leather Extra Details: Adjustable buckles. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: Two dust bags. SIZING Designer size: EU38 Size reference: EU38 / US8 / UK5 / JP25.5 JHROP is not affiliated with Marni. This Marni item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


ETRO Home Collection 100% merino wool beige logo stripes fringe scarf

ETRO Home Collection 100% merino wool beige logo stripes fringe scarf

ETRO Home Collection 100% 美利奴羊毛米色標誌條紋流蘇圍巾 SKU:LNKO/A02200 品牌:Etro 系列:Home Collection 材質:美利奴羊毛 顏色:米色、多色 圖案:條紋 製造地:義大利 狀況:非常棒,該商品是二手且狀況非常好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。標籤附近有輕微卡住。尺寸:寬度:152 公分/59.3 吋 長度:178 公分/69.4 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Etro。這款 Etro 商品是正品。 ETRO Home Collection 100% merino wool beige logo stripes fringe scarf Reference: LNKO/A02200 Brand: Etro Collection: Home Collection Material: Merino Wool Color: Beige, Multicolour Pattern: Striped Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Minor snagging near tag. MEASUREMENTS: Width: 152cm / 59.3" Length: 178cm / 69.4" JHROP is not affiliated with Etro. This Etro item is authentic.


LOEWE LW400961 black acetate gold cursive logo thick frame cat eye sunglasses

LOEWE LW400961 black acetate gold cursive logo thick frame cat eye sunglasses

LOEWE LW400961 黑色醋酸纖維金色草書標誌粗框貓眼太陽眼鏡 SKU:LNKO/A02196 品牌:Loewe 設計師:JW Anderson 型號:LW400961 材質:醋酸纖維 顏色:黑色、金色 圖案:純色 額外細節:手臂上有標誌。 製造地:義大利 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 隨附:樣式程式碼呈現(通用)設計器盒。尺寸:眼睛尺寸:6.5 公分/ 2.5 吋鼻樑尺寸:1.5 公分/ 0.6 吋鏡腳 長度:14 公分/ 5.5 吋鏡框寬度:5 公分/ 2 吋鏡框高度:3 公分/ 1.2 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於Loewe。這款Loewe 商品是正品。 LOEWE LW400961 black acetate gold cursive logo thick frame cat eye sunglasses Reference: LNKO/A02196 Brand: Loewe Designer: JW Anderson Model: LW400961 Material: Acetate Color: Black, Gold Pattern: Solid Extra Details: Logo on arms. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Designer box. MEASUREMENTS: Eye size: 6.5cm / 2.5" Bridge size: 1.5cm / 0.6" Temple length: 14cm / 5.5" Frame width: 5cm / 2" Frame height: 3cm / 1.2" JHROP is not affiliated with Loewe. This Loewe item is authentic.


BOTTEGA VENETA Point Triangle white sponge boucle curly raffia leather shoulder bag

BOTTEGA VENETA Point Triangle white sponge boucle curly raffia leather shoulder bag
熱門手提包Bottega Veneta售價$18840

BOTTEGA VENETA Point Triangle 白色海綿圈圈捲拉菲草皮革單肩包 SKU:LNKO/A02193 品牌:Bottega Veneta 設計師:Daniel Lee 型號:Point Triangle 材質:拉菲草、皮革 顏色:白色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:磁鐵 襯裡:白色皮革額外細節:磁性閉合。全皮革襯裡。 製造地:義大利 狀況:良好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。由於前任主人因肩帶太長而打結,導致肩帶凹陷。皮革部件上有輕微磨損。 隨附:防塵袋一個。尺寸:寬度(底座寬度):32 厘米/12.5 英寸高度(底座到開口):26 厘米/10.1 英寸深度(側面深度):10 厘米/3.9 英寸手柄長:7 厘米/2.7 英寸肩帶長:68 厘米/26.5 吋與 Bottega Veneta 無關。這款 Bottega Veneta 商品是正品。 BOTTEGA VENETA Point Triangle white sponge boucle curly raffia leather shoulder bag Reference: LNKO/A02193 Brand: Bottega Veneta Designer: Daniel Lee Model: Point Triangle Material: Raffia, Leather Color: White Pattern: Solid Closure: Magnet Lining: White Leather Extra Details: Magnetic closure. Full leather lining. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Good, this item was pre-owned and is in good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Straps are dented because the previous owner tied a knot due to the long shoulder strap. Minor scuffs on leather parts. Comes with: One dust bag. MEASUREMENTS: Width (width across base): 32cm / 12.5" Height (base to opening): 26cm / 10.1" Depth (side depth): 10cm / 3.9" Handle drop: 7cm / 2.7" Strap drop: 68cm / 26.5" JHROP is not affiliated with Bottega Veneta. This Bottega Veneta item is authentic.


LANVIN 100% silk khaki blue abstract invert darts dress FR36 S

LANVIN 100% silk khaki blue abstract invert darts dress FR36 S

LANVIN 100% 真絲卡其藍色抽象倒省道洋裝FR36 S SKU:LNKO/A02191 品牌:Lanvin 設計師:Alber Elbaz 材質:絲綢 顏色:多色 圖案:抽象 閉合方式:拉鍊 襯裡:綠色絲綢額外細節:後拉鍊。 製造地:斯洛伐克 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) 設計師尺寸:FR36 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 尺寸: 肩寬:35.5 公分/ 13.8 英吋 胸圍:38 公分/ 14.8 英吋 腰圍:344公分/ 13.3 吋 臀圍:45 公分 / 17.6 吋 長度:96 公分 / 37.4 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Lanvin。這款 Lanvin 商品是正品。 LANVIN 100% silk khaki blue abstract invert darts dress FR36 S Reference: LNKO/A02191 Brand: Lanvin Designer: Alber Elbaz Material: Silk Color: Multicolour Pattern: Abstract Closure: Zip Lining: Green Silk Extra Details: Back zip. Made in: Slovakia CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR36 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 35.5cm / 13.8" Chest: 38cm / 14.8" Waist: 34cm / 13.3" Hip: 45cm / 17.6" Length: 96cm / 37.4" JHROP is not affiliated with Lanvin. This Lanvin item is authentic.


STELLA MCCARTNEY nude elasticated waistband motocycle legging pants IT38 XS

STELLA MCCARTNEY nude elasticated waistband motocycle legging pants IT38 XS
人氣褲子Stella McCartney售價$820

STELLA MCCARTNEY 裸色鬆緊腰帶摩托車緊身褲IT38 XS SKU:LNKO/A02182 品牌:Stella McCartney 設計師:Stella McCartney 系列:2014 材質:棉、混紡 顏色:裸色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:鬆緊額外細節:鬆緊腰帶,後部拉鍊。面板更加貼合。 製造地:匈牙利 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) 設計師尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸: 腰圍:29 公分/ 11.3 英吋 臀圍:39 公分/ 15.2 英吋腿長:70 公分/ 27.3 英吋:94 公分 / 36.7 英吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Stella McCartney。這款 Stella McCartney 商品是正品。 STELLA MCCARTNEY nude elasticated waistband motocycle legging pants IT38 XS Reference: LNKO/A02182 Brand: Stella McCartney Designer: Stella McCartney Collection: 2014 Material: Cotton, Blend Color: Nude Pattern: Solid Closure: Elasticated Extra Details: Elasticated waistband with back zip. Panels for a better fit. Made in: Hungary CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 29cm / 11.3" Hip: 39cm / 15.2" In leg: 70cm / 27.3" Length: 94cm / 36.7" JHROP is not affiliated with Stella McCartney. This Stella McCartney item is authentic.


STELLA MCCARTNEY 2011 grey wool triple layer shawl pocketed fitted blazer IT36 XXS

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2011 grey wool triple layer shawl pocketed fitted blazer IT36 XXS
熱門外套Stella McCartney售價$2460

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2011 灰色羊毛三層披肩口袋合身西裝外套IT36 XXS SKU:LNKO/A02177 品牌:Stella McCartney 設計師:Stella McCartney 系列:2011 材質:羊毛、黏膠纖維 顏色:灰色、黑色 圖案:實心 閉合方式:鉤鉤眼 襯裡:灰色布料額外細節:鉤眼扣。墊肩。 製造地:義大利 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 隨附: 款式代碼(通用) 備註: 品牌標籤泛黃。 設計師尺寸:IT36 尺寸參考:US00 / UK4 / IT36 / FR32 / XXS 尺寸說明:此商品為超大尺寸。尺寸: 肩寬:35 公分/ 13.7 吋 胸圍:42 公分/ 16.4 吋 腰圍:39 公分/ 15.2 吋 臀圍:46 公分/ 17.9 吋 長度:69 公分/ 26.9 吋袖長:61 公分/ 23.8 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於Stella McCartney。這款 Stella McCartney 商品是正品。 STELLA MCCARTNEY 2011 grey wool triple layer shawl pocketed fitted blazer IT36 XXS Reference: LNKO/A02177 Brand: Stella McCartney Designer: Stella McCartney Collection: 2011 Material: Wool, Viscose Color: Grey, Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Hook & Eye Lining: Grey Fabric Extra Details: Hook and eye closure. Shoulder pads. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Remarks: Yellowing on brand label. SIZING Designer size: IT36 Size reference: US00 / UK4 / IT36 / FR32 / XXS Size note: This item has an oversized fit. MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 35cm / 13.7" Chest: 42cm / 16.4" Waist: 39cm / 15.2" Hip: 46cm / 17.9" Length: 69cm / 26.9" Sleeve length: 61cm / 23.8" JHROP is not affiliated with Stella McCartney. This Stella McCartney item is authentic.


STELLA MCCARTNEY 2011 nude wool single breasted shawl collar multi pocket tux blazer IT36 XXS

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2011 nude wool single breasted shawl collar multi pocket tux blazer IT36 XXS
熱門外套Stella McCartney售價$2050

STELLA MCCARTNEY 2011 裸色羊毛單排扣披肩領多口袋燕尾服西裝外套IT36 XXS SKU:LNKO/A02176 品牌:Stella McCartney 設計師:Stella McCartney 系列:2011 材質:羊毛、黏膠纖維 顏色:米色、黑色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:連結 襯裡:米色布料額外細節:一鍵式。墊肩。 製造地:義大利 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。口袋還沒打開。夾克內金屬標籤背面的金屬漆脫落。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) 設計師尺寸:IT36 尺寸參考:US00 / UK4 / IT36 / FR32 / XXS 尺寸說明:此商品為超大尺寸。尺寸: 肩寬:35 公分/ 13.7 吋 胸圍:41.5 公分/ 16.2 吋 腰圍:40.5 公分/ 15.8 吋 長度:65 公分/ 25.4 吋袖長:62 公分/ 24.2 吋 JHROP 與Stella McCartney 無關。是真正的。 STELLA MCCARTNEY 2011 nude wool single breasted shawl collar multi pocket tux blazer IT36 XXS Reference: LNKO/A02176 Brand: Stella McCartney Designer: Stella McCartney Collection: 2011 Material: Wool, Viscose Color: Beige, Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Button Lining: Beige Fabric Extra Details: One button. Shoulder pads. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Pockets are still yet to be opened. Falling off of metal paint at back of metal tag inside jacket. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT36 Size reference: US00 / UK4 / IT36 / FR32 / XXS Size note: This item has an oversized fit. MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 35cm / 13.7" Chest: 41.5cm / 16.2" Waist: 40.5cm / 15.8" Length: 65cm / 25.4" Sleeve length: 62cm / 24.2" JHROP is not affiliated with Stella McCartney. This Stella McCartney item is authentic.


BOTTEGA VENETA The Pouch sky blue Intercciato woven leather magnetic clutch bag

BOTTEGA VENETA The Pouch sky blue Intercciato woven leather magnetic clutch bag
人氣手提包Bottega Veneta售價$24570

BOTTEGA VENETA The Pouch 天藍色Intercciato 編織皮革磁性手拿包 SKU:LNKO/A02168 品牌:Bottega Veneta 設計師:Daniel Lee 型號:The Pouch 材質:皮革 顏色:藍色 圖案:格子 閉合方式:磁鐵 襯裡:藍色皮革 製造地:義大利 狀況:Bottega Veneta : 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。輕微使用痕跡 隨附: 提供款式代碼(通用) 一個防塵袋。 JHROP 不隸屬於 Bottega Veneta。這款 Bottega Veneta 商品是正品。 BOTTEGA VENETA The Pouch sky blue Intercciato woven leather magnetic clutch bag Reference: LNKO/A02168 Brand: Bottega Veneta Designer: Daniel Lee Model: The Pouch Material: Leather Color: Blue Pattern: Plaid Closure: Magnet Lining: Blue Leather Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Minor signs of use Comes with: Style code present (Generic) One dust bag. JHROP is not affiliated with Bottega Veneta. This Bottega Veneta item is authentic.


BOTTEGA VENETA Point purple Intrecciato woven leather triangle handle crossbody bag

BOTTEGA VENETA Point purple Intrecciato woven leather triangle handle crossbody bag
熱門手提包Bottega Veneta售價$14750

BOTTEGA VENETA 點紫色 Intrecciato 編織皮革三角手柄斜背包 SKU:LNKO/A02167 品牌:Bottega Veneta 設計師:Daniel Lee 型號:Point 材質:皮革 顏色:紫色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:磁鐵 額外細節:可拆式肩帶。 製造地:義大利 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。皮帶上有凹痕。否則狀況良好。 隨附:防塵袋一個。 JHROP 不隸屬於 Bottega Veneta。這款 Bottega Veneta 商品是正品。 BOTTEGA VENETA Point purple Intrecciato woven leather triangle handle crossbody bag Reference: LNKO/A02167 Brand: Bottega Veneta Designer: Daniel Lee Model: Point Material: Leather Color: Purple Pattern: Solid Closure: Magnet Extra Details: Detachable strap. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Dents on leather strap. Otherwise in excellent condition. Comes with: One dust bag. JHROP is not affiliated with Bottega Veneta. This Bottega Veneta item is authentic.


OLD CELINE Phoebe Philo white leather hem minimal straight leg pants FR36 S

OLD CELINE Phoebe Philo white leather hem minimal straight leg pants FR36 S

舊款CELINE Phoebe Philo 白色皮革下擺極簡直筒褲FR36 S SKU:LNKO/A02156 品牌:Celine 設計師:Phoebe Philo 材質:黏膠纖維、絲綢 顏色:白色、灰白色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:拉鍊門 襯裡:白色布料額外細節:僅正面有皮革補丁。 製造地:法國 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) 設計師尺寸:FR36 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 尺寸: 腰圍:32 公分/ 12.5 英吋 臀圍:42 公分/ 16.4 英吋腿長: 74 公分/ 28.9 “ 長度:102 公分 / 39.8 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Celine。這款 Celine 商品是正品。 OLD CELINE Phoebe Philo white leather hem minimal straight leg pants FR36 S Reference: LNKO/A02156 Brand: Celine Designer: Phoebe Philo Material: Viscose, Silk Color: White, Off White Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Fly Lining: White Fabric Extra Details: Leather patch only at front. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR36 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 32cm / 12.5" Hip: 42cm / 16.4" In leg: 74cm / 28.9" Length: 102cm / 39.8" JHROP is not affiliated with Celine. This Celine item is authentic.


BOTTEGA VENETA Lido black intrecciato maxi woven leather flat sandals EU37

BOTTEGA VENETA Lido black intrecciato maxi woven leather flat sandals EU37
人氣其他Bottega Veneta售價$4710

BOTTEGA VENETA Lido 黑色編織長皮革平底涼鞋EU37 編號:LNKO/A02146 品牌:Bottega Veneta 設計師:Daniel Lee 型號:Lido 材質:皮革 顏色:黑色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:套穿 襯裡:黑色皮革 製造地:義大利 狀況: 狀況:極佳,商品為二手貨,狀況良好。商品狀況良好。 尺寸 設計師尺寸:EU37 尺寸參考:EU37 / US7 / UK4 / JP24.5 JHROP 不隸屬於 Bottega Veneta。這款 Bottega Veneta 商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! BOTTEGA VENETA Lido black intrecciato maxi woven leather flat sandals EU37 Reference: LNKO/A02146 Brand: Bottega Veneta Designer: Daniel Lee Model: Lido Material: Leather Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Slip On Lining: Black Leather Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition. Comes with: Two dust bags. SIZING Designer size: EU37 Size reference: EU37 / US7 / UK4 / JP24.5 JHROP is not affiliated with Bottega Veneta. This Bottega Veneta item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


CHRISTIAN DIOR Split 0103J CD logo silver blue striped aviator sunglasses

CHRISTIAN DIOR Split 0103J CD logo silver blue striped aviator sunglasses

CHRISTIAN DIOR Split 0103J CD 標誌銀藍色條紋飛行員太陽眼鏡 參考:LNKO/A02136 品牌: 迪奧 設計師:瑪麗亞·格拉齊亞·基烏裡 型號:分離0103J 材質:金屬 顏色: 藍色, 銀色 圖案: 純色 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 隨附:真品卡。存在款式代碼(通用)設計師包裝盒,請注意包裝盒上可能有磨損跡象。 JHROP 不隸屬於 Dior。這件迪奧商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! CHRISTIAN DIOR Split 0103J CD logo silver blue striped aviator sunglasses Reference: LNKO/A02136 Brand: Dior Designer: Maria Grazia Chiuri Model: Split 0103J Material: Metal Color: Blue, Silver Pattern: Solid Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: Authenticity card. Style code present (Generic) Designer box, please note there may be signs of wear on box. JHROP is not affiliated with Dior. This Dior item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


new GUCCI BALENCIAGA Hourglass Hacker Project Runway GG monogram canvas B buckle crossbody bag

new GUCCI BALENCIAGA Hourglass Hacker Project Runway GG monogram canvas B buckle crossbody bag

新款GUCCI BALENCIAGA Hourglass Hacker Project Runway GG 交織字母帆布B 扣斜背包 SKU:LNKO/A02133 品牌:Gucci 設計師:Alessandro Michele 型號:Hourglass 系列:Balenciaga Hacker Project 材質:帆布、金屬 顏色:棕色 圖案:Monogram 閉合方式:棕色 圖案:Monogram 顏色:棕色 圖案:Monogram 封閉方式:棕色圖案翻蓋 襯裡:棕色皮革額外細節:BALENCIAGA 標誌襯裡。 製造地:義大利 狀況:全新,標示。看起來未使用,錶帶仍包裹在塑膠中。然而,B 標誌扣上有微小刮痕。 附帶:樣式程式碼存在(通用)設計師標籤。防塵袋一個。 JHROP 不隸屬於 Gucci。這款 Gucci 商品是正品。 new GUCCI BALENCIAGA Hourglass Hacker Project Runway GG monogram canvas B buckle crossbody bag Reference: LNKO/A02133 Brand: Gucci Designer: Alessandro Michele Model: Hourglass Collection: Balenciaga Hacker Project Material: Canvas, Metal Color: Brown Pattern: Monogram Closure: Flap Lining: Brown Leather Extra Details: BALENCIAGA logo lining. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: New with tags. Appears unused with strap still wrapped in plastic. However there are micro scratches on B logo buckle. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) Designer tags. One dust bag. JHROP is not affiliated with Gucci. This Gucci item is authentic.


new CHANEL Boy chevron red caviar gold CC logo flap long wallet

new CHANEL Boy chevron red caviar gold CC logo flap long wallet

全新CHANEL Boy V 字形紅色魚子醬金色CC 標誌翻蓋長皮夾 SKU:LNKO/A02130 品牌:香奈兒設計師:Virginie Viard 系列:男孩 材質:皮革 顏色:紅色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:按扣 襯裡:紅色布料 製造地:西班牙 狀況:全新,有標籤。 隨附:真實性代碼(唯一)設計師標籤。防塵袋一個。設計師盒子。 JHROP 不隸屬於香奈兒。這件香奈兒商品是正品。 new CHANEL Boy chevron red caviar gold CC logo flap long wallet Reference: LNKO/A02130 Brand: Chanel Designer: Virginie Viard Collection: Boy Material: Leather Color: Red Pattern: Solid Closure: Snap Buttons Lining: Red Fabric Made in: Spain CONDITION: Condition: New with tags. Comes with: Authenticity code present (Unique) Designer tags. One dust bag. Designer box. JHROP is not affiliated with Chanel. This Chanel item is authentic.


GUCCI 100% wool green red plaid tartan brown GG monogram blanket scarf

GUCCI 100% wool green red plaid tartan brown GG monogram blanket scarf

GUCCI 100% 羊毛綠色紅色格子格子棕色GG 字母圖案毛毯圍巾 SKU:LNKO/A02128 品牌:Gucci 設計師:Alessandro Michele 材質:羊毛 顏色:綠色 圖案:格子 製造地:義大利 狀況:極佳,此商品為二手貨並且狀況良好。 隨附: 款式代碼(通用) 防塵袋。尺寸:寬度(底座寬度):42 公分/16.4 英吋 高度(底座到開口):25 公分/9.8 英吋 深度(側邊深度):19 公分/7.4 英吋 手柄長:13 公分/5.1 英吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Gucci。這款 Gucci 商品是正品。 GUCCI 100% wool green red plaid tartan brown GG monogram blanket scarf Reference: LNKO/A02128 Brand: Gucci Designer: Alessandro Michele Material: Wool Color: Green Pattern: Plaid Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) One dust bag. MEASUREMENTS: Width (width across base): 42cm / 16.4" Height (base to opening): 25cm / 9.8" Depth (side depth): 19cm / 7.4" Handle drop: 13cm / 5.1" JHROP is not affiliated with Gucci. This Gucci item is authentic.


CELINE Hedi Slimane yellow black logo cotton short sleeves round neck tshirt XS

CELINE Hedi Slimane yellow black logo cotton short sleeves round neck tshirt XS

CELINE Hedi Slimane 黃色黑色標誌棉短袖圓領T 卹XS SKU:LNKO/A02123 品牌:Celine 設計師:Hedi Slimane 材質:棉色:黃色、黑色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:套頭衫 製造地:義大利 狀況:極好,這件該物品是二手貨,狀況良好。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) 設計師尺寸:XS 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 尺寸說明:此商品為超大尺寸。尺寸: 肩寬:51 公分/19.9 吋 胸圍:50 公分/19.5 吋 腰圍:51 公分/19.9 吋 臀圍:52 公分/20.3 吋 長度:69 公分/26.9 吋袖長:20 公分/7.8 吋鞋床 長度:24.8 公分/9.7 吋厚底高度:5 公分 / 2 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Celine。這款 Celine 商品是正品。 CELINE Hedi Slimane yellow black logo cotton short sleeves round neck tshirt XS Reference: LNKO/A02123 Brand: Celine Designer: Hedi Slimane Material: Cotton Color: Yellow, Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Pullover Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: XS Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S Size note: This item has an oversized fit. MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 51cm / 19.9" Chest: 50cm / 19.5" Waist: 51cm / 19.9" Hip: 52cm / 20.3" Length: 69cm / 26.9" Sleeve length: 20cm / 7.8" Footbed length: 24.8cm / 9.7" Platform height: 5cm / 2" JHROP is not affiliated with Celine. This Celine item is authentic.


CHANEL black silver metallic tweed lined topstitched 4 pocket cropped bolero jacket FR34 XS

CHANEL black silver metallic tweed lined topstitched 4 pocket cropped bolero jacket FR34 XS

CHANEL 黑色銀色金屬花呢襯裡明縫4 口袋短款波萊羅夾克FR34 XS SKU:LNKO/A02114 品牌:香奈兒設計師:Karl Lagerfeld 材質:黏膠纖維、彈性纖維 顏色:黑色、銀色 圖案:純色 襯裡:銀色花呢額外細節:金屬銀色花呢襯裡。 製造地:法國 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。該商品狀況良好。口袋還沒打開。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) 設計師尺寸:FR34 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸: 肩寬:42 公分/ 16.4 英吋 胸圍:45 公分/ 17.6 英吋 腰圍:49 公分/ 19.1 英吋 長度:48 公分 / 18.7 英吋 袖長:31 公分 / 12.1 英吋 JHROP 與 Chanel 無關。這款 Chanel 商品是正品。 CHANEL black silver metallic tweed lined topstitched 4 pocket cropped bolero jacket FR34 XS Reference: LNKO/A02114 Brand: Chanel Designer: Karl Lagerfeld Material: Viscose, Elastane Color: Black, Silver Pattern: Solid Lining: Silver Tweed Extra Details: Metallic silver tweed lining. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition. Pockets are still unopened. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR34 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 42cm / 16.4" Chest: 45cm / 17.6" Waist: 49cm / 19.1" Length: 48cm / 18.7" Sleeve length: 31cm / 12.1" JHROP is not affiliated with Chanel. This Chanel item is authentic.


CHANEL Vintage navy blue tweed gold CC buttons 4 pocket jacket

CHANEL Vintage navy blue tweed gold CC buttons 4 pocket jacket

CHANEL 復古海軍藍花呢金色CC 紐扣4 口袋外套 SKU:LNKO/A02113 品牌:香奈兒設計師:Karl Lagerfeld 材質:感覺像羊毛 顏色:藍色、金色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:紐扣 襯裡:藍色絲綢 狀況:極好,這款該物品是二手貨,狀況良好。 備註:成分標籤不存在。尺寸標籤不存在/已刪除。請根據產品尺寸進行選擇。尺寸 尺寸參考:感覺像M 尺寸:肩到肩:40 公分/15.6 吋 胸圍:44 公分/17.2 吋 腰圍:42 公分/16.4 吋 臀圍:46 公分/17.9 吋 長度:71 公分/27.7 吋袖長: 60 公分/23.4 英吋寬度(底座寬度):17.5 公分/ 6.8 英吋高度(底座到開口):12 公分/ 4.7 英吋寬度:18 公分/ 7 英吋皮帶寬度:18 公分/ 7 英吋寬度:18 公分/ 7 英吋 JHROP 與Chanel 無關。此Chanel 商品是正品。 CHANEL Vintage navy blue tweed gold CC buttons 4 pocket jacket Reference: LNKO/A02113 Brand: Chanel Designer: Karl Lagerfeld Material: Feels like wool Color: Blue, Gold Pattern: Solid Closure: Button Lining: Blue Silk CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Remarks: Composition label not present.Size label not present/removed. Please go by product measurements. SIZING Size reference: Feels like M MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 40cm / 15.6" Chest: 44cm / 17.2" Waist: 42cm / 16.4" Hip: 46cm / 17.9" Length: 71cm / 27.7" Sleeve length: 60cm / 23.4" Width (width across base): 17.5cm / 6.8" Height (base to opening): 12cm / 4.7" Width: 18cm / 7" Belt width: 18cm / 7" Width: 18cm / 7" JHROP is not affiliated with Chanel. This Chanel item is authentic.


CHANEL navy gold CC buttons flap pockets military blazer jacket FR38 M

CHANEL navy gold CC buttons flap pockets military blazer jacket FR38 M

CHANEL 海軍藍金色CC 紐帶翻蓋口袋軍用西裝外套FR38 M SKU:LNKO/A02112 品牌:香奈兒設計師:Karl Lagerfeld 材質:感覺像羊毛 顏色:海軍藍、金色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:紐扣 襯裡:海軍藍絲綢額外細節:CC 標誌紐扣。 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。左後腰部有一個洞 尺寸:標籤已重新縫在香奈兒品牌標籤上。 備註:不存在成分標籤。 設計師尺寸:FR38 尺寸參考:US4-6 / UK10 / IT42 / FR38 / SM 尺寸: 肩寬:38 公分/ 14.8 吋 胸圍:43 公分/ 16.8 吋 腰圍:41 公分/ 16 吋 臀圍:45 公分/ 17.6 吋 長度:73 公分/ 28.5 吋袖長:61 公分 / 23.8 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Chanel。這件香奈兒商品是正品。 CHANEL navy gold CC buttons flap pockets military blazer jacket FR38 M Reference: LNKO/A02112 Brand: Chanel Designer: Karl Lagerfeld Material: Feels like wool Color: Navy, Gold Pattern: Solid Closure: Button Lining: Navy Silk Extra Details: CC logo buttons. CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. There is a hole at back of left at around waist and the size tag has been restitched onto the CHANEL brand tag Remarks: Composition label not present. SIZING Designer size: FR38 Size reference: US4-6 / UK10 / IT42 / FR38 / S-M MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 38cm / 14.8" Chest: 43cm / 16.8" Waist: 41cm / 16" Hip: 45cm / 17.6" Length: 73cm / 28.5" Sleeve length: 61cm / 23.8" JHROP is not affiliated with Chanel. This Chanel item is authentic.


GUCCI 2018 black floral silk blend jacquard goose down padded puffer jacket IT38 XS

GUCCI 2018 black floral silk blend jacquard goose down padded puffer jacket IT38 XS

GUCCI 2018 黑色花卉真絲混紡提花鵝絨羽絨夾克 IT38 XS SKU:LNKO/A02109 品牌:Gucci 設計師:Alessandro Michele 系列:2018 材質:真絲、混紡、鵝絨 顏色:黑色、多色 圖案: 花卉 閉合方式:鉤扣花卉 襯裡:多色布料 製造地:義大利 狀況:極佳,商品是二手貨,狀況極佳。 隨附:款式代碼(通用) 設計師尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸說明:此商品為超大尺寸。尺寸: 肩寬:43 公分/ 16.8 吋 胸圍:47 公分/ 18.3 吋 腰圍:50 公分/ 19.5 吋 臀圍:52 公分/ 20.3 吋 長度:66 公分/ 25.7 吋袖長:61 公分/ 23.8 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於Gucci。這款 Gucci 商品是正品。 GUCCI 2018 black floral silk blend jacquard goose down padded puffer jacket IT38 XS Reference: LNKO/A02109 Brand: Gucci Designer: Alessandro Michele Collection: 2018 Material: Silk, Blend, Goose Down Color: Black, Multicolour Pattern: Floral Closure: Hook & Bar Lining: Multicolour Fabric Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS Size note: This item has an oversized fit. MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 43cm / 16.8" Chest: 47cm / 18.3" Waist: 50cm / 19.5" Hip: 52cm / 20.3" Length: 66cm / 25.7" Sleeve length: 61cm / 23.8" JHROP is not affiliated with Gucci. This Gucci item is authentic.


GIVENCHY Tisci fox fur red white stripes debossed logo black pool slides EU38

GIVENCHY Tisci fox fur red white stripes debossed logo black pool slides EU38

GIVENCHY Tisci 狐狸毛紅白條紋凹凸標誌黑色泳池拖鞋EU38 編號:LNKO/A02098 品牌:Givenchy 設計師:Riccardo Tisci 材質:毛皮、橡膠 顏色:紅色、白色 圖案:條紋 閉合方式:套穿 襯裡:橡膠 額外細節:拖鞋兩側有凹凸標誌。 br>狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 尺寸 設計師尺寸:EU38 尺寸參考:EU38 / US8 / UK5 / JP25.5 JHROP 不隸屬於 Givenchy。這款紀梵希商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! GIVENCHY Tisci fox fur red white stripes debossed logo black pool slides EU38 Reference: LNKO/A02098 Brand: Givenchy Designer: Riccardo Tisci Material: Fur, Rubber Color: Red, White Pattern: Striped Closure: Slip On Lining: Rubber Extra Details: Debossed logo at sides of slides. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. SIZING Designer size: EU38 Size reference: EU38 / US8 / UK5 / JP25.5 JHROP is not affiliated with Givenchy. This Givenchy item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


CELINE Classic Box tan brown calfskin gold clasp adjustable crossbody bag Small

CELINE Classic Box tan brown calfskin gold clasp adjustable crossbody bag Small

CELINE Classic Box 棕褐色小牛皮金色扣環可調整斜背包小號:LNKO/A02090 品牌:Celine 設計師:Phoebe Philo 型號:Classic Box Small 材質:皮革、金屬 顏色:棕色、金色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:扣環 襯裡:皮革製造:義大利 狀況:良好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。包的正面和背面表面有凹痕和刮痕。內部有輕微使用痕跡。 附帶:設計師標籤。防塵袋一個。尺寸:寬度(底座寬度):16.5 公分/6.4 英吋高度(底座到開口):13 公分/5.1 英吋深度(側邊深度):5 公分/2 英吋肩帶長:40 公分/15.6 英吋 JHROP 不隸屬於Celine 。這款 Celine 商品是正品。 CELINE Classic Box tan brown calfskin gold clasp adjustable crossbody bag Small Reference: LNKO/A02090 Brand: Celine Designer: Phoebe Philo Model: Classic Box Small Material: Leather, Metal Color: Brown, Gold Pattern: Solid Closure: Clasp Lining: Leather Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Good, this item was pre-owned and is in good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Dents and scratches on surface of bag on front and back. Slight signs of use inside. Comes with: Designer tags. One dust bag. MEASUREMENTS: Width (width across base): 16.5cm / 6.4" Height (base to opening): 13cm / 5.1" Depth (side depth): 5cm / 2" Strap drop: 40cm / 15.6" JHROP is not affiliated with Celine. This Celine item is authentic.


GIORGIO ARMANI 100% cashmere black soft half moon scarf

GIORGIO ARMANI 100% cashmere black soft half moon scarf
人氣圍巾/絲巾/披肩Giorgio Armani售價$2220

GIORGIO ARMANI 100% 羊絨黑色柔軟半月形圍巾 SKU:LNKO/A02082 品牌:Giorgio Armani 材質:100% 羊絨 顏色:黑色 圖案:純色 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。圍巾邊緣有輕微堆積。尺寸:寬度:98 公分/38.2 英吋 長度:194 公分/75.7 英吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Giorgio Armani。這款喬治阿瑪尼 (Giorgio Armani) 商品是正品。 GIORGIO ARMANI 100% cashmere black soft half moon scarf Reference: LNKO/A02082 Brand: Giorgio Armani Material: 100% Cashmere Color: Black Pattern: Solid CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Minor piling on edge of scarf. MEASUREMENTS: Width: 98cm / 38.2" Length: 194cm / 75.7" JHROP is not affiliated with Giorgio Armani. This Giorgio Armani item is authentic.


HERMES cashmere silk blend grey beige 4-tone colorblock frayed oversized scarf

HERMES cashmere silk blend grey beige 4-tone colorblock frayed oversized scarf

HERMES 羊絨真絲混紡灰米色4 色拼色磨邊超大圍巾 SKU:LNKO/A02081 品牌:Hermes 材質:羊絨、絲綢 顏色:灰色 圖案:純色 製造地:尼泊爾 狀況:一般,該商品為二手商品,現為二手貨狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。圍巾起球。 尺寸: 寬度:118 公分/46 吋 長度:228 公分/88.9 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Hermes。這款愛馬仕商品是正品。 HERMES cashmere silk blend grey beige 4-tone colorblock frayed oversized scarf Reference: LNKO/A02081 Brand: Hermes Material: Cashmere, Silk Color: Grey Pattern: Solid Made in: Nepal CONDITION: Condition: Fair, this item was pre-owned and is in fair condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Pilling throughout scarf. MEASUREMENTS: Width: 118cm / 46" Length: 228cm / 88.9" JHROP is not affiliated with Hermes. This Hermes item is authentic.


OLD CELINE Phoebe Philo black fox fur tail clasp silver tone keyring bag charm

OLD CELINE Phoebe Philo black fox fur tail clasp silver tone keyring bag charm

舊款CELINE Phoebe Philo 黑色狐狸毛尾扣銀色鑰匙圈包吊飾 SKU:LNKO/A02077 品牌:Celine 設計師:Phoebe Philo 材質:皮草、金屬色:黑色 圖案:純色閉合:扣環 狀況:極好,該商品是預售商品-擁有且狀況良好。 JHROP 不隸屬於 Celine。這款 Celine 商品是正品。 OLD CELINE Phoebe Philo black fox fur tail clasp silver tone keyring bag charm Reference: LNKO/A02077 Brand: Celine Designer: Phoebe Philo Material: Fur, Metal Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Clasp CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. JHROP is not affiliated with Celine. This Celine item is authentic.


MIU MIU gold glitter frayed edge grosgrain bow wide headband

MIU MIU gold glitter frayed edge grosgrain bow wide headband
人氣髮飾Miu Miu售價$1240

MIU MIU 金色亮片磨邊羅緞蝴蝶結寬髮帶 SKU:LNKO/A02076 品牌:Miu Miu 設計師::Miuccia Prada 顏色:金色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:套穿 襯裡:皮革 製造地:義大利 狀況:一般,此商品為預售商品-擁有且狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。頭帶兩側的閃光脫落。弓有凹痕。 隨附: 設計師:包裝盒,請注意包裝盒上可能有磨損跡象。 尺寸: 長度:12.4 厘米/4.8 英寸 寬度:3.8 厘米/1.5 英寸 高度:13 厘米/5.1 英寸 JHROP 與 Miu Miu 無關。 MIU MIU gold glitter frayed edge grosgrain bow wide headband Reference: LNKO/A02076 Brand: Miu Miu Designer: Miuccia Prada Color: Gold Pattern: Solid Closure: Slip On Lining: Leather Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Fair, this item was pre-owned and is in fair condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Glitter falls off at sides of headband. Dented bow. Comes with: Designer box, please note there may be signs of wear on box. MEASUREMENTS: Length: 12.4cm / 4.8" Width: 3.8cm / 1.5" Height: 13cm / 5.1" JHROP is not affiliated with Miu Miu. This Miu Miu item is authentic.


rare MARC JACOBS Stephen Jones 2008 light green wool funky padded headband

rare MARC JACOBS Stephen Jones 2008 light green wool funky padded headband
熱門髮飾Marc Jacobs售價$3280

稀有MARC JACOBS Stephen Jones 2008 淺綠色羊毛時髦軟墊髮帶 SKU:LNKO/A02070 品牌:Marc Jacobs 系列:Stephen Jones 合作 材質:羊毛 顏色:綠色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:套穿 襯裡:羊毛 狀況:極好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。尺寸: 長度:19 公分/7.4 英吋寬度:5 公分/2 英吋高度:22.5 公分/8.8 英吋 JHROP 與 Marc Jacobs 無關。這款 Marc Jacobs 商品是正品。 rare MARC JACOBS Stephen Jones 2008 light green wool funky padded headband Reference: LNKO/A02070 Brand: Marc Jacobs Collection: Stephen Jones collaboration Material: Wool Color: Green Pattern: Solid Closure: Pull On Lining: Wool CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. MEASUREMENTS: Length: 19cm / 7.4" Width: 5cm / 2" Height: 22.5cm / 8.8" JHROP is not affiliated with Marc Jacobs. This Marc Jacobs item is authentic.


rare FENDI Karl Lagerfeld Karlito fox fur green hair leather bag bug charm

rare FENDI Karl Lagerfeld Karlito fox fur green hair leather bag bug charm

稀有FENDI Karl Lagerfeld Karlito 狐狸毛綠毛皮革包蟲飾品 SKU:LNKO/A02069 品牌:Fendi 設計師:Karl Lagerfeld 型號:Karlito 材質:毛皮 顏色:綠色、多色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:推扣額外細節:Fendi懸垂金屬標籤。 製造地:義大利 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 隨附:防塵袋一個。訂單不會附帶原包裝盒,但如果運費單獨支付,則可以使用原包裝盒。請直接聯絡我們以取得帶包裝盒的運送報價。 JHROP 不隸屬於芬迪。這款芬迪商品是正品。 rare FENDI Karl Lagerfeld Karlito fox fur green hair leather bag bug charm Reference: LNKO/A02069 Brand: Fendi Designer: Karl Lagerfeld Model: Karlito Material: Fur Color: Green, Multicolour Pattern: Solid Closure: Push Clasp Extra Details: Fendi dangling metal tag. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: One dust bag. Order will NOT be shipped with original box, but the original box is available if shipping cost is paid separately. Please contact us directly to get a shipping quote with box. JHROP is not affiliated with Fendi. This Fendi item is authentic.


BURBERRY 2020 Riccardo Tisci 100% silk TB Monogram spaghetti slip dress IT38 XS

BURBERRY 2020 Riccardo Tisci 100% silk TB Monogram spaghetti slip dress IT38 XS

BURBERRY 2020 Riccardo Tisci 100% 真絲TB Monogram 義大利麵吊帶洋裝IT38 XS 編號:LNKO/A02053 品牌:Burberry 設計師:Riccardo Tisci 系列:夏季Monogram TB 材質: 100%絲綢 顏色:棕色 圖案:字母組合 閉合方式:拉鍊 製造地:波蘭 狀況: 狀況:極佳,該商品為二手商品,原產地:良好的條件。 尺寸 設計師尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸: 肩寬:23 公分/ 9吋 胸圍:41公分/16吋 腰圍:36公分/14吋 臀圍:41公分/16吋 衣長:144公分/56.2吋 JHROP與Burberry 無關。經過檢查 -由我們訓練有素的認證團隊負責檢查真偽,並確保所有產品都準確地出現在我們的列表中,憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們的目標是為客戶提供無壓力、可持續、在 JHROP 購買最新的 Designer Drop 商品! BURBERRY 2020 Riccardo Tisci 100% silk TB Monogram spaghetti slip dress IT38 XS Reference: LNKO/A02053 Brand: Burberry Designer: Riccardo Tisci Collection: Summer Monogram TB Material: 100% Silk Color: Brown Pattern: Monogram Closure: Zip Made in: Poland CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 23cm / 9" Chest: 41cm / 16" Waist: 36cm / 14" Hip: 41cm / 16" Length: 144cm / 56.2" JHROP is not affiliated with Burberry. This Burberry item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


MONCLER Yukiko Giubbotto black snap buttons collared windbreaker poncho Sz.0 XS

MONCLER Yukiko Giubbotto black snap buttons collared windbreaker poncho Sz.0 XS

MONCLER Yukiko Giubbotto 黑色按扣​​領風衣雨披 Sz.0 XS 參考:LNKO/A02042 品牌:盟可青睞 模特兒:由紀子·朱博托 材質:聚醯胺,混紡 顏色:黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式:按扣 襯裡: 織物 產地:匈牙利 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 隨附:存在真品代碼(唯一) 漿紗 設計師尺寸:0 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 測量值: 頸部到袖子:68 公分/26.5 英寸 胸圍:49 公分/19.1 英寸 腰圍:57 公分/22.2 英寸 臀圍:73 公分/28.5 英寸 長度:67 公分/26.1 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Moncler。此 Moncler 商品為正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! MONCLER Yukiko Giubbotto black snap buttons collared windbreaker poncho Sz.0 XS Reference: LNKO/A02042 Brand: Moncler Model: Yukiko Giubbotto Material: Polyamide, Blend Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Snap Buttons Lining: Fabric Made in: Hungary CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: Authenticity code present (Unique) SIZING Designer size: 0 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Neck to sleeve: 68cm / 26.5" Chest: 49cm / 19.1" Waist: 57cm / 22.2" Hip: 73cm / 28.5" Length: 67cm / 26.1" JHROP is not affiliated with Moncler. This Moncler item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


RICK OWENS dust brown lambskin leather draped collar fitted biker jacket IT40 XS

RICK OWENS dust brown lambskin leather draped collar fitted biker jacket IT40 XS
熱門外套Rick Owens售價$4100

RICK OWENS 灰棕色小羊皮皮革垂墜領合身機車夾克IT40 XS SKU:LNKO/A02035 品牌:Rick Owens 設計師:Rick Owens 材質:小羊皮 顏色:棕色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:拉鍊 襯裡:全襯裡額外細節: DNA 灰棕色皮革袖子處飾有羅紋棉嵌片。棉鑲邊翻領。垂墜機車衣領,偏心拉鍊,銀色五金配件。雙拉鍊口袋。 製造地:義大利 狀況:良好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。皮革鞋面有摺痕。袖子上有輕微磨損。皮革上有磨損痕跡和斑點標記,增強了仿舊效果。 設計師尺寸:IT40 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 尺寸: 肩寬:35 公分/ 13.7 英吋 胸圍:38 公分/ 14.8 英吋 腰圍:36 公分/ 14 英吋 長度:56 公分/ 21.8 英吋袖長:56 公分/ 21.8 英吋 長度:71 公分 / 27.7 英吋 JHROP 與 Rick Owens 無關。這款 Rick Owens 商品是正品。 RICK OWENS dust brown lambskin leather draped collar fitted biker jacket IT40 XS Reference: LNKO/A02035 Brand: Rick Owens Designer: Rick Owens Material: Lambskin Leather Color: Brown Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Lining: Fully Lined Extra Details: DNA Dust brown leather with ribbed cotton insert at sleeves. Cotton trimmed spread collar. Draped biker collar with off centre zip in silver-tone hardware. Dual zip pockets. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Good, this item was pre-owned and is in good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Creasing on leather upper. Minor spot wear on sleeves. Signs of wear and spot marking throughout leather- enhancing a distressed effect. SIZING Designer size: IT40 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 35cm / 13.7" Chest: 38cm / 14.8" Waist: 36cm / 14" Length: 56cm / 21.8" Sleeve length: 71cm / 27.7" JHROP is not affiliated with Rick Owens. This Rick Owens item is authentic.


CHANEL 98C Vintage pastel yellow tweed CC button long jacket FR42 L

CHANEL 98C Vintage pastel yellow tweed CC button long jacket FR42 L

CHANEL 98C 復古淡黃色花呢CC 紐帶長外套FR42 L SKU:LNKO/A02026 品牌:香奈兒設計師:Karl Lagerfeld 型號:P10103V06235 系列:98C 材質:棉、絲綢 顏色:黃色 圖案:花呢 閉合方式:額外絲綢 閉合方式:額外絲綢。詳情: 1998年收藏。單排扣夾克。輕輕墊肩。雙前有蓋口袋。隱藏式紐帶前開合,帶有一顆外露 CC 標誌紐扣。 CC 紐帶袖口。真絲 CC 標誌交織字母襯裡。長款夾克。 製造地:法國 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 備註:成分標籤泛黃。 設計師尺寸:FR42 尺寸參考:US10 / UK14 / IT46 / FR42 / L-XL 尺寸: 肩寬:39.5 公分/ 15.4 吋 胸圍:47 公分/ 18.3 吋 腰圍:42 公分/ 16.4 吋 胸圍:46 公分/ 17.9 吋 長度: 78 公分 / 30.4 吋 袖長:59 公分 / 23 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Chanel。這件香奈兒商品是正品。 CHANEL 98C Vintage pastel yellow tweed CC button long jacket FR42 L Reference: LNKO/A02026 Brand: Chanel Designer: Karl Lagerfeld Model: P10103V06235 Collection: 98C Material: Cotton, Silk Color: Yellow Pattern: Tweed Closure: Button Lining: Silk Extra Details: 1998 collection. Single breasted jacket. Lightly padded shoulders. Dual front flap pocket. Concealed button front closre with one exposed CC logo button. CC button cuff. Silk CC logo monogram lining. Long line jacket. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Remarks: Yellowing on composition label. SIZING Designer size: FR42 Size reference: US10 / UK14 / IT46 / FR42 / L-XL MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 39.5cm / 15.4" Chest: 47cm / 18.3" Waist: 42cm / 16.4" Hip: 46cm / 17.9" Length: 78cm / 30.4" Sleeve length: 59cm / 23" JHROP is not affiliated with Chanel. This Chanel item is authentic.


GUCCI 100% silk Blooms green pink floral print pajama pants IT36 XS

GUCCI 100% silk Blooms green pink floral print pajama pants IT36 XS

GUCCI 100% 絲綢Blooms 綠粉色花卉印花睡褲IT36 XS SKU:LNKO/A02020 品牌:Gucci 設計師:Alessandro Michele 系列:Blooms 材質:絲綢 顏色:綠色、粉紅色 圖案:花卉 閉合方式:紐帶其他細節:鬆緊腰部,紐扣門襟關閉。 2 個側袋。 製造地:義大利 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 設計師尺寸:IT36 尺寸參考:US00 / UK4 / IT36 / FR32 / XXS 尺寸: 腰圍:30 公分/ 11.7 英吋 臀圍:46 公分/ 17.9 英吋腿圍:72 公分/ 28.1 英吋 長度:95 公分/ 37.1 英吋 JHROP 不隸屬於Gucci 。這款 Gucci 商品是正品。 GUCCI 100% silk Blooms green pink floral print pajama pants IT36 XS Reference: LNKO/A02020 Brand: Gucci Designer: Alessandro Michele Collection: Blooms Material: Silk Color: Green, Pink Pattern: Floral Closure: Button Extra Details: Elasticated waist with button fly closure. 2 side pockets. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. SIZING Designer size: IT36 Size reference: US00 / UK4 / IT36 / FR32 / XXS MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 30cm / 11.7" Hip: 46cm / 17.9" In leg: 72cm / 28.1" Length: 95cm / 37.1" JHROP is not affiliated with Gucci. This Gucci item is authentic.


BOTTEGA VENETA 100% wool nude beige red colorblocked wide leg pants IT38 XS

BOTTEGA VENETA 100% wool nude beige red colorblocked wide leg pants IT38 XS
熱門褲子Bottega Veneta售價$1230

BOTTEGA VENETA 100% 羊毛裸米色紅色拼色闊腿褲IT38 XS SKU:LNKO/A02017 品牌:Bottega Veneta 設計師:Tomas Maier 材質:羊毛 顏色:紅色、米色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:拉鍊額外細節:拉鍊門襟。 2 個裝飾口袋開縫(非功能性) 製造地:義大利 狀況:極佳,此商品為二手貨,狀況極佳。 設計師尺寸:IT38 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸: 腰圍:32 公分/ 12.5 英吋 臀圍:44 公分/ 17.2 英吋腿長:77.5 公分/ 30.2 英吋 長度:104/ 公分長度40.6 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Bottega Veneta。這款 Bottega Veneta 商品是正品。 BOTTEGA VENETA 100% wool nude beige red colorblocked wide leg pants IT38 XS Reference: LNKO/A02017 Brand: Bottega Veneta Designer: Tomas Maier Material: Wool Color: Red, Beige Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Extra Details: Zip fly closure. 2 decorative pocket slit (non-fuctional) Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 32cm / 12.5" Hip: 44cm / 17.2" In leg: 77.5cm / 30.2" Length: 104cm / 40.6" JHROP is not affiliated with Bottega Veneta. This Bottega Veneta item is authentic.


ALAIA La Bombe ball embellished studded nude patent high heel sandal EU37.5

ALAIA La Bombe ball embellished studded nude patent high heel sandal EU37.5

ALAIA La Bombe 圓球裝飾鉚釘裸色漆皮高跟涼鞋EU37.5 編號:LNKO/A01988 品牌:Alaia 設計師:Azzedine Alaia 型號:La Bombe 材質:漆皮<顏色:米色 圖案:純色 閉合:拉鍊 襯裡:皮革 額外細節:裸色漆皮鞋面。球體飾有青銅色飾釘。後拉鍊開合。 附:一個防塵袋。 尺寸 設計師尺寸:EU37.5 尺寸參考:EU37.5 / US7.5 / UK4.5 / JP25 尺寸: 鞋跟高度:9 公分/ 3.5 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於Alaia。商品,從稀有的收藏品到當季必備品,每一件商品都經過我們訓練有素的鑑定員團隊的內部檢查,他們利用我們的多點鑑定係統和我們的專業知識來檢查真偽,並確保所有產品都準確地出現在我們的商品中。 ALAIA La Bombe ball embellished studded nude patent high heel sandal EU37.5 Reference: LNKO/A01988 Brand: Alaia Designer: Azzedine Alaia Model: La Bombe Material: Patent Leather Color: Beige Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Lining: Leather Extra Details: Nude patent leather upper. Ball embellishment with gunmetal studs. Zip back closure. CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: One dust bag. SIZING Designer size: EU37.5 Size reference: EU37.5 / US7.5 / UK4.5 / JP25 MEASUREMENTS: Heel height: 9cm / 3.5" JHROP is not affiliated with Alaia. This Alaia item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


CHRISTIAN DIOR DiorClub1 Signatire yellow visor shield hat

CHRISTIAN DIOR DiorClub1 Signatire yellow visor shield hat

CHRISTIAN DIOR DiorClub1 標誌性黃色遮陽帽 SKU:LNKO/A01983 品牌:Christian Dior 型號:DiorClub1 系列:跑道 材質:塑膠 顏色:黃色、黑色 圖案:純色額外細節:可調式鬆緊標誌帶 製造地:義大利 狀況:極佳,此商品為二手商品,狀況良好。 隨附:防塵袋一個。訂單不會附帶原包裝盒,但如果運費單獨支付,則可以使用原包裝盒。請直接聯絡我們以取得帶包裝盒的運送報價。 JHROP 不隸屬於 Christian Dior。這款克莉絲汀迪奧 (Christian Dior) 商品是正品。 CHRISTIAN DIOR DiorClub1 Signatire yellow visor shield hat Reference: LNKO/A01983 Brand: Christian Dior Model: DiorClub1 Collection: Runway Material: Plastic Color: Yellow, Black Pattern: Solid Extra Details: Adjustable elasticated logo strap Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: One dust bag. Order will NOT be shipped with original box, but the original box is available if shipping cost is paid separately. Please contact us directly to get a shipping quote with box. JHROP is not affiliated with Christian Dior. This Christian Dior item is authentic.


new BOTTEGA VENETA Spiral Coil forest green leather cuff bracelet

new BOTTEGA VENETA  Spiral Coil forest green leather cuff bracelet
熱門手鍊/手環Bottega Veneta售價$2960

全新 BOTTEGA VENETA 螺旋線圈森林綠皮革手環 SKU:LNKO/A01912 品牌:Bottega Veneta 設計師:Daniel Lee 型號:螺旋線圈 材質:皮革 顏色:綠色、銀色 圖案:純色 額外細節:深綠色皮革手環。銀色金屬尖端。 預計零售價:600 美元 狀況:全新,標示。沒有需要注意的缺陷 附帶:設計師標籤。防塵袋一個。設計師包裝盒,請注意包裝盒上可能有磨損跡象。 JHROP 不隸屬於 Bottega Veneta。這款 Bottega Veneta 商品是正品。 new BOTTEGA VENETA Spiral Coil forest green leather cuff bracelet Reference: LNKO/A01912 Brand: Bottega Veneta Designer: Daniel Lee Model: Spiral Coil Material: Leather Color: Green, Silver Pattern: Solid Extra Details: Dark green leather bangle. Silver-tone metal tip. Estimated Retail Price: USD 600 CONDITION: Condition: New with tags. no flaws to note Comes with: Designer tags. One dust bag. Designer box, please note there may be signs of wear on box. JHROP is not affiliated with Bottega Veneta. This Bottega Veneta item is authentic.


MONCLER GENIUS Pierpaolo Piccioli yellow pure goose down padded puffer US0 XS

MONCLER GENIUS Pierpaolo Piccioli yellow pure goose down padded puffer US0 XS

MONCLER GENIUS Pierpaolo Piccioli 黃色純鵝絨填充羽絨服US0 XS SKU:LNKO/A01841 品牌:Moncler 設計師:Pier Paolo Piccioli 材質:鵝絨、尼龍 顏色:黃色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:拉鍊額外細節:拉鍊的尼龍背心可附有拉鍊的尼龍背心可附有拉鍊的尼龍背心請穿著者脫下時將羽絨外套掛在後面。 製造地:義大利 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 設計師尺寸:US0 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 尺寸: 肩寬:38 公分/ 14.8 英吋 胸圍:50 公分/ 19.5 英吋 腰圍:48 公分/ 18.7 英吋 長度:55 公分/ 21.英吋袖長: 65cm / 25.4" JHROP 與 Moncler 無關。這款 Moncler 商品是正品。 MONCLER GENIUS Pierpaolo Piccioli yellow pure goose down padded puffer US0 XS Reference: LNKO/A01841 Brand: Moncler Designer: Pier Paolo Piccioli Material: Goose Down, Nylon Color: Yellow Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Extra Details: Attached zip nylon vest allows wearer to hang puffer at back when taken off. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. SIZING Designer size: US0 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 38cm / 14.8" Chest: 50cm / 19.5" Waist: 48cm / 18.7" Length: 55cm / 21.5" Sleeve length: 65cm / 25.4" JHROP is not affiliated with Moncler. This Moncler item is authentic.


RALPH LAUREN wool black slim leg concealed fly work trousers pants US2 26"

RALPH LAUREN wool black slim leg concealed fly work trousers pants US2 26"
熱門褲子Ralph Lauren售價$820

RALPH LAUREN 羊毛黑色細腿隱藏式門襟工裝長褲US2 26 英寸 SKU:LNKO/A01489 品牌:Ralph Lauren 型號:羊毛長褲 材質:羊毛,混紡 顏色:黑色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:拉鍊額外細節:隱藏式拉鍊門襟。 製造地:美國 狀況:非常好,該商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。請參閱圖片庫以進行徹底的狀況檢查。 設計師尺寸:US2 尺寸參考:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 尺寸: 腰圍:33 公分/ 12.9 吋 臀圍:45 公分/ 17.6 吋腿長:71.5 公分/ 27.9 吋 長度:94 公分/ 36.7 吋 JHROP 與這款 Lauren 無關。Ralph商品是正品。 RALPH LAUREN wool black slim leg concealed fly work trousers pants US2 26" Reference: LNKO/A01489 Brand: Ralph Lauren Model: Wool trousers Material: Wool, Blend Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Extra Details: Concealed zip fly.. Made in: United States CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. SIZING Designer size: US2 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 33cm / 12.9" Hip: 45cm / 17.6" In leg: 71.5cm / 27.9" Length: 94cm / 36.7" JHROP is not affiliated with Ralph Lauren. This Ralph Lauren item is authentic.


MICHAEL KORS COLLECTION virgin wool black slim leg work trousers pants US2 26"

MICHAEL KORS COLLECTION virgin wool black slim leg work trousers pants US2 26"
熱門褲子Michael Kors售價$820

MICHAEL KORS COLLECTION 初剪羊毛黑修身工裝長褲US2 26 吋 SKU:LNKO/A01487 品牌:Michael Kors 型號:羊毛長褲 材質:羊毛、混紡 顏色:黑色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:拉鍊額外細節:隱形拉鍊門襟,外露紐扣.. 製造地:意大利 狀況:非常好,該商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。紐扣破損,需要更換。尺碼 設計師尺碼:US2 尺碼 SKU:US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S 尺寸: 腰圍:33.5 公分/ 13.1 吋 臀圍:44 公分/ 17.2 吋腿圍:75 公分/ 29.3 吋 長度:100.5 吋/ 39.2 吋JOP Michael 無關Kors。這款 Michael Kors 商品是正品。 MICHAEL KORS COLLECTION virgin wool black slim leg work trousers pants US2 26" Reference: LNKO/A01487 Brand: Michael Kors Model: Wool trousers Material: Wool, Blend Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Extra Details: Concealed zip fly with exposed button.. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Chipped button, needs to be replaced. SIZING Designer size: US2 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 33.5cm / 13.1" Hip: 44cm / 17.2" In leg: 75cm / 29.3" Length: 100.5cm / 39.2" JHROP is not affiliated with Michael Kors. This Michael Kors item is authentic.


rare LOUIS VUITTON SUPREME 2017 LV Epi Pouchette Jour GM red document clutch bag

rare LOUIS VUITTON SUPREME 2017 LV Epi Pouchette Jour GM red document clutch bag
人氣手提包Louis Vuitton售價$18840

稀有路易威登SUPREME 2017 LV Epi Pouchette Jour GM 紅色證件手拿包 SKU:LNKO/A01400 品牌:路易威登 型號:Epi Pochette Jour 系列:2017 - Runway 材質:皮革 顏色:紅色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:拉鍊額外細節:Epi 皮革上。正面和背面均印有 Supreme 標誌。銀色拉鍊開合。拉鍊頭處有 LV 標誌。 製造地:法國 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 隨附:防塵袋一個。尺寸:寬度(底座寬度):34 公分/13.3 英吋高度(底座到開口):25 公分/9.8 英吋深度(側面深度):3 公分/1.2 英吋 JHROP 不隸屬於路易威登。這款路易威登商品是正品。 rare LOUIS VUITTON SUPREME 2017 LV Epi Pouchette Jour GM red document clutch bag Reference: LNKO/A01400 Brand: Louis Vuitton Model: Epi Pochette Jour Collection: 2017 - Runway Material: Leather Color: Red Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Extra Details: Epi leather upper. Printed Supreme logo across front and back. Silver-tone zipper pull closure. LV logo at zipper pull. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. Comes with: One dust bag. MEASUREMENTS: Width (width across base): 34cm / 13.3" Height (base to opening): 25cm / 9.8" Depth (side depth): 3cm / 1.2" JHROP is not affiliated with Louis Vuitton. This Louis Vuitton item is authentic.


STELLA MCCARTNEY black viscose blend panel flared hem stretch cropped pants FR34

STELLA MCCARTNEY black viscose blend panel flared hem stretch cropped pants FR34
熱門褲子Stella McCartney售價$600

STELLA MCCARTNEY 黑色黏膠混紡拼接喇叭形下擺彈力九分褲 FR34 參考:LNKO/A01343 品牌:斯特拉·麥卡尼 設計師:斯特拉·麥卡尼 材質:黏膠、混紡 顏色:黑色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式:套穿 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。 漿紗 設計師尺寸:IT34 尺寸參考:US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS 測量值: 腰圍:26 公分/10.1 英寸 臀圍:37 公分/14.4 英寸 高度:27 公分/10.5 英寸 腿長:61 公分/23.8 英寸 長度:90 厘米/35.1 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Stella McCartney。這款 Stella McCartney 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! STELLA MCCARTNEY black viscose blend panel flared hem stretch cropped pants FR34 Reference: LNKO/A01343 Brand: Stella McCartney Designer: Stella McCartney Material: Viscose, Blend Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Pull On Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. SIZING Designer size: IT34 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 26cm / 10.1" Hip: 37cm / 14.4" Rise: 27cm / 10.5" In leg: 61cm / 23.8" Length: 90cm / 35.1" JHROP is not affiliated with Stella McCartney. This Stella McCartney item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


Lv Monogram Taurillon 皮革 壓紋牛皮 長夾 老花長夾

Lv Monogram Taurillon 皮革 壓紋牛皮 長夾 老花長夾
熱門長夾Louis Vuitton原價$42600售價$29000

專櫃即停產,一手美品 專櫃給我什麼就給你什麼,配件齊全 原價42600,男生長夾最貴的牛皮長夾 外觀四角無磨損,拉鏈五金的使用感&內裏卡痕,附圖 隨附給:Lv紙袋&Lv防塵袋&Lv紙盒&Lv緞帶&Sogo購買證明 • 黑色 • Taurillon牛皮 • 牛皮襯裡 • 黑色啞面金屬件 • 12個信用卡夾層 • 兩個卡片口袋 •大型風琴式紙幣隔層 • 拉鏈隔層可放零錢 • 隔層可放紙張及票據


STELLA MCCARTNEY black sheer waist illusion cocktail dress IT36 XS

STELLA MCCARTNEY black sheer waist illusion cocktail dress IT36 XS
人氣洋裝Stella McCartney售價$1400

STELLA MCCARTNEY 黑色透明腰部幻覺雞尾酒會洋裝IT36 XS SKU:LNKO/A00680 品牌:Stella McCartney 設計師:Stella McCartney 材質:人造絲 顏色:黑色 圖案:其他 閉合方式:拉鍊額外細節:人造絲、醋酸纖維、彈性纖維、絲綢。圓形項鍊。 3/4 套筒。腰部有幻覺透明嵌片。袖口設有隱形拉鍊。背面隱藏式拉鍊開合。 製造地:義大利 狀況:良好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。腰部的網狀嵌件上有一個小孔。 設計師尺寸:IT36 尺寸參考:US00 / UK4 / IT36 / FR32 / XXS 尺寸: 肩寬:38 公分/ 14.8 吋 胸圍:34.5 公分/ 13.5 吋 腰圍:31.5 公分/ 12.3 吋 臀圍:39/ 公分 15.2 吋 15.2 吋 15.2 吋 15 英寸/ 長度:95.8公分 / 37.4 吋 袖長:58.2 公分 / 22.7 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Stella McCartney。這款 Stella McCartney 商品是正品。 STELLA MCCARTNEY black sheer waist illusion cocktail dress IT36 XS Reference: LNKO/A00680 Brand: Stella McCartney Designer: Stella McCartney Material: Rayon Color: Black Pattern: Other Closure: Zip Extra Details: Rayon, acetate, elastane, silk. Round necklace. 3/4 sleeve. Illusion sheer insert at waist. Concealed zip at cuff. Concealed zip back closure. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Good, this item was pre-owned and is in good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. There is a minor hole on mesh insert at waist. SIZING Designer size: IT36 Size reference: US00 / UK4 / IT36 / FR32 / XXS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 38cm / 14.8" Chest: 34.5cm / 13.5" Waist: 31.5cm / 12.3" Hip: 39cm / 15.2" Length: 95.8cm / 37.4" Sleeve length: 58.2cm / 22.7" JHROP is not affiliated with Stella McCartney. This Stella McCartney item is authentic.


MAISON MARGIELA Line 4 grey 100% wool 4 stitch back tapered pants FR42 XL

MAISON MARGIELA Line 4 grey 100% wool 4 stitch back tapered pants FR42 XL
熱門褲子Maison Margiela售價$1030

MAISON MARGIELA Line 4 灰色 100% 羊毛 4 針後錐形褲 FR42 XL 參考:LAYU/A00049 品牌: Maison Margiela 集合地點:4號線 材質: 羊毛 顏色: 灰色 圖案: 純色 閉合方式:鬆緊 額外細節:4 針背面細節。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況: 非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。這件作品保存得很好,隨時可以被愛。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計師尺寸:IT42 尺寸參考:US4-6 / UK10 / IT42 / FR38 / S-M 測量值: 腰圍:36 公分/14 英寸 臀圍:48.5 公分/18.9 英寸 高度:27 公分/10.5 英寸 腿長:80.5 公分/31.4 英寸 長度:104.5 公分/40.8 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Maison Margiela。這款 Maison Margiela 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! MAISON MARGIELA Line 4 grey 100% wool 4 stitch back tapered pants FR42 XL Reference: LAYU/A00049 Brand: Maison Margiela Collection: Line 4 Material: Wool Color: Grey Pattern: Solid Closure: Elasticated Extra Details: 4 stitch back detail. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This piece was being kept in great condition and is ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT42 Size reference: US4-6 / UK10 / IT42 / FR38 / S-M MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 36cm / 14" Hip: 48.5cm / 18.9" Rise: 27cm / 10.5" In leg: 80.5cm / 31.4" Length: 104.5cm / 40.8" JHROP is not affiliated with Maison Margiela. This Maison Margiela item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


CHLOE black viscose wool blend fabric pleat button trim dress trousers FR34 XS

CHLOE black viscose wool blend fabric pleat button trim dress trousers FR34 XS
熱門褲子See By Chloé售價$1970

CHLOE 黑色黏膠羊毛混紡布料褶皺紐扣飾邊洋裝長褲FR34 XS 編號:LAYU/A00019 品牌:Chloe 材質:黏膠、羊毛、混紡 顏色:黑色 圖案:純色< br>閉合方式:拉鍊門襟 襯裡:黑色布料 額外細節:兩側有連結和褶皺細節。 >狀況:良好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。腰帶左前部和後部中央的布料出現微變色。布料正面和背面顏色微不均勻。 -XS 尺寸: 腰圍:36 公分/14 吋 臀圍:40 公分/15.6 吋 腰圍:24 公分/9.4 吋 腿長:83 公分/ 32.4 英吋 長度:103 公分/ 40.2 英吋 JHROP 與Chloe 無關。二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏品到當季必備品,每件商品都經過我們訓練有素的鑑定員團隊的內部檢查,他們檢查真偽,並通過我們的多點鑑定係統準確地呈現在我們的清單中。 CHLOE black viscose wool blend fabric pleat button trim dress trousers FR34 XS Reference: LAYU/A00019 Brand: Chloe Material: Viscose, Wool, Blend Color: Black Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Fly Lining: Black Fabric Extra Details: Button and pleats details at sides. Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Good, this item was pre-owned and is in good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro discoloration of fabric at waistband front left and back center. Micro uneven color at fabric front and back. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR34 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 36cm / 14" Hip: 40cm / 15.6" Rise: 24cm / 9.4" In leg: 83cm / 32.4" Length: 103cm / 40.2" JHROP is not affiliated with Chloe. This Chloe item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


CHLOE cream cotton blend panelled cuff hem flared jeans FR34 XS

CHLOE cream cotton blend panelled cuff hem flared jeans FR34 XS
人氣褲子See By Chloé售價$1030

CHLOE 奶油色棉混紡拼接袖口下擺喇叭牛仔褲FR34 XS 編號:LAYU/A00017 品牌:Chloe 材質:棉、混紡 顏色:奶油色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:拉鍊門襟 額外細節:背面有標誌。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。口袋處有微起毛球。 <br > 尺寸: 腰圍:37 公分/14.4 英吋 臀圍:43 公分/16.8 英吋 腰圍:22 公分/8.6 英吋 腿長:83 公分/32.4 英寸 長度:103 公分/ 40.2 英吋 JHROP 與Chloe 無關。二手奢侈品設計師商品,來自從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品,每件商品都經過我們訓練有素的鑑定員團隊的內部檢查,他們利用我們的多點鑑定係統和我們在商品方面的專業知識來檢查真偽,並確保所有產品都準確呈現在我們的商品中。 CHLOE cream cotton blend panelled cuff hem flared jeans FR34 XS Reference: LAYU/A00017 Brand: Chloe Material: Cotton, Blend Color: Cream Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Fly Extra Details: Logo back. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro pilling at pockets. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR34 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 37cm / 14.4" Hip: 43cm / 16.8" Rise: 22cm / 8.6" In leg: 83cm / 32.4" Length: 103cm / 40.2" JHROP is not affiliated with Chloe. This Chloe item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


DIOR navy virgin wool silk flap pockets single vent blazer pants suit FR50 L

DIOR navy virgin wool silk flap pockets single vent blazer pants suit FR50 L

DIOR 海軍藍初剪羊毛真絲翻蓋口袋單通風西裝外套長褲套裝 FR50 L 參考:LACG/A00465 品牌: 迪奧 材質:初剪羊毛、絲綢 顏色: 海軍藍 圖案: 純色 閉合方式: 紐扣 襯裡:黑色織物 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:良好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。褲背帶環、下門襟、右腰帶和左大腿處有輕微污漬。夾克左側有蓋口袋處有白色污漬。 附帶:樣式代碼存在(通用) 漿紗 設計尺寸:FR50 尺寸參考:US18/UK22/IT54/FR50/4XL-5XL 測量值: 肩膀到肩膀:44 公分/17.2 英寸 胸圍:51.5 公分/20.1 英寸 腰圍:46.5 公分/18.1 英寸 長度:75.5 公分/29.4 英寸 袖長:61.5 公分/24 英寸 腰圍:44.5 公分/17.4 英寸 臀圍:52.5 公分/20.5 英寸 高度:24.5 厘米/9.6 英寸 腿長:76.5 公分/29.8 英寸 長度:98.5 厘米/38.4 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Dior。這件迪奧商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! DIOR navy virgin wool silk flap pockets single vent blazer pants suit FR50 L Reference: LACG/A00465 Brand: Dior Material: Virgin Wool, Silk Color: Navy Pattern: Solid Closure: Button Lining: Black Fabric Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Good, this item was pre-owned and is in good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Minor stains at pants back belt loops, lower fly, right waistband and left thigh. White stain at left flap pocket at jacket. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: FR50 Size reference: US18 / UK22 / IT54 / FR50 / 4XL-5XL MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 44cm / 17.2" Chest: 51.5cm / 20.1" Waist: 46.5cm / 18.1" Length: 75.5cm / 29.4" Sleeve length: 61.5cm / 24" Waist: 44.5cm / 17.4" Hip: 52.5cm / 20.5" Rise: 24.5cm / 9.6" In leg: 76.5cm / 29.8" Length: 98.5cm / 38.4" JHROP is not affiliated with Dior. This Dior item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


SIMONE ROCHA Kimono pink silk cotton blend floral cloque midi dress UK10 M

SIMONE ROCHA Kimono pink silk cotton blend floral cloque midi dress UK10 M
熱門洋裝Simone Rocha售價$6000

SIMONE ROCHA Kimono 粉紅色絲棉混紡花卉泡泡紗中長洋裝UK10 M 編號:LACG/A00453 品牌:Simone Rocha 系列:Kimono 材質:絲綢、棉、混紡 顏色:粉紅色 圖案:花卉 閉合:拉鍊 襯裡:粉紅色布料 額外細節:後拉鍊。好,該商品是二手貨,狀況良好。這件作品保存狀況良好,值得喜愛。 FR38 / SM 尺寸: 肩寬:36 公分/ 14 吋 胸圍:42 公分/ 16.4 吋 腰圍:37 公分/ 14.4 吋 臀圍:60 公分/23.4 英吋 長度:117 公分/45.6 英吋 JHROP 與Simone Rocha 無關。和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品,每件商品都經過我們訓練有素的鑑定員團隊的內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品都準確地出現在我們的清單中! SIMONE ROCHA Kimono pink silk cotton blend floral cloque midi dress UK10 M Reference: LACG/A00453 Brand: Simone Rocha Collection: Kimono Material: Silk, Cotton, Blend Color: Pink Pattern: Floral Closure: Zip Lining: Pink Fabric Extra Details: Back zip. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This piece was being kept in great condition and is ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: UK10 Size reference: US4-6 / UK10 / IT42 / FR38 / S-M MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 36cm / 14" Chest: 42cm / 16.4" Waist: 37cm / 14.4" Hip: 60cm / 23.4" Length: 117cm / 45.6" JHROP is not affiliated with Simone Rocha. This Simone Rocha item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


SIMONE ROCHA 2020 Runway pink red rose floral embroidery tulle dress UK8 S

SIMONE ROCHA 2020 Runway  pink red rose floral embroidery tulle dress UK8 S
人氣洋裝Simone Rocha售價$6000

SIMONE ROCHA 2020 Runway 粉紅紅玫瑰花刺繡薄紗洋裝UK8 S 編號:LACG/A00452 品牌:Simone Rocha 系列:2020 秋冬- Runway 材質:聚醯胺 顏色:紅色、粉紅色 圖案:純色 閉合:拉鍊 襯裡:粉紅色布料 額外細節:這款淺粉紅色連身裙上迷人的紅色花卉刺繡是 Simone Rocha 2020 秋冬時裝秀的關鍵主題。單品採用透明薄紗製成,下方飾有蕾絲邊襯裙,上身採用合身剪裁(靈感源自緊身胸衣的接縫),不對稱裙身配有插袋。依照場合搭配高跟鞋或裝飾拖鞋。這件作品保存狀況良好,值得喜愛。 FR36 / XS-S 尺寸: 肩寬:36 公分/ 14 吋 胸圍:39 公分/ 15.2 吋 腰圍:35 公分/13.7 吋 臀圍: 60 公分/23.4 吋 長度:128 公分/49.9 吋 JHROP 與Simone Rocha 無關。精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備單品,每件商品都經過我們訓練有素的鑑定員團隊的內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品都準確呈現! SIMONE ROCHA 2020 Runway pink red rose floral embroidery tulle dress UK8 S Reference: LACG/A00452 Brand: Simone Rocha Collection: AW2020 - Runway Material: Polyamide Color: Red, Pink Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Lining: Pink Fabric Extra Details: he captivating red floral embroidery of this light pink dress was a key motif in Simone Rocha's AW20 runway show. It's crafted from sheer tulle tempered with a lace-trimmed slip underneath and shaped with a fitted bodice ‚Äì note the corset-inspired seams ‚Äì and an asymmetric skirt completed with slip pockets. Style it with stiletto pumps or embellished slides depending on the occasion. Made in: Poland CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This piece was being kept in great condition and is ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: UK8 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 36cm / 14" Chest: 39cm / 15.2" Waist: 35cm / 13.7" Hip: 60cm / 23.4" Length: 128cm / 49.9" JHROP is not affiliated with Simone Rocha. This Simone Rocha item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


HERMES blue grey 100% silk woodpecker bird print classic formal tie

HERMES blue grey 100% silk woodpecker bird print classic formal tie

HERMES 藍灰色100%真絲啄木鳥印花經典正裝領帶 編號:LACG/A00445 品牌:Hermes 材質:絲綢 顏色:藍色、灰色 圖案:卡通 襯裡:藍色絲綢 製造地:法國 狀況: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。背面的縫線鬆脫。 >JHROP 不隸屬於Hermes。這款愛馬仕商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! HERMES blue grey 100% silk woodpecker bird print classic formal tie Reference: LACG/A00445 Brand: Hermes Material: Silk Color: Blue, Grey Pattern: Cartoon Lining: Blue Silk Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Stitches at back is coming loose. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) MEASUREMENTS: Length: 155cm / 60.5" Height: 8cm / 3.1" JHROP is not affiliated with Hermes. This Hermes item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


HERMES lavender pink blue 100% silk rabbit turnip print formal tie

HERMES lavender pink blue 100% silk rabbit turnip print formal tie

HERMES 薰衣草粉紅藍色100% 真絲兔蘿蔔印花正裝領帶 編號:LACG/A00444 品牌:Hermes 材質:絲綢 顏色:粉紅色、藍色 圖案:卡通<br >襯裡:粉紅色絲綢 製造地:法國 狀況: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。商品狀況良好,值得喜愛。 JHROP 不隸屬於Hermes。這款愛馬仕商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! HERMES lavender pink blue 100% silk rabbit turnip print formal tie Reference: LACG/A00444 Brand: Hermes Material: Silk Color: Pink, Blue Pattern: Cartoon Lining: Pink Silk Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition and ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) MEASUREMENTS: Length: 155cm / 60.5" Height: 9cm / 3.5" JHROP is not affiliated with Hermes. This Hermes item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


HERMES pink cream 100% silk H logo interlock monogram print formal tie

HERMES pink cream 100% silk H logo interlock monogram print formal tie

HERMES 粉紅奶油色100% 真絲H 標誌互鎖字母印花正裝領帶 編號:LACG/A00442 品牌:Hermes 材質:絲綢 顏色:粉紅色、奶油色 圖案:幾何 襯裡:粉紅色絲綢 製造地:法國 狀況: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。商品狀況良好,值得喜愛。 JHROP 不隸屬於Hermes。這款愛馬仕商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! HERMES pink cream 100% silk H logo interlock monogram print formal tie Reference: LACG/A00442 Brand: Hermes Material: Silk Color: Pink, Cream Pattern: Geometric Lining: Pink Silk Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition and ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) MEASUREMENTS: Length: 152cm / 59.3" Height: 9cm / 3.5" JHROP is not affiliated with Hermes. This Hermes item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


DIOR white 100% cotton shoulder darts plain dress shirt EU39 M

DIOR white 100% cotton shoulder darts plain dress shirt EU39 M

DIOR 白色100% 棉肩省道素色正裝襯衫EU39 M 編號:LACG/A00438 品牌:Dior 材質:棉 顏色:白色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:連結 額外細節:肩省。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。右袖口有黃色污點。衣領內側微泛黃。 M 尺寸: 肩寬:44 公分/ 17.2 吋 胸圍:52 公分/ 20.3 吋 腰圍:48 公分/ 18.7 吋 衣長:76 公分/ 29.6吋 袖長:62 公分/ 24.2 吋 JHROP 與Dior 無關。二手商品奢華設計師商品,從稀有收藏品到當季必備單品,每件商品都經過我們訓練有素的鑑定員團隊的內部檢查,他們會檢查真偽,並通過我們的多點鑑定係統準確地呈現在我們的商品中。 DIOR white 100% cotton shoulder darts plain dress shirt EU39 M Reference: LACG/A00438 Brand: Dior Material: Cotton Color: White Pattern: Solid Closure: Button Extra Details: Shoulder darts. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Yellow stain at right cuff. Micro yelowing at collar inside. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: EU39 Size reference: EU39 / IT48 / UK15.5 / US15.5 / M MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 44cm / 17.2" Chest: 52cm / 20.3" Waist: 48cm / 18.7" Length: 76cm / 29.6" Sleeve length: 62cm / 24.2" JHROP is not affiliated with Dior. This Dior item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


DIOR white 100% cotton shoulder darts plain dress shirt EU39 M

DIOR white 100% cotton shoulder darts plain dress shirt EU39 M

DIOR 白色100% 棉肩省道素色正裝襯衫EU39 M 編號:LACG/A00437 品牌:Dior 材質:棉 顏色:白色 圖案:純色 閉合方式:紐扣 額外細節:省道肩部。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。衣領微黃。 br> 尺寸: 肩寬:45公分/17.6吋 胸圍:53公分/20.7吋 腰圍:49公分/19.1吋 衣長:80公分/31.2吋< br>袖長長度:62 公分/ 24.2 吋 JHROP 與Dior 無關。奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏品到當季必備品,每件商品都經過我們訓練有素的鑑定員團隊的內部檢查,他們檢查真偽,並通過我們的多點鑑定係統準確地呈現在我們的清單中。 DIOR white 100% cotton shoulder darts plain dress shirt EU39 M Reference: LACG/A00437 Brand: Dior Material: Cotton Color: White Pattern: Solid Closure: Button Extra Details: Darted shoulders. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro yellowing at collar. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: EU39 Size reference: EU39 / IT48 / UK15.5 / US15.5 / M MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 45cm / 17.6" Chest: 53cm / 20.7" Waist: 49cm / 19.1" Length: 80cm / 31.2" Sleeve length: 62cm / 24.2" JHROP is not affiliated with Dior. This Dior item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


RALPH LAUREN PURPLE navy cotton corduroy side buckles tapered pants 32”

RALPH LAUREN PURPLE navy cotton corduroy side buckles tapered pants 32”
人氣其他Ralph Lauren售價$1120

RALPH LAUREN PURPLE 海軍藍棉質燈芯絨側扣錐形褲32° 編號:LACG/A00435 品牌:Ralph Lauren 系列:紫色系列 材質:棉 顏色:海軍藍 圖案:純色 閉合方式:拉鍊門襟 襯裡:黑色布料 額外細節:可調兩側。 br>狀況:一般,此商品為二手貨,狀況良好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。腰帶附近和腰帶處的布料有磨損。臀部有折疊標記。 br >臀圍:49 公分/ 19.1 吋 腰圍:31 公分/ 12.1 吋 褲長:76 公分/ 29.6 吋 長度:105 公分/ 41 吋 JHROP 與Ralph Lauren 無關。都經過檢查! - 由我們訓練有素的認證人員團隊負責檢查真偽,並確保我們的清單中的所有產品都準確呈現。目標是為客戶提供無壓力、可持續的產品。 RALPH LAUREN PURPLE navy cotton corduroy side buckles tapered pants 32‚Äù Reference: LACG/A00435 Brand: Ralph Lauren Collection: Purple Collection Material: Cotton Color: Navy Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Fly Lining: Black Fabric Extra Details: Adjustable sides. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Fair, this item was pre-owned and is in fair condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Scuffed fabric near and at waistband. Fold marks at butt. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: 32 MEASUREMENTS: Waist: 42cm / 16.4" Hip: 49cm / 19.1" Rise: 31cm / 12.1" In leg: 76cm / 29.6" Length: 105cm / 41" JHROP is not affiliated with Ralph Lauren. This Ralph Lauren item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


MAX MARA Cucito Amano beige double face angora wool checked belted jacket IT34 XXS

MAX MARA Cucito Amano beige double face angora wool checked belted jacket IT34 XXS
熱門外套Max Mara售價$4280

MAX MARA Cucito Amano 米色雙面安哥拉羊毛格紋束帶夾克IT34 XXS 編號:LACG/A00421 品牌:Max Mara 型號:Cucito Amano 材質:初始剪羊毛、安哥拉羊毛< br>顏色:米色 圖案:方格 閉合:腰帶 襯裡:米色布料 額外細節:格紋印花。無領。短的。貼袋和腰帶閉合。此商品狀況良好,值得喜愛。 br> 尺寸: 肩寬:36 公分/ 14 吋 胸圍:48 公分/ 18.7 吋 腰圍:48 公分/ 18.7 吋 臀圍:52 吋/ 20.3 吋< br>長度:75 公分/29.3 吋 袖長:56 公分/21.8 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於Max Mara。這款 Max Mara 商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! MAX MARA Cucito Amano beige double face angora wool checked belted jacket IT34 XXS Reference: LACG/A00421 Brand: Max Mara Model: Cucito Amano Material: Virgin Wool, Angora Color: Beige Pattern: Checkered Closure: Belt Lining: Beige Fabric Extra Details: Plaid Print. Collarless. Short. Patch Pockets & Sash-Tie Closure. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition and ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT34 Size reference: US00 / UK2 / IT34 / FR30 / XXS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 36cm / 14" Chest: 48cm / 18.7" Waist: 48cm / 18.7" Hip: 52cm / 20.3" Length: 75cm / 29.3" Sleeve length: 56cm / 21.8" JHROP is not affiliated with Max Mara. This Max Mara item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


ERMANNO SCERVINO pink 100% virgin wool eyelet trim shell button jacket IT42 M

ERMANNO SCERVINO pink 100% virgin wool eyelet trim shell button jacket IT42 M
熱門外套Ermanno Scervino售價$2570

ERMANNO SCERVINO 粉紅色100% 初剪羊毛孔眼裝飾貝殼紐扣夾克IT42 M 編號:LACG/A00420 品牌:Ermanno Scervino 材質:初剪羊毛 顏色:粉紅色 圖案:純色 >閉合:連結 襯裡:粉紅色羊毛 製造地:義大利 狀況: 狀況:非常好,該商品是二手貨,狀況非常好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。左胸處有磨損的布料。右袖有微磨損標記。 br> 尺寸: 肩寬:42公分/16.4吋 胸圍:49公分/19.1吋 腰圍:52.5公分/20.5吋 臀圍:52.5公分/20.5吋< br >長度:54 公分/21.1 吋 袖長:51 公分/19.9 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Ermanno Scervino。這款 Ermanno Scervino 商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! ERMANNO SCERVINO pink 100% virgin wool eyelet trim shell button jacket IT42 M Reference: LACG/A00420 Brand: Ermanno Scervino Material: Virgin Wool Color: Pink Pattern: Solid Closure: Button Lining: Pink Wool Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Scuffed fabric at left chest. Micro scuff mark at right sleeve. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT42 Size reference: US4-6 / UK10 / IT42 / FR38 / S-M MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 42cm / 16.4" Chest: 49cm / 19.1" Waist: 52.5cm / 20.5" Hip: 52.5cm / 20.5" Length: 54cm / 21.1" Sleeve length: 51cm / 19.9" JHROP is not affiliated with Ermanno Scervino. This Ermanno Scervino item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


MARNI pink 100% virgin wool crepe panelled crop sleeve fit flare dress IT40 S

MARNI pink 100% virgin wool crepe panelled crop sleeve fit flare dress IT40 S

MARNI 粉紅色100% 初剪羊毛縐紗拼接短袖修身喇叭連身裙IT40 S 編號:LACG/A00413 品牌:Marni 材質:初剪羊毛 顏色:顏色: 圖案:純色粉紅色 圖案:純色粉紅色 圖案:純色粉紅色 圖案:純色粉紅色 圖案:純色粉色 >閉合:拉鍊 襯裡:粉紅色絲綢 額外細節:後拉鍊。的,並且狀況非常好。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。絲綢襯裡正面有褪色。 S 尺寸: 肩寬:35 公分/13.7 吋 胸圍:40 公分/15.6 吋 腰圍:38 公分/14.8 吋 臀圍:47 公分/18.3吋<br >長度:88 公分/34.3 吋 袖長:49.5 公分/19.3 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Marni。這款 Marni 商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! MARNI pink 100% virgin wool crepe panelled crop sleeve fit flare dress IT40 S Reference: LACG/A00413 Brand: Marni Material: Virgin Wool Color: Pink Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Lining: Pink Silk Extra Details: Back zip. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Color fading at silk lining front. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT40 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 35cm / 13.7" Chest: 40cm / 15.6" Waist: 38cm / 14.8" Hip: 47cm / 18.3" Length: 88cm / 34.3" Sleeve length: 49.5cm / 19.3" JHROP is not affiliated with Marni. This Marni item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


VALENTINO cream crepe green crystal trim fit flared dress IT40 S

VALENTINO cream crepe green crystal trim fit flared dress IT40 S

VALENTINO cream crepe green crystal trim fit flared dress IT40 S Reference: LACG/A00411 Brand: Valentino Designer: Pier Paolo Piccioli Material: Feels like wool Color: Cream, Green< br>Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Lining: Cream Fabric Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent狀態.商品狀況良好,值得喜愛。請依照產品尺寸進行選擇。 br>肩寬:39 公分/ 15.2 吋 胸圍:40 公分/ 15.6 吋 腰圍:37 公分/ 14.4 吋 臀圍:51 公分/19.9 吋 長度:87 公分/ 33.9英吋 袖長: 19 公分 / 7.4 英吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Valentino。這款 Valentino 商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! VALENTINO cream crepe green crystal trim fit flared dress IT40 S Reference: LACG/A00411 Brand: Valentino Designer: Pier Paolo Piccioli Material: Feels like wool Color: Cream, Green Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Lining: Cream Fabric Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition and ready to be loved. Remarks: Composition label not present.This item may have been altered. Please go by product measurements. SIZING Designer size: IT40 Size reference: US2-4 / UK8 / IT40 / FR36 / XS-S MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 39cm / 15.2" Chest: 40cm / 15.6" Waist: 37cm / 14.4" Hip: 51cm / 19.9" Length: 87cm / 33.9" Sleeve length: 19cm / 7.4" JHROP is not affiliated with Valentino. This Valentino item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


VALENTINO fuchsia pink gold satin flower trimmed collar pleated fit flare dress

VALENTINO fuchsia pink gold satin flower trimmed collar pleated fit flare dress

VALENTINO 紫紅色粉金緞面花卉邊飾領百褶修身喇叭洋裝 編號:LACG/A00410 品牌:Valentino 設計師:Pier Paolo Piccioli 材質:羊毛質感 顏色:粉紅色、金色 圖案:蕾絲 閉合:拉鍊 襯裡:粉紅色布料 額外細節:這款別緻的連身裙採用豐富的初剪羊毛和絲綢製成,採用裝飾領子和褶皺罩層設計。尖領。長袖。背面隱藏式拉鍊。合身腰部。絲綢襯裡。初剪羊毛/絲綢。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。左胸處有微金轉印。請依照產品尺寸選擇。 17.6 吋 腰圍:37 公分/ 14.4 吋 臀圍:56 公分/ 21.8 吋 衣長:92 公分/ 35.9 吋 袖長:60.5 公分/ 23.6 吋 <br >JHROP 與Valentino 無關。這款 Valentino 商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! VALENTINO fuchsia pink gold satin flower trimmed collar pleated fit flare dress Reference: LACG/A00410 Brand: Valentino Designer: Pier Paolo Piccioli Material: Feels like wool Color: Pink, Gold Pattern: Lace Closure: Zip Lining: Pink Fabric Extra Details: Crafted from rich virgin wool and silk, this chic dress is designed with an embellished collar and a pleated overlay. Point collar. Long sleeves. Concealed zipper back. Fitted waist. Silk lining. Virgin wool/silk. Estimated Retail Price: USD 5280 Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro gold transfer at left chest. Remarks: Composition label not present.Size label not present/removed. Please go by product measurements. SIZING Size reference: Feels like M MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 34cm / 13.3" Chest: 45cm / 17.6" Waist: 37cm / 14.4" Hip: 56cm / 21.8" Length: 92cm / 35.9" Sleeve length: 60.5cm / 23.6" JHROP is not affiliated with Valentino. This Valentino item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


VALENTINO pink yellow multicolor beads embroidered collar belt shift dress

VALENTINO pink yellow multicolor beads embroidered collar belt shift dress

VALENTINO 粉黃多色珠片刺繡領帶直筒洋裝 編號:LACG/A00409 品牌:Valentino 設計師:Pierre Hardy 系列:縐紗 材質:羊毛質感 顏色:粉紅色,多色 圖案:純色 封口:拉鍊 襯裡:粉紅色面料 額外細節:這款粉紅色裝飾迷你連身裙採用柔軟的棉質和絲綢與絲綢的精細混紡材料在義大利精心製作而成未經加工的羊毛。它的特點是短款、短袖、背面拉鍊和花卉裝飾細節。裝飾衣領可拆。請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。微磨損裝飾。請依照產品尺寸選擇。 17.2 英吋 腰圍:38 公分/ 14.8 英吋 臀圍:45 公分/ 17.6 英吋 長度:87 公分/ 33.9 英吋 袖長:18 公分/ 7 英吋 JHROP 不隸屬於Valentino。這款 Valentino 商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! VALENTINO pink yellow multicolor beads embroidered collar belt shift dress Reference: LACG/A00409 Brand: Valentino Designer: Pierre Hardy Collection: Crepe Couture Material: Feels like wool Color: Pink, Multicolour Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Lining: Pink Fabric Extra Details: This pink embellished mini dress has been expertly crafted in Italy from soft cotton and a fine blend of silk and virgin wool. It features a short length, short sleeves, a back zip fastening and embellished floral detailing. The embellished collar is detachable. Estimated Retail Price: USD 4750 Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Micro scuffed embellishments. Remarks: Composition label not present.Size label not present/removed. Please go by product measurements. SIZING Size reference: Feels like M MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 37cm / 14.4" Chest: 44cm / 17.2" Waist: 38cm / 14.8" Hip: 45cm / 17.6" Length: 87cm / 33.9" Sleeve length: 18cm / 7" JHROP is not affiliated with Valentino. This Valentino item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


VALENTINO 2019 pastel pink wool silk crepe lace box pleat A-line dress IT38 XS

VALENTINO 2019 pastel pink wool silk crepe lace box pleat A-line dress IT38 XS

VALENTINO 2019 pastel pink wool silk crepe lace box pleat A-line dress IT38 XS Reference: LACG/A00407 Brand: Valentino Designer: Pier Paolo Piccioli Material: Virgin Wool, Silk Color: Pink Pattern: Lace Closure: Zip Lining: Pink Fabric Extra Details: Pink virgin wool-cotton-silk blend lace crepe couture dress from Valentino featuring a round neck, three-quarter length sleeves, a concealed rear zip fastening, a flared skirt and bell cuffs. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good狀態.請參閱圖片庫進行徹底的狀況檢查。蕾絲在後背中央稍微散開。 -XS 尺寸: 肩寬:36公分/14吋 胸圍:43公分/16.8吋 腰圍:39公分/15.2吋 臀圍:50公分/ 19.5吋 長度:88.5 公分/34.5 吋 袖長:54 公分/21.1 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於 Valentino。這款 Valentino 商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! VALENTINO 2019 pastel pink wool silk crepe lace box pleat A-line dress IT38 XS Reference: LACG/A00407 Brand: Valentino Designer: Pier Paolo Piccioli Material: Virgin Wool, Silk Color: Pink Pattern: Lace Closure: Zip Lining: Pink Fabric Extra Details: Pink virgin wool-cotton-silk blend lace crepe couture dress from Valentino featuring a round neck, three-quarter length sleeves, a concealed rear zip fastening, a flared skirt and bell cuffs. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Very good, this item was pre-owned and is in very good condition. Please refer to image gallery for thorough condition check. Lace slightly unravelling at center back. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT38 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 36cm / 14" Chest: 43cm / 16.8" Waist: 39cm / 15.2" Hip: 50cm / 19.5" Length: 88.5cm / 34.5" Sleeve length: 54cm / 21.1" JHROP is not affiliated with Valentino. This Valentino item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


VALENTINO pink wool silk crepe sequin sheer collar fit flare mini dress UK6 XS

VALENTINO pink wool silk crepe sequin sheer collar fit flare mini dress UK6 XS

VALENTINO 粉紅羊毛真絲縐紗亮片透視領合身喇叭迷你洋裝UK6 XS 編號:LACG/A00404 品牌:Valentino 設計師:Pier Paolo Piccioli 材質:初剪羊毛、絲綢 顏色:粉紅色,多色 圖案:亮片 閉合:拉鍊 襯裡:粉紅色布料 額外細節:縐紗羊毛和絲綢混紡縐紗。可拆式衣領。背面配有隱藏式鉤扣和拉鍊。全襯裡。喇叭形下擺。無彈性中等重量布料。此商品狀況良好,值得喜愛。 XS 尺寸: 肩寬:36 公分/ 14 吋 胸圍:42 公分/ 16.4 吋 腰圍:35 公分/ 13.7 吋 臀圍:54 公分/ 21.1 「 長度:90 公分/35.1 英吋 袖長:19 公分/7.4 英吋 JHROP 不隸屬於Valentino。這款 Valentino 商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! VALENTINO pink wool silk crepe sequin sheer collar fit flare mini dress UK6 XS Reference: LACG/A00404 Brand: Valentino Designer: Pier Paolo Piccioli Material: Virgin Wool, Silk Color: Pink, Multicolour Pattern: Sequins Closure: Zip Lining: Pink Fabric Extra Details: Crepe Wool and silk-blend crepe. Detachable collar. Concealed hook and zip fastening at back. Fully lined. Flared hem. Non-stretchy mid weight fabric. Estimated Retail Price: USD 3800 Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition and ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: UK6 Size reference: US0 / UK6 / IT38 / FR34 / XXS-XS MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 36cm / 14" Chest: 42cm / 16.4" Waist: 35cm / 13.7" Hip: 54cm / 21.1" Length: 90cm / 35.1" Sleeve length: 19cm / 7.4" JHROP is not affiliated with Valentino. This Valentino item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


VALENTINO yellow wool silk short sleeve ruffle hem fit flare dress IT42 M

VALENTINO yellow wool silk short sleeve ruffle hem fit flare dress IT42 M

VALENTINO 黃色羊毛真絲短袖荷葉邊下擺修身喇叭洋裝IT42 M 編號:LACG/A00400 品牌:Valentino 設計師:Pier Paolo Piccioli 材質:羊毛、絲綢 顏色:黃色<圖案:純色 閉合:拉鍊 襯裡:黃色絲綢 額外細節:絲綢襯裡。 ,這個該物品是二手貨,狀況良好。此商品狀況良好,值得喜愛。 SM 尺寸: 肩寬:38公分/14.8吋 胸圍:45公分/17.6吋 腰圍:37公分/14.4吋 臀圍:49公分/19.1 「 長度:89 公分/34.7 英吋 袖長:16 公分/6.2 英吋 JHROP 不隸屬於Valentino。這款 Valentino 商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! VALENTINO yellow wool silk short sleeve ruffle hem fit flare dress IT42 M Reference: LACG/A00400 Brand: Valentino Designer: Pier Paolo Piccioli Material: Wool, Silk Color: Yellow Pattern: Solid Closure: Zip Lining: Yellow Silk Extra Details: Silk lined. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition and ready to be loved. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) SIZING Designer size: IT42 Size reference: US4-6 / UK10 / IT42 / FR38 / S-M MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 38cm / 14.8" Chest: 45cm / 17.6" Waist: 37cm / 14.4" Hip: 49cm / 19.1" Length: 89cm / 34.7" Sleeve length: 16cm / 6.2" JHROP is not affiliated with Valentino. This Valentino item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


VALENTINO gold sequin embroidered collar cream lace bridal dress

VALENTINO gold sequin embroidered collar cream lace bridal dress

VALENTINO 金色亮片刺繡領奶油色蕾絲新娘禮服 編號:LACG/A00399 品牌:Valentino 設計師:Pier Paolo Piccioli 材質:棉質 顏色:奶油色、金色< br>圖案:蕾絲 閉合:拉鍊 襯裡:奶油色布料 製造地:義大利 狀況: 狀況:非常好,商品是二手貨,狀況良好。商品狀況良好,值得喜愛。請依照產品尺寸選擇。 16 吋 腰圍:36.5 公分/ 14.2 吋 臀圍:63 公分/ 24.6 吋 長度:95 公分/ 37.1 吋 袖長:62.5 公分/ 24.4 吋 JHROP 不隸屬於瓦倫蒂諾。這款 Valentino 商品是正品。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! VALENTINO gold sequin embroidered collar cream lace bridal dress Reference: LACG/A00399 Brand: Valentino Designer: Pier Paolo Piccioli Material: Feels like cotton Color: Cream, Gold Pattern: Lace Closure: Zip Lining: Cream Fabric Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition. This item is in excellent condition and ready to be loved. Remarks: Composition label not present.Size label not present/removed. Please go by product measurements. SIZING Size reference: Feels like M MEASUREMENTS: Shoulder to shoulder: 37cm / 14.4" Chest: 41cm / 16" Waist: 36.5cm / 14.2" Hip: 63cm / 24.6" Length: 95cm / 37.1" Sleeve length: 62.5cm / 24.4" JHROP is not affiliated with Valentino. This Valentino item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


HERMES BABY H102986M Adada 100% cashmere Bleu Glacier knitted baby blanket scarf

HERMES BABY H102986M Adada 100% cashmere Bleu Glacier knitted baby blanket scarf

HERMES BABY H102986M Adada 100%羊絨藍色冰川針織嬰兒毛毯圍巾 參考:KYCG/A00072 品牌: 愛馬仕 型號:H102986M 收藏: 寶貝 材質:100% 羊絨 顏色: 藍色 圖案: 純色 額外細節:藍色冰川顏色。 100% 羊絨針織毛毯。義大利製造。尺寸:70 x 100 公分。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:未配戴過,完好,有標籤。 附帶:設計師標籤。 漿紗 設計師尺寸:均碼 測量值: 寬度:77.5 公分/30.2 英寸 長度:99 公分/38.6 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Hermes。這款愛馬仕商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! HERMES BABY H102986M Adada 100% cashmere Bleu Glacier knitted baby blanket scarf Reference: KYCG/A00072 Brand: Hermes Model: H102986M Collection: Baby Material: 100% Cashmere Color: Blue Pattern: Solid Extra Details: Bleu Glacier Color. Blanket in knit 100% cashmere. Made in Italy. Dimensions: 70 x 100 cm. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Unworn in mint condition, with tags. Comes with: Designer tags. SIZING Designer size: one size MEASUREMENTS: Width: 77.5cm / 30.2" Length: 99cm / 38.6" JHROP is not affiliated with Hermes. This Hermes item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!


GUCCI Dionysus Mini cream textured leather chain crossbody flap bag

GUCCI Dionysus Mini cream textured leather chain crossbody flap bag

GUCCI Dionysus Mini 奶油色紋理皮革鏈斜背蓋蓋包 參考:KYCG/A00070 品牌: 古馳 設計師:亞歷山德羅·米歇爾 型號: 狄俄尼索斯迷你 材質:皮革 顏色: 奶油色, 多色 圖案: 條紋 閉合方式:按扣 內襯:奶油色布料 額外細節:錶帶上飾有銀色 GUCCI 標誌。 產地:義大利 狀態: 狀況:未配戴過,完好無損,無標籤。 隨附: 款式代碼(通用) 防塵袋。訂單不會附帶原包裝盒,但如果運費單獨支付,則可以使用原包裝盒。請直接聯絡我們以取得帶包裝盒的運送報價。 測量值: 寬度(底座寬度):25 公分/9.8 英寸 高度(底座到開口):13 公分/5.1 英寸 深度(側面深度):6 公分/2.3 英寸 手柄高度:25 公分/9.8 英寸 錶帶長:45 公分/17.6 英寸 JHROP 不隸屬於 Gucci。這款 Gucci 商品是正品。 JHROP 是一家時尚電子商務公司。我們提供精選的原始和二手奢侈品設計師商品,從稀有的收藏檔案到當季必備品!每件商品均由我們訓練有素的驗證員團隊進行內部檢查,他們檢查真偽並確保所有產品均準確地顯示在我們的清單中。憑藉我們的多點認證系統和我們在時尚行業的專業知識,我們旨在為客戶提供無壓力、可持續和高效的購物體驗。在 JHROP 購買最新的設計師系列! GUCCI Dionysus Mini cream textured leather chain crossbody flap bag Reference: KYCG/A00070 Brand: Gucci Designer: Alessandro Michele Model: Dionysus Mini Material: Leather Color: Cream, Multicolour Pattern: Striped Closure: Snap Buttons Lining: Cream Fabric Extra Details: Silver studded GUCCI logo at strap. Made in: Italy CONDITION: Condition: Unworn in mint condition, without tags. Comes with: Style code present (Generic) One dust bag. Order will NOT be shipped with original box, but the original box is available if shipping cost is paid separately. Please contact us directly to get a shipping quote with box. MEASUREMENTS: Width (width across base): 25cm / 9.8" Height (base to opening): 13cm / 5.1" Depth (side depth): 6cm / 2.3" Handle drop: 25cm / 9.8" Strap drop: 45cm / 17.6" JHROP is not affiliated with Gucci. This Gucci item is authentic. JHROP is a fashion ReCommerce company. We offer a curated selection of pristine and pre-owned luxury designer goods, from rare collectible archives to current season must-haves! Every item is inspected in-house by our team of trained authenticators who check for authenticity and ensure all products are accurately presented in our listings. With our multi-point authentication system and our expertise in the fashion industry, we aim to provide clients with a stress-free, sustainable, and efficient shopping experience. Shop the latest Designer Drop at JHROP!



熱門手提包Louis Vuitton原價$89000售價$38988

#Lv #Vivian #肩背包 #手提包 #老花 ❗️下單前請至主頁私訊確認庫存❗️ ‼️追蹤我的賣場後可直接進議價系統去尾數‼️ 平時日用必備款😍適合各式各樣休閒出遊場合🥰 內裡乾淨、多角度照片無修圖拍攝請放大參考☑️ ‼️請先確認好包況 看完包況細節圖再下單‼️ ‼️有任何需要補拍的地方請私訊‼️ ‼️商品並非全新品 有正常使用痕跡 請勿高標‼️


Lv Vivian老花肩背包中號🔥實用耐裝時尚兩者兼具🔥

Lv Vivian老花肩背包中號🔥實用耐裝時尚兩者兼具🔥
熱門肩背包Louis Vuitton原價$89000售價$38988

#Lv #Vivian #肩背包 #手提包 #老花 ❗️下單前請至主頁私訊確認庫存❗️ ‼️追蹤我的賣場後可直接進議價系統去尾數‼️ 平時日用必備款😍適合各式各樣休閒出遊場合🥰 內裡乾淨、多角度照片無修圖拍攝請放大參考☑️ ‼️請先確認好包況 看完包況細節圖再下單‼️ ‼️有任何需要補拍的地方請私訊‼️ ‼️商品並非全新品 有正常使用痕跡 請勿高標‼️



人氣斜背包Louis Vuitton原價$89000售價$37999

#Lv #牛角包 #斜背包 #肩背包 #老花 ❗️下單前請至主頁私訊確認庫存❗️ ‼️追蹤我的賣場後可直接進議價系統去尾數‼️ 平時日用必備款😍適合各式各樣休閒出遊場合🥰 內裡乾淨、多角度照片無修圖拍攝請放大參考☑️ ‼️請先確認好包況 看完包況細節圖再下單‼️ ‼️有任何需要補拍的地方請私訊‼️ ‼️商品並非全新品 有正常使用痕跡 請勿高標‼️




全新今年4月剛從西班牙購入 沒想到回台灣又買了兩雙黑靴🤫 猶豫很久,決定出售這雙全新的 跟非常美!是loewe的logo 光這兩個跟就很值得了🤣跟高6公分,最好走的高度 黑色超百搭!跟是銀色很美 近幾年銀色當道,黑銀最經典啊! 尺寸37,但我平常穿24可以穿(穿襪子) 不過靴子買大只要加墊、穿厚襪就可以了 所以23-24都可以穿喔! 尖頭設計讓腿整體比例看起來更長 配件有防塵袋、紙盒(紙盒外有點髒污,白盒太難顧了) 台灣專櫃現在有的黑靴基本上是49000起跳(最便宜就要49000了) 就算去outlet買5折也超過我賣的價格 這雙全新的真的很值得下手喔

J’s collectionJ’s collection


熱門肩背包Louis Vuitton原價$89000售價$37999

#Lv #牛角包 #斜背包 #肩背包 #老花 私訊看包況細節影片🎦 ❗️下單前請至主頁私訊確認庫存❗️ ‼️追蹤我的賣場後可直接進議價系統去尾數‼️ 平時日用必備款😍適合各式各樣休閒出遊場合🥰 內裡乾淨、多角度照片無修圖拍攝請放大參考☑️ ‼️請先確認好包況 看完包況細節圖再下單‼️ ‼️有任何需要補拍的地方請私訊‼️ ‼️商品並非全新品 有正常使用痕跡 請勿高標‼️




*奢華大道國際精品* 【CE207】CELINE黑色牛皮TRIOMPHE三折短夾 10D783DPV.38SI 尺寸:約長10.5*寬4*高8.5cm (正負3公分為正常範圍) 附件:防塵袋 盒子 購證 實體店面同步販售中,商品皆只有一個, 以售出為主,下單前可先聊聊詢問🙋‍♀️ 商品售出皆會開立‼奢華大道店家購買證明‼ 歡迎安心購買

奢華大道 國際珠寶·名錶·名品奢華大道 國際珠寶·名錶·名品

二手真品LV原花 M62933 ZOE Monogram 粉紅三折迷你短夾

二手真品LV原花 M62933 ZOE Monogram 粉紅三折迷你短夾
人氣中/短夾Louis Vuitton原價$18500售價$11800

85成新,有正常使用痕跡,其餘完好~附原廠防塵袋/紙盒/紙卡~ 這款Zoé錢包是理想的迷迷配飾:體積小巧,可收納入任何小型手袋或手提包,又有足夠的空間裝載零錢、紙幣和信用卡。將Monogram帆布和彩色皮革結合,綴以金色Louis Vuitton按扣,設計時尚、迷人。 尺寸:9.5 x 7.5 x 3 厘米 (長度 x 高度 x 闊度) Monogram塗層帆布及Rose Ballerine淺粉紅色牛皮 粒面牛皮襯裡 金色金屬件 4個信用卡夾層 1個後貼袋 1個拉鏈零錢格 按扣開合


lou rue madame e/w east-west t PSAJS M61938 DARK NAVY

lou rue madame e/w east-west t PSAJS M61938 DARK NAVY

APC 的 Lou E/W 手袋採用尼龍製成,飾有撞色刺繡 Rou Madame Paris 字樣。無襯裡內部設有一個開放式口袋,方便整理物品。 狀況:全新 - 性別/類別:男女通用 > Borse 男女通用 > 手提包 尺寸:標準 顏色: 藍色 官方顏色:DARK NAVY 材質:100% REC PL 型號:PSAJS M61938 年份:2024 季節: 秋季 - 冬季 包長:43 厘米 包款高度:33 厘米 袋子寬度:14厘米 手柄高度:27.5 厘米

italystation 意大利站italystation 意大利站

long-sleeved m-val A16261 0DBDI ICE | size: m

long-sleeved m-val A16261 0DBDI ICE | size: m

M-Valary 長袖 T 卹採用羅紋棉質平紋針織面料製成,帶有透過創新數位印花打造的標誌性鐵鏽效果橢圓形 D。它是修身版型,模特兒身高 182 厘米,穿著 L 碼。 狀況:全新 - 性別/類別:男士 > 服裝 > T 恤和運動衫 > T 卹 尺寸:標準 顏色: 灰色 顏色官方:ICE 材質:100% CO 型號:A16261 0DBDI 年份:2024 季節: 春季 - 夏季

italystation 意大利站italystation 意大利站

long sleeve oversized t-shirt for OMAB091F24JER001 BROWN RICE - BLACK | size: s

long sleeve oversized t-shirt for OMAB091F24JER001 BROWN RICE - BLACK | size: s
熱門長袖上衣Off White售價$2198

這款灰白色長袖 T 卹正面印有迷你 Off 標誌。單品採用棉質平紋針織布料製成,羅紋圓領,輪廓超大。模特兒身高 187 厘米,所穿尺寸為 L。 狀況:全新 - 性別/類別:男士 > 服裝 > T 恤和運動衫 > T 卹 尺寸:標準 顏色: 米色 官方顏色:糙米 - 黑色 材質:100%CO 型號:OMAB091F24JER001 年份:2024 季節: 秋季 - 冬季

italystation 意大利站italystation 意大利站

long hourglass smoking jacket with a long 1016170 1A06502 WHITE | size: 42

long hourglass smoking jacket with a long 1016170 1A06502 WHITE | size: 42

這款 Versace 吸煙風格夾克採用純初剪羊毛粒紋面料製成,並帶有同色系緞面飾面。它採用雕刻沙漏廓形,長度低於臀部,非常適合作為連身裙。雙排扣設計,六顆扣,肩部結構規整,戧駁頭,帶翻蓋的側袋和胸袋。巴洛克風格襯裡。模特兒身高 177 厘米,所穿尺寸 IT 40。 狀況:全新 - 性別/類別:女士 > 服裝 > 外套與西裝外套 > 西裝外套與馬甲 尺寸:IT 顏色: 白色 官方顏色:白色 材質:100%WV 型號:1016170 1A06502 年份:2024 季節: 秋季 - 冬季

italystation 意大利站italystation 意大利站

long dress 'the saudade longue 243DR001 1020 WHITE | size: 36

long dress 'the saudade longue 243DR001 1020 WHITE | size: 36

這款長款 Jacquemus 洋裝採用不對稱設計,側邊飾有垂墜細節,採用褶皺黏膠混紡斜紋布料製成。它的領口飾有精緻的垂墜感,露背設計配有可調節肩帶和橫跨背部的肩帶。它採用隱形拉鍊和側面鉤扣固定。模特兒身高 177 厘米,所穿尺寸為 FR 36。 狀況:全新 - 性別/類別:女士 > 服裝 > 洋裝 > 長裙 尺寸:FR 顏色: 白色 官方顏色:白色 材質:88% VI、12% PA 型號:243DR001 1020 年份:2024 季節: 秋季 - 冬季

italystation 意大利站italystation 意大利站

Louis Vuitton Red Monogram Empreinte Leather Felicie Pochette Bag

Louis Vuitton Red Monogram Empreinte Leather Felicie Pochette Bag
熱門手提包Louis Vuitton售價$9514

路易威登 紅色 Monogram Empreinte 皮革 Felicie 手拿包 二手,狀況良好 外部皮革有一些刮痕 內部有小污漬 材料保持原始形狀 尺寸:8.3 英吋長 x 4.7 英吋高 x 1.2 英吋寬 可拆卸鏈帶:長 20.9 英寸 海軍藍 Monogram Empreinte 皮革 紅色紡織襯裡 拋光五金件 按扣開合 大隔層 可拆卸拉鍊口袋 不包括 8 個卡槽的可拆卸平口袋 內平口袋 不包括防塵袋或防塵盒 法國製造

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MONCLER Grenoble 連帽外套 其他外套 1A0001254AL59992 聚酯纖維 黑色 全新 男款

MONCLER Grenoble 連帽外套 其他外套 1A0001254AL59992 聚酯纖維 黑色 全新 男款

產品編號:2101218040166 型號:1A0001254AL59992 顏色:黑色 材質:聚酯纖維 尺寸:S肩寬:47.5cm(18.7")衣長:67cm(26.4")衣寬:58.5cm(23.0")袖長:66cm(26.0") 配件:無 更新日期:2024/06/22 外觀狀況:全新 * 店內展示的商品可能會發生輕微摩擦。請注意 如果您對細節或尺寸有任何疑問,請與我們聯絡。


CHANEL Gabriel De Chanel 小號 Hobo 單肩包 A91810 皮革針織黑色二手

CHANEL Gabriel De Chanel 小號 Hobo 單肩包 A91810 皮革針織黑色二手

產品編號:2101218290219 型號:A91810 顏色:黑x白 材質:皮革/針織布 尺寸:高:15 公分 x 寬:20 公分 x 深:8 公分(高:5.9 英吋 x 寬:7.9 英吋 x 深:3.1 英吋) 配件:八字貼紙、肩帶 日期代碼:27595099 更新日期:2024/10/01 外觀狀況:有一定的使用性、刮痕、摩擦、污點。 內部狀況:有一些可用性、刮痕、摩擦和污點。


黑色 壓紋牛皮 Jumbo GG 名片夾 739478

黑色 壓紋牛皮 Jumbo GG 名片夾 739478

有些微使用感,傷痕、磨損和髒汙 商品編號 : 2164900039510 品牌名稱 : GUCCI (古馳) 商品名稱 : 黑色 壓紋牛皮 Jumbo GG 名片夾739478 型號: 739478 顏色: 黑色 /BK 材質: 壓紋皮革 尺寸: W8cm x H12cmx D1cm 口袋: >襟翼卡袋 x11 附屬品: - 重要說明: 本賣場商品有3家實體店面及4家虛擬店舖同時銷售,有可能商品已售完來不及下架 ,BRAND OFF保留接受訂單與否的權利

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糖果紅色 荔枝牛皮 菱格紋 Easy Flap 肩背包 鍊帶 銀扣

糖果紅色 荔枝牛皮 菱格紋 Easy Flap 肩背包 鍊帶 銀扣

有些微使用感,傷痕、磨損和髒汙 製造編號因法律問題沒有顯示,商品實際上是有製造編號的。 商品編號 : 2163300377048 品牌名稱 : CHANEL (香奈兒) 商品名稱 : 糖果紅色 荔枝牛皮 菱格紋 Easy Flap 肩背包 鍊帶 銀扣 顏色: 紅色 /red(銀扣) 材質: 牛皮皮革 尺寸: W31cm x H18cm x D7cm 肩背帶:60cm 口袋: >鈕扣內側/打開口袋 x2/拉鍊口袋 x1 附屬品: 系列密封/保證書/卡 製造番号: 20301972 重要說明: 本賣場商品有3家實體店面及4家虛擬店舖同時銷售,有可能商品已售完來不及下架 ,BRAND OFF保留接受訂單與否的權利

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棕色 塗層帆布 Mini Tote 兩用包

棕色 塗層帆布 Mini Tote 兩用包

有使用感、髒污、磨損 商品編號 : 2163300377093 品牌名稱 : GUCCI (古馳) 商品名稱 : 棕色 塗層帆布 Mini Tote 兩用包 顏色: 啡色(金扣) 材質: 塗層帆布 尺寸: W16cm x H16cm x D5cm 手把:23cm 肩背帶:115cm 口袋: >襟翼內側/打開口袋 x1/卡袋 x1 附屬品: - 製造番号: 671623.525040 重要說明: 本賣場商品有3家實體店面及4家虛擬店舖同時銷售,有可能商品已售完來不及下架 ,BRAND OFF保留接受訂單與否的權利

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黑白色 帆布 斜紋 鍊帶肩背包

黑白色 帆布 斜紋 鍊帶肩背包

有些微使用感,傷痕、磨損和髒汙 製造編號因法律問題沒有顯示,商品實際上是有製造編號的。 商品編號 : 2163300377031 品牌名稱 : CHANEL (香奈兒) 商品名稱 : 黑白色 帆布 斜紋 鍊帶肩背包 顏色: 黑色 /白色 /bkxwhite(銀扣) 材質: 帆布 尺寸: W32cm x H17cm x D6.5cm 肩背帶:62cm 口袋: >鈕扣內側/打開口袋 x1/拉鍊口袋 x1 附屬品: 製造番号: 22422307 重要說明: 本賣場商品有3家實體店面及4家虛擬店舖同時銷售,有可能商品已售完來不及下架 ,BRAND OFF保留接受訂單與否的權利 本店促銷活動: 無保修卡

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黑色 牛皮 菱格紋 肩背包 鍊帶 銀扣

黑色 牛皮 菱格紋 肩背包 鍊帶 銀扣

有些微使用感,傷痕、磨損和髒汙 製造編號因法律問題沒有顯示,商品實際上是有製造編號的。 商品編號 : 2163300376997 品牌名稱 : CHANEL (香奈兒) 商品名稱 : 黑色 牛皮 菱格紋 肩背包 鍊帶 銀扣 顏色: 黑色 /bk(銀扣) 材質: 牛皮皮革 尺寸: W22cm x H15.5cm x D11cm 口袋: >鈕扣內側/打開口袋 x2/拉鍊口袋 x2 附屬品: 系列密封/保證書/卡 製造番号: 29298419 重要說明: 本賣場商品有3家實體店面及4家虛擬店舖同時銷售,有可能商品已售完來不及下架 ,BRAND OFF保留接受訂單與否的權利

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Dior 牛皮皮革Bobby East-West金扣肩背袋棕色

Dior 牛皮皮革Bobby East-West金扣肩背袋棕色

商品號碼 : 2161400225894 品牌 : DIOR 商品 : Shoulder Bag 等級 : A 状態 : 些微的傷痕與污漬,有使用過的痕跡。表面:有些微使用感,傷痕、磨損和髒汙 型號 : 素材 : Calfskin (cowhide) 顏色 : 棕色 / Brown 大小 : W 20cm x H 11cm x D 5cm 肩背帶: 80 - 85cm 口袋 : >磁鐵式外面/打開口袋 x1入面/打開口袋 x1 附屬品 : 防塵袋/原廠/肩背帶 製造編號 : IP-MA-1221 備考 :


COACH 牛皮皮革Hand Bag銀扣手挽袋淺藍色

COACH 牛皮皮革Hand Bag銀扣手挽袋淺藍色

商品號碼 : 2181700003220 品牌 : COACH 商品 : Handbag 等級 : B 状態 : 整體有傷痕與污漬,有使用過的痕跡。表面:有使用感、髒污、磨損皮革上有傷痕、污漬;裏面:有使用感、髒污、磨損; 型號 : #9293 素材 : Calfskin (cowhide) 顏色 : 藍色 / Blue 金具顏色 : 銀扣 大小 : W 30cm x H 23cm x D 1cm 手柄: 42cm 口袋 : >拉鍊入面/打開口袋 x2/拉鍊口袋 x1 附屬品 : - 備考 :


CHANEL 菱格羊皮皮革Shoulder Bag銀扣鏈帶肩背袋紅色

CHANEL 菱格羊皮皮革Shoulder Bag銀扣鏈帶肩背袋紅色

商品號碼 : 2160900366946 品牌 : CHANEL 商品 : Shoulder Bag 等級 : B 状態 : 整體有傷痕與污漬,有使用過的痕跡。表面:有使用感、髒污、磨損皮革上有傷痕、污漬;裏面:有使用感、髒污、磨損; 型號 : 素材 : Lambskin (sheep leather) 顏色 : 紅色 / Red 金具顏色 : 銀扣 大小 : W 38cm x H 27cm x D 13cm 肩背帶: 68cm 口袋 : >磁鐵式入面/打開口袋 x2/拉鍊口袋 x1 附屬品 : 防塵袋 製造編號 : #14685999 備考 :


LOEWE 牛皮皮革Luna金扣肩背袋藍色

LOEWE 牛皮皮革Luna金扣肩背袋藍色

商品號碼 : 2161400225559 品牌 : LOEWE 商品 : Shoulder Bag 等級 : A 状態 : 些微的傷痕與污漬,有使用過的痕跡。表面:有些微使用感,傷痕、磨損和髒汙皮革上有傷痕、污漬;裏面:有些微使用感,傷痕、磨損和髒汙; 型號 : 素材 : Calfskin (cowhide) 顏色 : 藍色 / Blue 大小 : W 25cm x H 27cm x D 8cm 肩背帶: 55cm 口袋 : >磁鐵式入面/打開口袋 x1 附屬品 : 防塵袋 製造編號 : 012235 備考 :


LOEWE Raffia/皮革Hammock Compact Raffia金扣手挽肩背兩用袋白色

LOEWE Raffia/皮革Hammock Compact Raffia金扣手挽肩背兩用袋白色

商品號碼 : 2160500472702 品牌 : LOEWE 商品 : 2wayShoulder Bag 等級 : A 状態 : 些微的傷痕與污漬,有使用過的痕跡。表面:有些微使用感,傷痕、磨損和髒汙裏面:有些微使用感,傷痕、磨損和髒汙; 型號 : 素材 : leather × Raffia 顏色 : 白色 / White 大小 : W 14.5cm x H 21cm x D 25cm 手柄: 52cm 肩背帶: 108cm 口袋 : >磁鐵式 附屬品 : 防塵袋 製造編號 : 652406 備考 :


LOUIS VUITTON 牛皮皮革Capucines BB金扣手挽肩背兩用袋紅色

LOUIS VUITTON 牛皮皮革Capucines BB金扣手挽肩背兩用袋紅色
人氣肩背包Louis Vuitton售價$27604

商品號碼 : 2160900366755 品牌 : LOUIS VUITTON 商品 : 2wayShoulder Bag 等級 : A 状態 : 些微的傷痕與污漬,有使用過的痕跡。表面:有些微使用感,傷痕、磨損和髒汙裏面:有些微使用感,傷痕、磨損和髒汙; 型號 : M52689 素材 : Calfskin (cowhide) 顏色 : 紅色 / Red 大小 : W 26cm x H 17cm x D 8cm 手柄: 27cm 肩背帶: 113 - 123cm 口袋 : >掛鉤按鈕入面/打開口袋 x1/拉鍊口袋 x1 附屬品 : 防塵袋 製造編號 : SP4128 備考 :


BVLGARI 漆皮皮革Shoulder Bag金扣鏈帶肩背袋橙色

BVLGARI 漆皮皮革Shoulder Bag金扣鏈帶肩背袋橙色

商品號碼 : 2180300081454 品牌 : BVLGARI 商品 : Shoulder Bag 等級 : B 状態 : 整體有傷痕與污漬,有使用過的痕跡。表面:有使用感、髒污、磨損裏面:有使用感、髒污、磨損; 型號 : 素材 : Patent leather 顏色 : 橘色 / Orange 大小 : W 19cm x H 12cm x D 4cm 肩背帶: 122cm 口袋 : >掛鉤按鈕入面/卡袋 x8/打開口袋 x1 附屬品 : - 製造編號 : 2653575Y 備考 :


Check And Leather Sneakers 運動鞋

Check And Leather Sneakers 運動鞋

* 尺寸/碼 : 36 * 顏色 : Archive Beige * 質料 : 棉、小牛皮、PET聚酯纖維、TPU熱塑性聚氨酯纖維 * 貨品編號:32001675 * 設計師代碼:8050509 * 注意:產品尺寸由人工量取,誤差1-3釐米屬正常範圍,不當做品質問題 圖片和實際產品之間可能出現顏色偏差 包裝:大多數產品都配有防塵袋。不包括品牌盒和真品卡 保修:此產品不包括任何保修服務,日常磨損也沒有保修

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🧧新年特價活動🧧Moncler Kickstream 黑色防水高筒雨靴 - 簡約設計與全天候防護 EU36/37/38/39/40

🧧新年特價活動🧧Moncler Kickstream 黑色防水高筒雨靴 - 簡約設計與全天候防護 EU36/37/38/39/40

💖限時降價 請在衣櫥搜尋"限時降價"關鍵字 查看最新降價商品 💖搜尋關鍵字"促銷品"為最後出清價,此種價格不太會變動,庫存隨時消失建議不用等待 💖追蹤我們衣櫥丟訊息給我們: 降價通知-我們會在該商品降價時通知您 💖商品附件均為品牌所附原配物件,各別品牌附件有些不同,項目依品牌原附為主 。 ✨全新真品✨當季專櫃正售 Moncler Kickstream 黑色防水高筒雨靴 - 簡約設計與全天候防護 現有庫存: EU36/37/38/39/40 (下單前請聊聊確認) 無論是精緻的日常穿搭還是運動風,這款防水靴都能輕鬆駕馭,還能讓你在雨天保持乾爽又時髦! 時尚專家建議 Moncler Kickstream 高筒雨靴運用了防水PVC與尼龍材質,讓你在雨天也能保持乾爽。 它的中性色調和簡約設計,輕鬆搭配各種精緻或運動風造型。不僅實用,更是雨天中的時尚選擇。 時尚特色 材質: PVC與尼龍鞋面,提供優異的防水性能,搭配布料內底及EVA輪胎紋鞋底,耐用且防滑。 設計: 中性色調與簡約輪廓,搭配抽繩調節靴筒,靴筒高達35公分。 功能性: 防水功能強大,適合各種天氣情況,鞋底高度4公分,提升穿著舒適感。 尺寸規格 靴筒高度: 35 公分 鞋底高度: 4 公分 搭配建議 無論是搭配精緻的風衣還是輕便的運動外套,這款Moncler雨靴都能提升你的雨天造型感, 讓你在每個戶外場景都能時尚出眾。 適合的場合 這款雨靴適合雨天通勤、戶外活動或是輕鬆的日常穿搭, 無論是城市街頭還是戶外冒險,Moncler Kickstream都能輕鬆應對。 商品配件 原廠防塵袋|原廠說明卡|原廠收納盒 100%專櫃真品 義大利製造


"限時降價活動"-Moncler Kickstream 拿鐵咖啡色防水高筒雨靴 - 簡約設計與全天候防護 EU36/37/38/39/40/41

"限時降價活動"-Moncler Kickstream 拿鐵咖啡色防水高筒雨靴 - 簡約設計與全天候防護 EU36/37/38/39/40/41

💖限時降價 請在衣櫥搜尋"限時降價"關鍵字 查看最新降價商品 💖搜尋關鍵字"促銷品"為最後出清價,此種價格不太會變動,庫存隨時消失建議不用等待 💖追蹤我們衣櫥丟訊息給我們: 降價通知-我們會在該商品降價時通知您 ✨全新真品✨當季專櫃正售 Moncler Kickstream 拿鐵咖啡色防水高筒雨靴 - 簡約設計與全天候防護 現有庫存: EU36/37/38/39/40/41 (下單前請聊聊確認) 無論是精緻的日常穿搭還是運動風,這款防水靴都能輕鬆駕馭,還能讓你在雨天保持乾爽又時髦! 時尚專家建議 Moncler Kickstream 高筒雨靴運用了防水PVC與尼龍材質,讓你在雨天也能保持乾爽。 它的中性色調和簡約設計,輕鬆搭配各種精緻或運動風造型。不僅實用,更是雨天中的時尚選擇。 時尚特色 材質: PVC與尼龍鞋面,提供優異的防水性能,搭配布料內底及EVA輪胎紋鞋底,耐用且防滑。 設計: 中性色調與簡約輪廓,搭配抽繩調節靴筒,靴筒高達35公分。 功能性: 防水功能強大,適合各種天氣情況,鞋底高度4公分,提升穿著舒適感。 尺寸規格 靴筒高度: 35 公分 鞋底高度: 4 公分 搭配建議 無論是搭配精緻的風衣還是輕便的運動外套,這款Moncler雨靴都能提升你的雨天造型感, 讓你在每個戶外場景都能時尚出眾。 適合的場合 這款雨靴適合雨天通勤、戶外活動或是輕鬆的日常穿搭, 無論是城市街頭還是戶外冒險,Moncler Kickstream都能輕鬆應對。 商品配件 原廠防塵袋|原廠說明卡|原廠收納盒 100%專櫃真品 義大利製造


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lightweight wool cardigan FE62CA4753LB BLACK | size: l

lightweight wool cardigan FE62CA4753LB BLACK | size: l

Kenzo 開襟衫採用輕盈羊毛製成,款式休閒。經典設計採用 V 領和牛角紐帶,胸前飾有「Boke Flower」貼花。羅紋邊緣完善外觀。模特兒身高 177 厘米,所穿尺寸為 XS。 狀況:全新 - 性別/類別:女士 > 服裝 > 針織品 > 羊毛衫 尺寸:標準 顏色: 黑色 官方顏色:黑色 材質:100%WO 型號:FE62CA4753LB 年份:2024 季節: 秋季 - 冬季

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lightweight knit midi dress OWHI055C99KNI001 BLACK WHITE | size: 42

lightweight knit midi dress OWHI055C99KNI001 BLACK WHITE | size: 42
人氣洋裝Off White售價$4476

這款中長連身裙採用合身廓形,採用輕質粘膠針織面料製成,並具有無縫管狀結構。它採用寬圓領和帶拇指孔開口的超長袖子,胸部中央飾有提花徽標,領口、袖口和捲邊下擺飾有羅紋邊緣。模特兒身高 177 厘米,所穿意大利尺碼 40。 狀況:全新 - 性別/類別:女士 > 服裝 > 洋裝 > 中長款 尺寸:IT 顏色: 黑色 官方顏色: 黑色 白色 材質:68%VI 32%PL 型號:OWHI055C99KNI001 年份:2024 季節: 秋季 - 冬季

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lightweight knit midi dress OWHI055C99KNI001 BLACK WHITE | size: 40

lightweight knit midi dress OWHI055C99KNI001 BLACK WHITE | size: 40
熱門洋裝Off White售價$4476

這款中長連身裙採用合身廓形,採用輕質粘膠針織面料製成,並具有無縫管狀結構。它採用寬圓領和帶拇指孔開口的超長袖子,胸部中央飾有提花徽標,領口、袖口和捲邊下擺飾有羅紋邊緣。模特兒身高 177 厘米,所穿意大利尺碼 40。 狀況:全新 - 性別/類別:女士 > 服裝 > 洋裝 > 中長款 尺寸:IT 顏色: 黑色 官方顏色: 黑色 白色 材質:68%VI 32%PL 型號:OWHI055C99KNI001 年份:2024 季節: 秋季 - 冬季

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lightweight gosei NF0A8795 MOSS GREEN | size: xl

lightweight gosei NF0A8795 MOSS GREEN | size: xl
熱門外套The North Face售價$1221

North Face 絎縫夾克由微防撕裂尼龍製成,並帶有輕質聚酯襯墊。採用標誌性色塊設計,配有拉鍊、鬆緊袖口、帶拉鍊的側袋和立領。胸部和背面印有 TNF 標誌。常規版型。模特兒身高 187 厘米,所穿尺寸為 L。 狀況:全新 - 性別/類別:男士 > 服裝 > 外套 > 羽絨服 尺寸:標準 顏色: 卡其色 官方顏色:苔蘚綠 材質:100%NY 型號:NF0A8795 年份:2024 季節: 秋季 - 冬季

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lightweight gosei NF0A8795 MOSS GREEN | size: s

lightweight gosei NF0A8795 MOSS GREEN | size: s
人氣外套The North Face售價$1221

North Face 絎縫夾克由微防撕裂尼龍製成,並帶有輕質聚酯襯墊。採用標誌性色塊設計,配有拉鍊、鬆緊袖口、帶拉鍊的側袋和立領。胸部和背面印有 TNF 標誌。常規版型。模特兒身高 187 厘米,所穿尺寸為 L。 狀況:全新 - 性別/類別:男士 > 服裝 > 外套 > 羽絨服 尺寸:標準 顏色: 卡其色 官方顏色:苔蘚綠 材質:100%NY 型號:NF0A8795 年份:2024 季節: 秋季 - 冬季

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