

Hermès Bolide1923 25公分

Hermès Bolide1923 25公分

櫃上難有!! 最剛好的25公分,89黑色搭金釦根本天菜色。 EPSOM皮超耐用。 全新商品,專櫃購入。 <購買須知> 若有加購安心購,檢驗端有可能驗到專業檢驗員也無法判斷之狀況,並非本賣場資訊未揭露,因全新商品櫃上出,也是看無大瑕疵就直接購入,沒辦法像專業檢驗員還拿放大鏡在櫃姐面前驗包,購入前請了解可能之狀況。


香奈兒 24c 香奈兒耳夾 金屬波紋耳夾耳環!耳夾!夾式耳環!

香奈兒 24c 香奈兒耳夾 金屬波紋耳夾耳環!耳夾!夾式耳環!

▪️CHANEL 24C金色波紋耳夾耳環 ▫️價格:$ ▪️顏色:金色 ▫️材質:金屬 ▪️配件:紙盒、紙袋、緞帶、山茶花、購證影本 ————————— 傳說中的香奈兒耳夾耳環 不是因為很好買才買得到兩個 純粹是運氣問題🥹 這款尺寸比較大但戴起來絕對不會太重拉扯耳垂 而且不是沒質感的塑膠輕量感 就是有重但又不會太重的重量 將將好可以接受的那種 你們懂我意思嗎🤣 而且那個波紋真的好美好好看 耳針款全數完售買不到 有耳洞的人喜歡這款我也滿推薦的 這款完全看不出來是耳夾喔~


Hermès Lindy30 黑/銀

Hermès Lindy30 黑/銀

全新現貨 89黑色×銀釦×TC皮 Lindy30 M型垂墜度最漂亮 專櫃購入,有紙盒、有紙袋、有去個資影本購證。 <購買須知> 若有加購安心購,檢驗端有可能驗到專業檢驗員也無法判斷之狀況,並非本賣場資訊未揭露,因全新商品櫃上出,也是看無大瑕疵就直接購入,沒辦法像專業檢驗員還拿放大鏡在櫃姐面前驗包,購入前請了解可能之狀況。


Chanel 經典口蓋包 CF 30 金釦、鍊/黑色 羊皮

Chanel 經典口蓋包 CF 30 金釦、鍊/黑色 羊皮

#煩請詳閲貼文喜愛再購入 #要買賣請自行拍照 Chanel 經典口蓋包 CF 30 金釦、鍊/黑色 羊皮 購於台北A4 只背過幾次捨不用 一直放在防潮箱 尺寸約: 高19.5 cm x 長30 cmx 10 cm 顏色:黑/金釦、鍊 材質:金色金屬/羊皮 私下議價太多就請繞至專櫃去購買, 問問女就請勿打擾, 尋找真心喜愛商品🖤 詢問商品請彼此尊重禮貌, 不要私訊又已讀不回非常不禮貌 ✔️保證真品 ✔️不真退款 ❌已讀不回❌無誠勿擾 幾乎近9成新以上, 網路圖片不妥即刪, 內層乾淨四角無磨, 照片無修圖及打光, 呈獻最自然的光線。 附件:原廠盒裝 /紙袋/防塵套/ 購證影本/保卡/商品冊本/防塵布 #感謝大家支持😊 #杜絕仿冒 #保證真品

Gold PrinGold Prin

Italy 限量超低價/原價1萬9/全新ROBERT CAVANI/Top Gun飛行員夾克

Italy 限量超低價/原價1萬9/全新ROBERT CAVANI/Top Gun飛行員夾克

●限量,配合國際行銷廣告宣傳之特惠價,數量極稀少,售完機會不再有,勿錯過。恕不議價。 ●預定3/31空運到台北 ■顏色:有棕色、靛藍色、黑色三色 ◆ 來自義大利羅馬 * ROBERT CAVANI/m&m's * 奢華刺繡、徽飾、運動、休閒外套、賽車、飛官夾克(ㄧ片刺繡徽章約350~500元,這件飛行員夾克上面共縫了多少片?營運行銷成本、材料、加上設計費不算,光是繁複的刺繡和車工就要數千元,絕對是撿便宜,物超所值) 最上級*定価9万◆イタリア・ローマ発*ROBERT CAVANI/ロベルトカバーニ・TOPGUN/トップガン復刻・豪華ワッペン・MA-1/ジャケット/M・紺 高品質 *來自義大利羅馬* ROBERT CAVANI/本季 /TOPGUN/複刻版/豪華徽章 MA-1飛行員夾克 這款MA-1 飛行外套是湯姆克魯斯主演的大片《Top Gun》的複刻版!MA-1 的原始型號採用高性能聚酯纖維面料,防水、防寒。 這款產品的特點是刺繡徽章較多。它是薄款,沒有內層,在春秋冬季節,很容易與任何服裝與長褲搭配。 狀態:全新,未使用/有吊牌標籤 市場價格:89,800 日元(約等於台幣1萬9000元) 生產國:保加利亞製造 ●品牌介紹:ROBERT CAVANI是一位來自義大利拉齊奧羅馬的天才設計師,他推出了一個同名的時裝品牌,他運用之前在LV集團工作的經驗,在全球大力拓展該品牌。 顏色:璀璨海軍藍(圖片參考) 材質: 外層材質 100% 聚酯纖維 內層襯裡 100% 聚酯纖維 尺碼:46/M (約等於L~XL號) 尺寸: 肩寬約45cm 衣長約 65cm 胸寬約 56cm 胸圍約 112cm 袖長約65cm


GUCCI 胸口包/短斜背包/側背包/腰包 530412 9成新

GUCCI 胸口包/短斜背包/側背包/腰包 530412 9成新

【商品名稱】:GUCCI 胸口包/短斜背包/側背包/腰包 530412 9成新 【商品簡介】:熱門搶手款,輕微使用感,內外乾淨漂亮,短背帶,女生或瘦一點的男生才能當胸口包使用 【商品附件】:原廠防塵套、拉堤二手名牌購買證明 【商品尺寸】:約長40/寬6/高19 包身含背袋內圈約100 cm 《注意事項》 。本公司所有二手商品皆經嚴格檢驗,並開立 拉堤二手名牌正品收據,請安心購買。 。所有二手商品皆為單件,有可能於門市售出,若不及下架請多包涵,下標前也可先行確認 。歡迎您對商品提出問題,我們將竭誠為您服務,二手商品售出後將無法退換貨。 。商品皆為實拍,絕無修圖,但亦可能因螢幕關係而有差異,以實品顏色為準。 。商品品牌圖樣及實背照,僅用於商品說明,商標之智慧財產權屬原權利人所有


PRADA 三合一 斜背包/側背包/手提包/肩背包 1BH204 9成新

PRADA 三合一 斜背包/側背包/手提包/肩背包 1BH204 9成新

【商品名稱】:PRADA 三合一 斜背包/側背包/手提包/肩背包 1BH204 9成新 【商品簡介】:背帶可拆,多種背法,任何風格都好搭 【商品附件】:原廠防塵套、原廠紙盒、保卡、拉堤二手名牌購買證明 【商品尺寸】:約長22.5/寬17/高6.5 cm 《注意事項》 。本公司所有二手商品皆經嚴格檢驗,並開立 拉堤二手名牌正品收據,請安心購買。 。所有二手商品皆為單件,有可能於門市售出,若不及下架請多包涵,下標前也可先行確認 。歡迎您對商品提出問題,我們將竭誠為您服務,二手商品售出後將無法退換貨。 。商品皆為實拍,絕無修圖,但亦可能因螢幕關係而有差異,以實品顏色為準。 。商品品牌圖樣及實背照,僅用於商品說明,商標之智慧財產權屬原權利人所有


LV 馬鞍包/斜背包/側背包 M42250 75成新 不議

LV 馬鞍包/斜背包/側背包 M42250 75成新 不議
熱門肩背包Louis Vuitton售價$99999

【商品名稱】:LV 單馬鞍包/斜背包/側背包 M42250 75成新 【商品簡介】:熱門搶手款式,整體使用痕跡 如圖 【商品附件】:拉堤二手名牌購買證明 【商品尺寸】:約長27.5/寬8.5/高9 cm 《注意事項》 。本公司所有二手商品皆經嚴格檢驗,並開立 拉堤二手名牌正品收據,請安心購買。 。所有二手商品皆為單件,有可能於門市售出,若不及下架請多包涵,下標前也可先行確認 。歡迎您對商品提出問題,我們將竭誠為您服務,二手商品售出後將無法退換貨。 。商品皆為實拍,絕無修圖,但亦可能因螢幕關係而有差異,以實品顏色為準。 。商品品牌圖樣及實背照,僅用於商品說明,商標之智慧財產權屬原權利人所有


CHANEL BOY 25 手把口蓋包 金、釦錬

CHANEL BOY 25 手把口蓋包 金、釦錬

CHANEL BOY 25 手把口蓋包 金、釦錬 中性化路線,方方正正的廓形、 棱角分明的全金屬搭扣和金屬粗鏈條, 讓它看起來帥氣硬朗。😎 尺寸約:25.5cm x 16cm x 7cm/ 鍊長約:129cm 顏色:金/黑色 材質:小牛皮 產地:法國 配件盒裝 紙袋 購購影本去個資 📝免責聲明: @GP-Gold Prin 不附屬於或與品牌相關, 所有商標和版權屬於原持有人。 #絕無仿冒品

Gold PrinGold Prin

Italy 限量超低價/原價3萬8/全新BOLINI側背+肩背包/頂級牛皮/黑,橘,褐3色

Italy 限量超低價/原價3萬8/全新BOLINI側背+肩背包/頂級牛皮/黑,橘,褐3色

最上級逸品※定価18万◆イタリア・ミラノ発*BOLINI/ボリニ・最上級牛革・クロコダイル*トートバッグ・4色 頂級品質 18萬日圓 (約等於台幣38,000元)◆ 義大利米蘭製造 * BOLINI / 鱷魚皮壓紋手提包 採用義大利頂級牛皮製成 ●狀態:全新,未使用,附上原廠紙標籤 售價:18萬日圓 ●限量,配合國際行銷廣告宣傳之特惠價,數量極稀少,售完機會不再有,勿錯過。 顏色:有橙色、褐色、靛藍色、黑色4種 尺寸: 上下高26cm 左右長17.5cm 底部寬度D6cm 內部有一個可放置智慧型手機和小物品的口袋,方便存放。 ●材質:100% 義大利頂級牛皮、仿真鱷魚皮紋立體壓花,超美、非常尊貴。 配件:原廠肩帶、收納袋


路易威登 Monogram Porte Monnaie Rond 零錢包 M61926 LV 正品 am5673

路易威登 Monogram Porte Monnaie Rond 零錢包 M61926 LV 正品 am5673
熱門皮夾Louis Vuitton售價$13550

品牌 : 路易威登 顏色 : 字母組合 材質 : 字母組合帆布 尺寸(公分):W9cm x H9.5cm x D1cm(約) 尺寸(英吋):W3.5 x H3.7 x D0.4 英吋(約) 款式 : 零皮夾 配件:沒有物品盒和防塵袋。我們只會發送照片中包含的物品。 產品編號:M61926 序號:CT1023 法國製造 排名:B SKU: am5673 狀態 : 外部:表面:輕微摩擦 金屬配件:輕微刮痕 內部:輕微摩擦 口袋 : - 邊角:輕微摩擦 氣味:對我們來說沒有難聞的氣味。 其他備註:-

Brand street tokyo日本直送二手名牌Brand street tokyo日本直送二手名牌

Louis Vuitton 經典棋盤格三折零錢中夾

Louis Vuitton 經典棋盤格三折零錢中夾
熱門中/短夾Louis Vuitton原價$29800售價$17800

Louis Vuitton 經典棋盤格三折零錢中夾 ▪️商品狀況:9新 ▪️尺寸:15.5*10.5*3cm ▪️附件:盒子,防塵套,紙卡 所有商品皆在自然光源下拍攝,以力求將商品最真實狀況呈現在買家眼前,請有意下標之買家,依所示照片自行放大判斷商品新舊情形,以免爭議喔(◕‿◕)♡ 有任何地方需要補拍歡迎私訊^


金鐸精品~2329 OMEGA 歐米茄 constellation 星座系列 方形鋼帶珍珠母貝款石英女用鑽錶

金鐸精品~2329 OMEGA 歐米茄 constellation 星座系列 方形鋼帶珍珠母貝款石英女用鑽錶

[品名] OMEGA 歐米茄 constellation 星座系列 方形鋼帶珍珠母貝款石英女用鑽錶 [型號] 1528.76.00 [專櫃價] 約145000元 [特價] 56800元 [機芯] OMEGA 1376石英機芯 [品相] 95% 成新 無-附件 [材質] 精鋼材質錶殼&錶帶&錶扣&指針/原鑲鑽石錶圈與4顆整點鑽石時標/圓弧形抗磨損藍寶石水晶鏡面/珍珠母貝面盤 [功能] 時針.分針二針時刻顯示/按壓式錶冠/方形錶殼原鑲38顆天然美鑽/點鐘位置共飾以4顆天然鑽石時標/日常生活防水30米/錶徑:19.5mm(不含錶冠寬)*24mm(高)*12mm(厚)


Proenza Schouler Racerback Tank In Yellow Tiger Sleeveless Top for Women in Yellow (R122432-JCP01S-20602-S)

Proenza Schouler Racerback Tank In Yellow Tiger Sleeveless Top for Women in Yellow (R122432-JCP01S-20602-S)
人氣上衣Proenza Schouler原價$2200售價$660

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: R122432-JCP01S-20602-S - Main Materials: 100% Cotton - Main Color: Yellow - Country of origin: USA(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Proenza Schouler Racerback Tank In Yellow Tiger Sleeveless Top for Women in Yellow (R122432-JCP01S-20602-M)

Proenza Schouler Racerback Tank In Yellow Tiger Sleeveless Top for Women in Yellow (R122432-JCP01S-20602-M)
熱門上衣Proenza Schouler原價$2200售價$660

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: R122432-JCP01S-20602-M - Main Materials: 100% Cotton - Main Color: Yellow - Country of origin: USA(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Proenza Schouler Racerback Tank In Yellow Tiger Sleeveless Top for Women in Yellow (R122432-JCP01S-20602-L)

Proenza Schouler Racerback Tank In Yellow Tiger Sleeveless Top for Women in Yellow (R122432-JCP01S-20602-L)
熱門上衣Proenza Schouler原價$2200售價$660

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: R122432-JCP01S-20602-L - Main Materials: 100% Cotton - Main Color: Yellow - Country of origin: USA(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Moschino Flora Sequin Embellished Cardigan for Women in Black (A0910-1101-555-40)

Moschino Flora Sequin Embellished Cardigan for Women in Black (A0910-1101-555-40)

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: A0910-1101-555-40 - Main Materials: 70% Rayon 30% Polyester - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Moschino Flora Sequin Embellished Cardigan for Women in Black (A0910-1101-555-38)

Moschino Flora Sequin Embellished Cardigan for Women in Black (A0910-1101-555-38)

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: A0910-1101-555-38 - Main Materials: 70% Rayon 30% Polyester - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Moschino "Peace N' Love" Back Strings Fancy Colored Silk Jumper Dress for Women in Multicolor (A0402-560-1555-40)

Moschino "Peace N' Love" Back Strings Fancy Colored Silk Jumper Dress for Women in Multicolor (A0402-560-1555-40)

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: A0402-560-1555-40 - Main Materials: 100% Silk - Main Color: Multicolor - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Moschino "Peace N' Love" Back Strings Fancy Colored Silk Jumper Dress for Women in Multicolor (A0402-560-1555-38)

Moschino "Peace N' Love" Back Strings Fancy Colored Silk Jumper Dress for Women in Multicolor (A0402-560-1555-38)

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: A0402-560-1555-38 - Main Materials: 100% Silk - Main Color: Multicolor - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Moschino "Peace N' Love" Back Strings Fancy Colored Silk Jumper Dress for Women in Multicolor (A0402-560-1555-36)

Moschino "Peace N' Love" Back Strings Fancy Colored Silk Jumper Dress for Women in Multicolor (A0402-560-1555-36)

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: A0402-560-1555-36 - Main Materials: 100% Silk - Main Color: Multicolor - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Moschino Peace Motif Embroidered Denim Shirt for Women in Blue (A0201-520-1295-40)

Moschino Peace Motif Embroidered Denim Shirt for Women in Blue (A0201-520-1295-40)

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: A0201-520-1295-40 - Main Materials: 97% Cotton 3% Other Fibres - Main Color: Blue - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Moschino Peace Motif Embroidered Denim Shirt for Women in Blue (A0201-520-1295-38)

Moschino Peace Motif Embroidered Denim Shirt for Women in Blue (A0201-520-1295-38)

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: A0201-520-1295-38 - Main Materials: 97% Cotton 3% Other Fibres - Main Color: Blue - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Moncler Belted Nylon Hooded Coat for Women in White (4910005-64140-002-2)

Moncler Belted Nylon Hooded Coat for Women in White (4910005-64140-002-2)

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 4910005-64140-002-2 - Main Materials: 100% Polyester 100% Silk - Main Color: White - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) - Size: 2 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Moncler Belted Nylon Hooded Coat for Women in White (4910005-64140-002-1)

Moncler Belted Nylon Hooded Coat for Women in White (4910005-64140-002-1)

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: 4910005-64140-002-1 - Main Materials: 100% Polyester 100% Silk - Main Color: White - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) - Size: 1 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Love Moschino Words Printed Sweater for Women in Black (S82G00-XA013-007-42)

Love Moschino Words Printed Sweater for Women in Black (S82G00-XA013-007-42)
熱門上衣Love Moschino原價$2840售價$1240

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: S82G00-XA013-007-42 - Main Materials: 58% Acetate 21% Acrylic 21% Wool - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Moldova(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Love Moschino Words Printed Sweater for Women in Black (S82G00-XA013-007-40)

Love Moschino Words Printed Sweater for Women in Black (S82G00-XA013-007-40)
熱門上衣Love Moschino原價$2840售價$1240

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: S82G00-XA013-007-40 - Main Materials: 58% Acetate 21% Acrylic 21% Wool - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Moldova(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Love Moschino Words Printed Sweater for Women in Black (S82G00-XA013-007-38)

Love Moschino Words Printed Sweater for Women in Black (S82G00-XA013-007-38)
人氣上衣Love Moschino原價$2840售價$1240

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: S82G00-XA013-007-38 - Main Materials: 58% Acetate 21% Acrylic 21% Wool - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Moldova(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Jo No Fui Sequined Detail Hooded Jacket for Women in Grey (SSZ011E-XLUFLJ-C8004-XS)

Jo No Fui Sequined Detail Hooded Jacket for Women in Grey (SSZ011E-XLUFLJ-C8004-XS)

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: SSZ011E-XLUFLJ-C8004-XS - Main Materials: 55% Viscose 45% Cotton/90% Viscose 5% Polyamide 5% Elastane - Main Color: Grey - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Jo No Fui Sequined Detail Hooded Jacket for Women in Grey (SSZ011E-XLUFLJ-C8004-S)

Jo No Fui Sequined Detail Hooded Jacket for Women in Grey (SSZ011E-XLUFLJ-C8004-S)

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: SSZ011E-XLUFLJ-C8004-S - Main Materials: 55% Viscose 45% Cotton/90% Viscose 5% Polyamide 5% Elastane - Main Color: Grey - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Jo No Fui Side Stripe Sweatpants for Women in Grey (JGZ013E-XLUFLJ-C8004-XS)

Jo No Fui Side Stripe Sweatpants for Women in Grey (JGZ013E-XLUFLJ-C8004-XS)

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: JGZ013E-XLUFLJ-C8004-XS - Main Materials: 55% Viscose 45% Cotton/90% Viscose 5% Polyamide 5% Elastane/100% Polyester - Main Color: Grey - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Jo No Fui Side Stripe Sweatpants for Women in Grey (JGZ013E-XLUFLJ-C8004-S)

Jo No Fui Side Stripe Sweatpants for Women in Grey (JGZ013E-XLUFLJ-C8004-S)

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: JGZ013E-XLUFLJ-C8004-S - Main Materials: 55% Viscose 45% Cotton/90% Viscose 5% Polyamide 5% Elastane/100% Polyester - Main Color: Grey - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Golden Goose Pad Rock V Neck T-Shirt for Women in Black (G28WP8-3A1-BLACK-XXS)

Golden Goose Pad Rock V Neck T-Shirt for Women in Black (G28WP8-3A1-BLACK-XXS)
熱門上衣Golden Goose原價$1250售價$500

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: G28WP8-3A1-BLACK-XXS - Main Materials: 100% Cotton - Main Color: Black - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

Dolce & Gabbana Floral Bandeau Bikini Top for Women in Multicolor (O1A03J-FSGJR-HN738-3)

Dolce & Gabbana Floral Bandeau Bikini Top for Women in Multicolor (O1A03J-FSGJR-HN738-3)
人氣其他Dolce & Gabbana原價$2050售價$630

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: O1A03J-FSGJR-HN738-3 - Main Materials: 75% Nylon 25% Elastane/80% Nylon 20% Elastane - Main Color: Multicolor - Country of origin: Italy(may vary due to seasonality.) - Size: 3 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

DKNY Elasticated Pants for Women in White (P4642094N-194-L)

DKNY Elasticated Pants for Women in White (P4642094N-194-L)

*All Products selling price is the lowest and non-negotiable.* **所有貨品銷售價格已為最低價格,貨真價實,不設議價** 【Product Description】 - Seller SKU: P4642094N-194-L - Main Materials: 100% Viscose/100% Merino Wool/100% Polyester - Main Color: White - Country of origin: China(may vary due to seasonality.) 【IMPORTANT】 - All products are shipped from Hong Kong. - Our products are 100% authentic parallel-imported and sourced directly from brand-owners and authorised distributors. - All products comes with original packaging but may not come with branded paper box/bag. - Country of origin may vary due to seasonality. - Please allow 1-3cm differs due to manual measurement. - As different devices display colors differently, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images.

YC BoutiqueYC Boutique

💝女神節💝寵愛一週甜價至3/15‼️㊣✨Valentino Garavani✨范倫鐵諾 黑色 皮夾 錢包 三折 短夾/二手皮夾/二手精品/保證正品🌳二手樹屋🌳

💝女神節💝寵愛一週甜價至3/15‼️㊣✨Valentino Garavani✨范倫鐵諾 黑色 皮夾 錢包 三折 短夾/二手皮夾/二手精品/保證正品🌳二手樹屋🌳

------------------------------------------- 尺寸:長/9.5CM 寬/2.5CM 高/6.5CM 材質:牛皮 商品介紹: ⬛設計⬛ 包外:釘釦零錢層×1 / 夾層×1 包內:卡夾層×3 / 鈔票層×1 大大品牌字體辨識度高,三折式短夾,非常方便攜帶,再小的包都放的下,潮流人士愛牌 整體約6成新,皮革正面有脫落異色感,內裡燙金字體磨損看不見,主開口釘釦有鬆動,但可正常釦起來,使用痕跡請放大檢查照片,喜歡不要錯過,僅有一個 ❤️2024年由蔡依林代言Valentino Garavani❤️ 二手程度:65%[C級] ‼️因每個人新舊判定皆不同,請以實際照片為主,故僅作參考‼️ 備註:無配件 ★此為二手商品,一定會有使用痕跡,已盡力多照片拍出商品原貌,但還是可能會有小細節沒拍到,高標者請繞道,不能接受使用痕跡請勿購買!避免浪費彼此時間,謝謝🫸🫷 #三折皮夾 #小錢包 #皮夾 #錢包


【促銷品】Fendi Mon Tresor 8BT298 透明水晶小牛皮拼接FF水桶包

【促銷品】Fendi Mon Tresor 8BT298 透明水晶小牛皮拼接FF水桶包

#此為出清短期促銷品 #庫存隨時改變最後出清不要等候 #FENDIVIP ✨全新真品✨ Fendi Mon Tresor 8BT298 透明水晶小牛皮拼接FF水桶包 透明PU,全身印有FF圖案,棕色皮革,頂部有抽繩, 內部有可單獨使用移動的棉質抽繩包 可拆卸和可調節肩帶,金色金屬五金。 成分:100%熱塑性聚氨酯; 100%小牛皮 尺寸: 23 x 17 x 15 公分 包包並附有一條可拆卸肩背帶 商品配件 原廠防塵袋|原廠說明卡 100%專櫃真品 義大利製造


🧧新年特價活動🧧Fendi 8BT298 Mon Tresor 經典 Logo 徽標小牛皮水桶包 紫色配粉色【促銷品】

🧧新年特價活動🧧Fendi 8BT298 Mon Tresor 經典 Logo 徽標小牛皮水桶包 紫色配粉色【促銷品】

🧧新年特價活動🧧請在衣櫥搜尋"新年特價"關鍵字 查看新年活動商品 💖限時降價 請在衣櫥搜尋"限時降價"關鍵字 查看最新降價商品 💖搜尋關鍵字"促銷品"為最後出清價,此種價格不太會變動,庫存隨時消失建議不用等待 💖追蹤我們衣櫥丟訊息給我們: 降價通知-我們會在該商品降價時通知您 ✨全新真品✨ Fendi Mon Tresor 8BT298 小牛皮 Logo徽標 2用水桶包 Fendi Mon Tresor水桶包以精緻小牛皮製成,搭配品牌經典Logo壓印設計, 典雅大方的外型搭配實用的抽繩開合,展現品牌的精湛工藝與時尚品味。 時尚專家推薦 這款Mon Tresor水桶包完美展現Fendi的典雅氣質,精選小牛皮材質柔軟細緻且經久耐用。 獨特的抽繩設計不僅展現休閒時尚感,更提供便利的開合功能。 可拆式肩帶讓您輕鬆切換手提或肩背造型,搭配正裝或休閒服飾都相得益彰, 是都會女性不可或缺的百搭單品。 時尚特色 材質:採用頂級小牛皮製成,觸感細緻柔軟,紋理自然優雅。 設計:經典水桶包型搭配品牌Logo壓印,頂部抽繩設計便於開合。 功能性:可拆式肩帶設計,提供手提與肩背兩種背法,滿足不同場合需求。 尺寸規格 尺寸:23 x 17 x 15 公分 材質:100% 小牛皮 背帶:可調節式肩帶,可拆卸設計 商品配件 原廠防塵袋|原廠說明卡 100%專櫃真品 義大利製造


(3/31空運到台)原價1萬7/全新品/義大利製/ROBERT CAVANI/休閒運動飛官夾克

(3/31空運到台)原價1萬7/全新品/義大利製/ROBERT CAVANI/休閒運動飛官夾克

限定品※定価8万◆イタリア・ローマ発*ROBERT CAVANI/ロベルトカバーニ・m&m's*豪華刺繍・ワッペン・スタジアムジャンパー/Sサイズ ◆日幣8万丹 (約台幣1萬7千元) ●限量,配合國際行銷廣告宣傳之特惠價,數量極稀少,售完機會不再有,勿錯過。恕不議價。 ●預定3/31空運到台北 ■顏色:有棕色、靛藍色、黑色三色 ◆ 來自義大利羅馬 * ROBERT CAVANI/m&m's * 奢華刺繡、徽飾、運動、休閒外套、賽車、飛官夾克(ㄧ片刺繡徽章約350~500元,這件飛行員夾克上面共縫了多少片?營運行銷成本、材料、加上設計費不算,光是繁複的刺繡和車工就要數千元,絕對是撿便宜,物超所值) ●ROBERT CAVANI是一位來自義大利拉齊奧羅馬的天才設計師,他推出了一個同名的時裝品牌,目前正在利用他在LV集團工作的經驗,在全球大力拓展該品牌。 精湛的工藝在粗獷的男性服裝中,營造出一種身份感、獨特風格、自我個性。 由ROBERT CAVANI 製作*本季限量商品★ M&M's* 華麗的刺繡&徽飾。大廓形休閒&運動外套夾克!採用高性能的優質聚酯纖維面料,強調舒適性和功能性,它具有柔順的質地和出色的耐用性。 圓潤的落肩設計,復古感中又帶有街頭感。兩側有口袋,方便存放物品。衣領、袖子和衣領上有邊框細節下擺,易於穿著。尊貴、時尚又吸睛的設計外觀,與任何類型的褲子都很容易搭配。 狀態:全新、未使用/帶標籤 參考價格:79,800日元 原產國:保加利亞 顏色:米色(圖片) 材質: 外層材質 100% 聚酯纖維 內層襯裡 100% 聚酯纖維 尺碼:44/S 尺寸: 肩寬約 46cm 衣長約 62cm 胸寬約 55cm 胸圍約 110cm 袖長約 61cm 限定品※定価8万◆イタリア・ローマ発*ROBERT CAVANI/ロベルトカバーニ・m&m's*豪華刺繍・ワッペン・スタジアムジャンパー/Sサイズ ◆限量 (數量非常稀少,可接受預訂) ◆原售價8万丹 (約台幣1萬7千元) ◆ 來自義大利羅馬 * ROBERT CAVANI/m&m's * 奢華刺繡、徽飾、運動、休閒外套、飛官夾克 ROBERT CAVANI是一位來自義大利拉齊奧羅馬的天才設計師,他推出了一個同名的時裝品牌,目前正在利用他在LV集團工作的經驗,在全球大力拓展該品牌。 精湛的工藝在粗獷的男性服裝中,營造出一種身份感、獨特風格、自我個性。 由ROBERT CAVANI 製作*本季限量商品★ M&M's* 華麗的刺繡&徽飾。大廓形休閒&運動外套,又像似電影捍衛戰士的飛行員夾克! 採用高性能的優質聚酯纖維面料,強調舒適性和功能性,它具有柔順的質地和出色的耐用性。 圓潤的落肩設計,復古感中又帶有街頭感。兩側有口袋,方便存放物品。衣領、袖子和衣領上有邊框細節下擺,易於穿著。尊貴、時尚又非常吸睛的設計外觀,無論是牛仔褲或西裝褲都很容易搭配。 狀態:全新、未使用/帶標籤 參考價格:79,800日元(約台幣17,000) 生產地:保加利亞 顏色:米色(圖片) 材質: 外層材質 100% 聚酯纖維 內層襯裡 100% 聚酯纖維 尺碼:44/S (約等於L碼) 尺寸: 肩寬約 46cm 衣長約 62cm 胸寬約 55cm 胸圍約 110cm 袖長約 61cm


【促銷品】Fendi 8BT309 Mon Tresor 小牛皮水桶包 黑及紅色

【促銷品】Fendi 8BT309 Mon Tresor 小牛皮水桶包 黑及紅色

#此為出清短期促銷品 #庫存隨時改變最後出清不要等候 #FENDIVIP ✨全新真品✨ Fendi 8BT309 Mon Tresor 小牛皮水桶包 黑及紅色 黑色小牛皮和紅色皮革抽繩,帶有標誌性的“ Fendi Stamp 打孔徽標。 可拆卸的短手柄,可調節的肩帶,帶有標誌的金色吊飾,內部口袋。 尺寸: 25 x17 x13 公分 包包並附有一條可拆卸肩背帶 肩帶高55 公分 成分:小牛皮 商品配件 原廠防塵袋|原廠說明卡 100%專櫃真品 義大利製造




Chloé C相機包不僅價格親民好入手,精心配置的收納空間也讓包款用途更為多元。延續Chloé C迷你小方包設計精髓,Chloé C相機包以造型小巧可愛的硬挺包身與鑲嵌於翻蓋的搶眼「C」字金屬配件為特色;包款內除了零錢及卡片夾層,另貼心設置帶有暗扣的皮帶,有助於固定眼鏡,妥善收藏於包款之中。而皮革與鍊帶的搭配,則確保肩背的舒適度,無論充當日常外出包款、晚宴包、眼鏡包或化妝包都相當適宜,超高CP值讓Chloé C相機包可望成為下一個It Bag!


Fendi 8BS083 迷你可變型 Origami 摺紙包 冰藍色《2024季度新品》

Fendi 8BS083 迷你可變型 Origami 摺紙包 冰藍色《2024季度新品》

✨全新真品✨2024季度新品 Fendi 8BS083 迷你可變型 Origami 摺紙包 冰藍色 (圖中吊飾為另購) 迷你Origami包款,全紋理皮革製成。 本款式具有可變形的創新設計,令人聯想到FENDI雙重性與創造力: 八個磁鐵的巧妙開合設計,代表此包款可採折疊、摺紙方式, 將水桶包變形—利用魔術扣將磁鐵聚集至中間—輕輕拉動兩側的肩帶就變成手提袋。 它搭配了一個鑰匙套吊飾,上面飾有金屬的FENDI字樣。 內襯隔層和金色飾面金屬製品。搭配2個皮革手柄,可手提或肩背。 重 : 0.43 kg 尺寸:18.5 X 15 X 15 公分 商品配件 原廠防塵袋|原廠說明卡 100%專櫃真品 義大利製造


"限時降價 夏季折扣"-Fendi 8BS083 迷你可變型 Origami 摺紙包 紅色《2024季度新品》

"限時降價 夏季折扣"-Fendi 8BS083 迷你可變型 Origami 摺紙包 紅色《2024季度新品》

賣場常有活動 請以關鍵字在衣櫥商店內搜尋 💖限時降價 請在衣櫥搜尋"限時降價"關鍵字 查看最新降價商品 💖搜尋關鍵字"促銷品"為最後出清價 ✨全新真品✨2024季度新品 Fendi 8BS083 迷你可變型 Origami 摺紙包 紅色 (圖中吊飾為另購) 迷你Origami包款,全紋理皮革製成。 本款式具有可變形的創新設計,令人聯想到FENDI雙重性與創造力: 八個磁鐵的巧妙開合設計,代表此包款可採折疊、摺紙方式, 將水桶包變形—利用魔術扣將磁鐵聚集至中間—輕輕拉動兩側的肩帶就變成手提袋。 它搭配了一個鑰匙套吊飾,上面飾有金屬的FENDI字樣。 內襯隔層和金色飾面金屬製品。搭配2個皮革手柄,可手提或肩背。 重 : 0.43 kg 尺寸:18.5 X 15 X 15 公分 商品配件 原廠防塵袋|原廠說明卡 100%專櫃真品 義大利製造


BV Bottega Veneta 長型拉鍊長夾 510643

BV Bottega Veneta 長型拉鍊長夾 510643
熱門長夾Bottega Veneta售價$3500

象徵品牌的 Intrecciato 長款錢包。以條狀皮革精心編織而成的物品,以創作者的工藝和高科技為後盾,彰顯尊貴。底部的縫線使它看起來更現代。觸感舒適的柔軟材料與簡單的室內裝飾相結合,受到了廣泛年齡段的支持,不分性別。 ■尺寸 約10 x 19 x 2(H x W x D單位cm) 重量:約160g ■顏色 MUSTARD / NERO ■ 材質:小羊皮 ■規格 拉鍊零錢包 x 1,卡袋 x 8,開放式口袋 x 2 ■配件 原裝盒/保護袋 原價:AUD 1180

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