Loewe焦糖色牛皮銀釦Mini Puzzle兩用斜背包*
![Loewe焦糖色牛皮銀釦Mini Puzzle兩用斜背包*](https://images.popchill.com/products/24031086184872/17100861841021_2628-S.jpg)
Loewe焦糖色牛皮銀釦Mini Puzzle兩用斜背包 讓羅威家起死回生的經典之作,幾何圖形辨識度高又好看 熱門色第一名,百搭可愛 容量足 ▪️商品狀況:全新 ▪️尺寸:17*11*7cm ▪️附件:盒子,防塵套,背帶,小冊,貨號卡,吊牌 所有商品皆在自然光源下拍攝,以力求將商品最真實狀況呈現在買家眼前,請有意下標之買家,依所示照片自行放大判斷商品新舊情形,以免爭議喔(◕‿◕)♡ 有任何地方需要補拍歡迎私訊^
Loewe焦糖色牛皮銀釦Mini Puzzle兩用斜背包 讓羅威家起死回生的經典之作,幾何圖形辨識度高又好看 熱門色第一名,百搭可愛 容量足 ▪️商品狀況:全新 ▪️尺寸:17*11*7cm ▪️附件:盒子,防塵套,背帶,小冊,貨號卡,吊牌 所有商品皆在自然光源下拍攝,以力求將商品最真實狀況呈現在買家眼前,請有意下標之買家,依所示照片自行放大判斷商品新舊情形,以免爭議喔(◕‿◕)♡ 有任何地方需要補拍歡迎私訊^
尾牙抽獎抽到 全新尚未使用
全套紙盒紙袋及膜都還 去年聖誕節台南新光三越專櫃購入🎁
全新閒置品。 類似太空棉材質 長約27cm 寬約20cm
Hermes最熱門實用小包菜籃子Picotin 入門愛馬仕必備,輕鬆擁有愛馬仕的皮質工藝 2023年12月 東京購入 18尺寸 B刻 金棕銀釦 TC皮革 購證正本(個資會塗掉)、防塵袋、紙盒、內襯完整提供 全新,五金膠膜皆未拆封 有興趣歡迎私訊唷!!
賣場常有活動 請以關鍵字在衣櫥商店內搜尋 💖限時降價 請在衣櫥搜尋"限時降價"關鍵字 查看最新降價商品 💖搜尋關鍵字"促銷品"為最後出清價 ✨全新真品✨2024季度 Fendi 7VA390 FF 緹花及皮革托特包 棕色 飾有棕色FF主題圖案的環保再生緹花布料 襯以布料的內部隔層、 拉鏈內袋和鍍鈀金屬製品。 搭配兩個皮革手柄和可調式、 可拆卸式的皮革肩帶,可手提亦可肩背。 成分: 62%聚酯纖維,33%棉,5%樹脂,100%純小牛皮, 內層:63%棉,34%聚酯纖維,3%壓克力纖維 重量: 1.2 kg 尺寸:41 X 35 X 19公分 商品配件 原廠收納袋|原廠說明卡 100% 專櫃真品保證 義大利製造
商品實際顏色為圖2、4、6照片 商品大概8成新 為日本二手店認證B級 邊角有使用痕跡 上方有一點使用痕跡如圖13有圈起來不是太明顯 我是在日本2nd street二手店買的 因為又買了其他的錢包用不到所以出售
【LV 橘花卡夾護照套】 😍亮橘色老花圖紋 💞實用性小皮件 👍常出國的美女必推 🗂️4個信用卡夾層 / 1個貼袋 / 1個護照夾 🌟#閒置未使用 🔍#正面輕微存放痕跡照片有拍 🔸整體包況9成7新,二手商品均有正常存放痕跡 🔸型號:R97917 🔸尺寸:14x10cm 🔸附件:原廠盒、原廠防塵袋 #B113011807
✈️✈️預訂貨品✈️ 預訂貨品約7-10工作天到(不計送到平台鑑定時間) 🩷如需要多些細節可私訊再發你🩷 Chanel Lambskin 22K 金柱調節鏈帶 配件:✅晶片✅塵袋✅盒 尺寸:22x14cm 💓中古或是二手貨品因時間年代問題 都會有瑕疵 ,不適合完美主義者、 🌟介意者勿購 🌟介意者勿購 🌟介意者勿購
購於台灣官網 後來覺得尺寸有點大出售 全新未穿全配(無緞帶) 目前已經漲價到39000
【LV 全新Victorine老花信封三折短夾】 ✨#閒置未使用✨ 🎫#晶片版 🔨這款小巧精緻的Victorine錢包以Monogram帆布製成 🗂️打開錢包隨即展現多個實用間隔 📥名片夾層及放置紙幣和零錢的口袋 🔸整體包況9成9新,二手商品均有正常存放痕跡 🔸型號:M41938 🔸尺寸:12x9.5x2.5cm 🔸附件:原廠防塵袋、台灣購證(去個資)、小卡 #B113022201
【LV 全新Romy零錢卡包】 💖#離櫃閒置未使用 ⛄️#聖誕限定系列 ⚠️#膠膜全新未拆封 🛠️這款限量版Romy名片夾以Monogram帆布製造 🏔️印有描繪路易威登吉祥物Vivienne與朋友溜冰探索雪山的情景 🎹風琴式名片夾綴有金色LV Circle拉鏈頭 📂除了收納現金、零錢或收據,還可放置名片 🔸整體包況9成9新,二手商品均有正常存放痕跡 🔸型號:M82852 🔸尺寸:12x8cm 🔸附件:原廠盒、原廠防塵袋、官網購證(去個資)、小卡 #B113022401
在信義微風購買。 尺寸EU42 僅穿著兩三次。 有原廠鞋盒。
尺寸: 37.5 穿著過幾次, 狀態維持很好, 鞋底鞋身均無磨損, 但鞋盒無保留。
內部乾淨 外部麂皮有些地方顏色不均 ,拿去整理一下,應該還是美美噠~
【HERMES 全新Glenan編織手環】 💗Swift皮革 89黑 T2尺寸💗 💘#滿滿時尚俏皮感一眼入手 🔒鍍玫瑰金Glenan鎖釦 👍#馬場的手飾都很推 🔸整體品項9成9新,二手商品均有正常存放痕跡 🔸尺寸:腕圍14.5-15.5cm 🔸附件:原廠盒、原廠防塵袋、台灣購證(去個資) #B113030601
僅使用過兩次, 鞋盒破損故無保留。
✨全新閒置品 僅在家試穿過一次 ☑️購入於巴黎世家特賣會 購入時內側已經有些微染色痕跡(圖8) 介意者勿下單🙏🏻 附鞋盒及防塵袋 (鞋盒有損傷) ♡誠可議價♡ #balenciaga #triples #老爹鞋 #巴黎世家
Chanel coco系列經典雙c 簡約時尚感 可當頸鍊之外還可以當手鍊 喜歡的可小議 全新全配 未戴只拍照
全新未使用過。 附有保卡和防塵袋。
Gucci 老花手提袋 尺寸 W24 × H18 × D8cm Handle:40cm 實拍如圖,無修圖。 有使用感、無破損、內裏乾淨。 可以自加背帶斜背~ 附 原廠防塵袋
【BAOBAO 三宅一生 6X6幾何亮面手提包】 💎新一代經典形象包BaoBao Issey Miyake 🧊取材自積木靈感,以三角圖形組合拼接 🎏風格濃厚、大小和形狀各異的一系列包款 🪄就算是隨意擺放,也會自動呈現立體形狀 🔍#四角有正常使用痕跡請檢視 🔸整體包況新舊如圖,二手商品均有正常使用/存放痕跡 🔸型號:BB23AG053 🔸尺寸:34x34cm 🔸附件:原廠防塵袋、吊牌 #B112112202
2023年底購於台北SOGO 專櫃,送老公的聖誕禮物,但是使用頻率太低,想售出換皮夾,當生日禮物基金,可議。 找很久,只有提把下緣有些許使用痕跡。
AN NEILL 高級蓬蓬質感皮背心 狀況:良好,九成新 顏色:紅黑豹紋 內容:100%綿羊皮 尺寸:M,衣長54 胸寬42 袖口19 (cm) ⚡ 設計師品牌,保暖真皮背心 ⚡ 蓬蓬高級質感,柔軟舒適內裡 ⚡ 可調節連帽,鬆緊袖口 • 二手衣物不是全新 • 本賣場商品皆為正版商品 • 平量誤差值約1-2公分
全新品,購於代購未使用~尺寸:9*16.5*2公分,附原廠盒、防塵套、 保卡、購證影本,現在櫃上黑小皮件一包難求,有喜歡的快手刀吧😍😍😍
包包狀況:全新 尺寸:高15.5 寬19.3 厚3.5(不含翻蓋) 背帶長度122cm 瑕疵:1.翻蓋內釦環2處,皆有收藏的小壓痕(不影響外觀及使用) 2.磁扣處有刮痕 (瑕疵皆有放照片,購買前再麻煩看清楚喔) ✔️翻蓋為磁吸式 ✔️1大夾層 、8卡層、1拉鍊夾層、2內夾層 ✔️五金很有質感喔! ✔️無購證(被我弄丟了) ✔️原本就無塵袋囉! ✔️有品牌的小卡 ✔️購於IG(可提供帳號做查詢) ✔️內夾層空間大 ✔️可放較薄的中短夾 ✔️可放Pro Max手 ✔️不放皮夾,可放唇膏類、護手霜等 ✔️春夏秋背超級適合 ✔️日常出門買東西也很適合背 這款真的是買來,外包裝都沒拆 完全是貢起來的狀態 後來又陸續購買了好幾個包 所以就拿出來割愛啦! 請別小看它的容量喔! 雖然是WOC,但我覺得 它是WOC裡面,容量算大的 夾層多,連最大隻的手機,也能放得進去 就知道它容量有多大了。
衣身為淡粉紅,不是白色 本布: 94%棉, 6% 彈性纖維 刺繡:100%聚酯纖維 葡萄牙製造 可機洗,但建議手洗 購買於:華泰Out let LOEWE專櫃 當初購買價格:約12000元 狀況:沒吊牌、沒下水過、僅試穿一次,二手價高標準者勿下訂單 尺寸:XS 肩寬33cm 袖長15cm 衣長57cm 胸寬40cm 腰寬40cm LOEWE女款小件的T恤都非常難買,當時我毫不考慮先搶下來,但對我來說尺寸太小件了,所以割愛釋出 很適合喜愛穿合身、嬌小的女孩,青少女也很適合,料子非常好👍 #Loewe #短T #義大利
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 109601-E1772-C74-XXXL - Main Materials: 69% Viscose 23% Polyamide 8% Elastane/100% Cotton - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) - Size: XXXL 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 109601-E1772-C74-XXL - Main Materials: 69% Viscose 23% Polyamide 8% Elastane/100% Cotton - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 109601-E1772-C74-XL - Main Materials: 69% Viscose 23% Polyamide 8% Elastane/100% Cotton - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 372773-SIH41-4032 - Main Materials: 98% Cotton 2% Elastane - Main Color: Light Blue - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) - Size: 28 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
幾乎全新 保存很好
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: Q38720-S2883-051E-28 - Main Materials: 98% Cotton 2% Elastane - Main Color: Blue - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) - Size: 28 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: Q38720-S2883-051E - Main Materials: 98% Cotton 2% Elastane - Main Color: Blue - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) - Size: 26 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
本人從日本銀座親自扛回來🥹 全新未使用! 手滑買了太多了 所以這顆回國後想想還是讓給有緣人~ 如果想看細圖歡迎私訊! #YSL #全新未使用 #NIKI黑鏈
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: Q38720-S2883-051E-25 - Main Materials: 98% Cotton 2% Elastane - Main Color: Blue - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) - Size: 25 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: Q38107-T9153-853W - Main Materials: 100% Cotton - Main Color: Blue - Country of origin: Tunisia(may vary due to seasonality.) - Size: 29 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: Q38107-T9153-853W-27 - Main Materials: 100% Cotton - Main Color: Blue - Country of origin: Tunisia(may vary due to seasonality.) - Size: 27 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: Q38107-T9153-853W-26 - Main Materials: 100% Cotton - Main Color: Blue - Country of origin: Tunisia(may vary due to seasonality.) - Size: 26 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: Q38107-T9153-853W-25 - Main Materials: 100% Cotton - Main Color: Blue - Country of origin: Tunisia(may vary due to seasonality.) -Size: 25 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: D287P705CBDFR-CAM-38 - Main Materials: 100% Cotton/100% Cotton - Main Color: Blue - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: V700696-VK00207-V2037-XS - Main Materials: 63% Wool 37% Viscose - Main Color: Black,Yellow - Country of origin: China(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: V700696-VK00207-V2037-S - Main Materials: 63% Wool 37% Viscose - Main Color: Black,Yellow - Country of origin: China(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
-新舊:9.5 成新 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌖 -配件:台灣購證/防塵袋/盒裝 -尺寸:23 x 14 x 6 cm 來了!精品界溫柔擔當🤍 顆顆飽滿的荔枝牛x 精緻典雅的cf包身, 有經典的溫柔更有從容的優雅。 背上她、來一場氣質的午宴 生活中將處處充滿儀式感✨
品牌 : 路易威登 顏色 : Damier Azur 材質:Damier Azur 帆布 尺寸(公分):W32-46cm x H30cm x D17cm(約) 尺寸(英吋):W12.6 x H11.8 x D6.7 英吋(約) 款式 : 手提袋 配件 : 防塵袋 / 收納袋 產品編號:N41605 序號:E0:16:3C:01:50:17:89:F5 法國製造 等級:SA 貨號:54444A 狀態 : 外:表面:輕微污漬 內部:狀況良好,沒有任何明顯的刮痕。 口袋:狀況良好,沒有任何明顯的刮痕。 角落:狀況良好,沒有任何明顯的刮痕。 氣味:對我們來說沒有難聞的氣味。 其他備註:-
品牌 : 巴寶莉 顏色 :米色 / 紅色 材質 : 帆布 尺寸(公分):寬15公分 x 高18公分 x 深4公分(約) / 肩寬55 - 60公分(約) 尺寸(英吋):寬 5.9 x 高 7.1 x 深 1.6 英吋(約)/肩寬 21.7 - 23.6 英吋(約) 款式:肩背包 配件:沒有物品盒和防塵袋。我們將僅發送照片中所示的物品。 產品編號:- 序號:- 產地:- 排名:BC 庫存單位:54143 狀態 : 外部:表面:輕微變形、磨損 金屬配件:輕微刮痕 內部:輕微磨損 口袋:輕微磨損 邊角:輕微磨損 氣味:有保存(儲存)氣味。 其他備註:-
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: F862CH1825AP-01-44 - Main Materials: 100% Cotton - Main Color: White - Country of origin: Madagascar(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 2560105-61188-999-42 - Main Materials: 98% Polyamide 2% Polyester - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 2560105-61188-999-40 - Main Materials: 98% Polyamide 2% Polyester - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 2560105-61188-999-38 - Main Materials: 98% Polyamide 2% Polyester - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 650601-E1851-C74-XL - Main Materials: 96% Cotton 4% Elastane - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Portugal(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 650601-E1851-B933-S - Main Materials: 96% Cotton 4% Elastane - Main Color: Grey - Country of origin: Portugal(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
有附盒子、防塵袋 有些許使用痕跡皆屬正常,高標者請繞道去專櫃購買,謝謝
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 650601-E1851-B933-L - Main Materials: 96% Cotton 4% Elastane - Main Color: Grey - Country of origin: Portugal(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 502406-SKW20-8490-42 - Main Materials: 100% Cotton - Main Color: White - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 495400-SCA06-1000-40 - Main Materials: 64% Viscose 32% Acetate 4% Elastane - Main Color: Blue - Country of origin: Hungary(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
這款小巧皮夾以義大利全粒面皮革製成,搭配棉質斜紋布內裡,綴有經典 Polo 熊圖案,小熊身穿標誌性 Ralph Lauren 服裝,展現時尚風格。 9成新 RL百貨公司門市購入 原價6250 照片為實拍照 真皮的皮夾會越使用越有自己的手感 這個皮夾我用的次數不多 因為購買了新的皮夾而上網出售 正面有些微使用痕跡,請參考照片 總共有八個卡層 使用上非常方便 吊卡盒子都還留著,將會一起提供給購買者
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 495400-SCA06-1000-38 - Main Materials: 64% Viscose 32% Acetate 4% Elastane - Main Color: Blue - Country of origin: Hungary(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
全新未用,購於outlet Outlet款喔 原本是買來準備去迪士尼玩的,後來沒去就閒置 迪士尼100週年與Coach的聯名款喔(2023年推出) ✨ 配件:短揹帶、禮物購證、小紙卡、吊牌 ✨超級可愛的小包,質感很好👍🏻 附一調手提短背帶,可以自行去買延長鏈改成長揹帶喔 內有一個小收納層 #coach #迪士尼 #disney #手提包
這是我在韓國設計公司上班的時候 買的第一個人生名牌包 不過只用了一次 發現不太適合自己 現在離開韓國打算 轉換跑道再到其他國家進修 希望可以幫她找到一個喜愛她的主人❤️ 也幫自己多換些現金 •皮革手柄 •可拆除及可調校的皮革背帶。最長繩長︰120厘米 / 最短繩長︰110厘米 / 最長繩高︰60厘米 / 最長繩高︰55厘米 •可拆除的皮革鑰匙圈 •拉鍊外袋 •金屬飾件 •正面皮革三角形飾以金屬字樣標誌 •兩側按扣開合 •標誌印花尼龍襯裡設有兩個口袋,其中一個是拉鍊袋 •設有腳釘 •高度: 16cm •寬度: 24cm •長度: 11cm
在百貨公司購入的中夾 用了各種藍色拼色設計 非常耐看! 中夾可以放很多東西 拿取也比短夾方便 因為購買了新皮夾,所以才便宜售出 他的零錢袋,因為經常放各種不同的硬幣 所以有使用痕跡,請購買的人要再看照片多確認一下 有四個放置卡片的地方 另外有兩個比較大的隔層 通常我會拿來放駕照等等
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 484067-SJB18-1000-38 - Main Materials: 100% Polyester (95% Wool 5% Elastane) - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: OWCD004E17535044-8801-42 - Main Materials: 87% Viscose 8% Polyamide 5% Elastane - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: OWCD004E17535044-8801-40 - Main Materials: 87% Viscose 8% Polyamide 5% Elastane - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: OWCD004E17535044-8801-38 - Main Materials: 87% Viscose 8% Polyamide 5% Elastane - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: OWCD004E17535044-1008-40 - Main Materials: 87% Viscose 8% Polyamide 5% Elastane - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
● 多平台上架 下單前請先詢問 【簡介】 - 1 主要收納層 - 1 卡片貼袋 【尺寸】16 x 20 x 7 cm 【材質】帆布 / 皮革 【商品編號】699406UKMDG2570 # 商品配件:盒子
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: CWCA035E17604221-1001-XS - Main Materials: 100% Polyester - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: China(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 17AMP04-17A500-NR6K6-XS - Main Materials: 100% Cashmere - Main Color: Pink - Country of origin: China(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
● 多平台上架 下單前請先詢問 【簡介】 - 2 主要收納層 - 1 收納貼袋 - 1 卡片貼袋 - 1 鏡子貼袋(附鏡子) 【尺寸】19 x 16 x 5 cm 【材質】epsom 【商品編號】H05634CD18 #商品配件 : 盒子、防塵袋、購證
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 9293200-999BP-034-40 - Main Materials: 83% Cashmere 11% Alpaca 5% Polyamide 1% Wool - Main Color: White - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 9293200-999BP-034-38 - Main Materials: 83% Cashmere 11% Alpaca 5% Polyamide 1% Wool - Main Color: White - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 2RO199-5AC-K02-99-XS - Main Materials: 82% Triacetate 18% Polyester - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Madagascar(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 2RO199-5AC-K02-99-S - Main Materials: 82% Triacetate 18% Polyester - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Madagascar(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 2RO199-5AC-K02-99-M - Main Materials: 82% Triacetate 18% Polyester - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Madagascar(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: V700696-VK00207-V2005-S - Main Materials: 63% Wool 37% Viscose - Main Color: Black,White - Country of origin: China(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
*如需其他呎碼,請直接查詢*.*If you want other size and Please inquire directly.* *All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* *所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價* 【Product Description】 - Size:38,40,42 - Seller SKU: 552848-S1967-8490 - Main Materials: 54% Polypropylene 42% Cotton 3% Polyamide 1% Elastane - Main Color: White - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.
狀況良好,外觀如照片 正常使用痕跡。 很有高級感的豬肝紅色 東西放的少的話,是能放下手機的
100%正品購於韓國首爾專櫃 不撞款超時髦小香胸針 黑色琺瑯與水鑽雙環 小星星裝飾超級可愛 Size:4*5cm 包裝完整: 紙袋、包裝紙盒、山茶花緞帶 購證去個資價格影本
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